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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    What is "the other board"?

    For the record, moderators don't delete posts unless it causes some type of legal problem for the board and it's owner. I remember seeing one post temporarily deleted until permission was granted to re-post the personal information mentioned there. I thought that was very responsible Moderating. We can Edit and Delete our own posts though. And if my post is on a thread you started, you can delete the whole thread and, therefore, my post. Just so you know. And in case you didn't realize it. I think the Moderators do a great job of leaving the free speech exchange of info flowing, but they will, on occasion, lock a thread if the discussion has played itself out and it's nothing but negative Rule-breaking. They take that very seriously and don't do it without consulting another Moderator, etc. so it doesn't happen very often. Mostly because we are such a great bunch! Sorry again, Wheetsin (...sheepish grin...)
  2. the best me

    Surgical risks specific to this surgery?

    Punctured organs? Cut stomach? Post-op would be swelling, inability to drink, subsequent dehydration, eventual death? Man, you are a great researcher, Wheetsin. I'm sending newbies to YOU!!!!
  3. the best me

    can't quit sliming!

    Definately stay on liquids for at least a day or two after THAT trauma! Stand in the doorway and reach up to touch the top and stretch it out. Okay, now it's hard for me to suggest this and only youcan tell if this is a good idea or not so if it sounds like NOT a good idea, DON'T do it. Stand at the sink and take a good -sized sip/drink of something cold and sweet like Crystal Light. If you are still stuck with some chicken, it will either make it pass or it will make you PB, which might loosen the stuck chicken. I have also heard Sprite suggested, since it's carbonated but I think it's just liquid that matters. Think of what it would take to get something unstuck from a funnel...it has to go down or up, but it can't stay there for long, right? And if it's there, sipping is all you will be able to do without spilling over the top, right? I dunno. That's a tough one. Give that swollen band a good rest, though. Good luck and keep us posted.
  4. the best me

    What is "the other board"?

    johnnyreno, I just read through (quick scan) all of your old posts and you have, indeed, had moments of giving and recieving support. I'm so glad to know that, and I apologize for sending the message that the Andre situation is ALL you have been coming to LBT for. That is not the case and your participation unrelated to your surgery problems has been exemplary, IMHO. Thank you! Sorry for the hijack, Wheetsin.
  5. the best me

    What is "the other board"?

    Okay, you are now quoted in my post so in order to be deleted, my post has to be deleted, too. Feel better? Unless I'm not in the clique either?! OMGosh!!! What IF?!!!! sorry johnnyreno. I'm really sorry you feel the way you do but I have been on this board a good while now and I think you'd feel like you fit in better if you'd read and learn and interact and give and receive band support. You first came on here when Sheri lost her band on day 4 post-op. Many many many people very politely asked for your doc's name and you never posted it. You told your story, got some help and didn't post again for a good while. Then you came back spamming messages with copies of e-mails from Andre and were asked to refrain. Then you posted an inflammatory thread "dissing" a well-respected long-standing member of this board; clearly a violation of the Rules of Posting on LBT. So, more of the same, I guess? It's not a matter of fitting in to some clique here. It's a matter of coming here with a vendetta against a doc, a patient rep, and a clinic...not to share important information such as your very sad story of a bad experience in Mexico. I'm truly sorry about what happened to you. If you wanted help, I'd offer. But you seem to want to simply bash Andre. I don't blame you, I would, too, but I sure as heck wouldn't handle it the way I have seen you two handle this these past days. There, I said it. Peace and Love to both of you.
  6. the best me

    calorie counters/ starvation

    Oh my gosh!!! You are missing it if you didn't hit the link to the study (the first blue "here" above the menu of links...mid-page) Unbelievable what these test-cases went through and did! Worth the read...check it out. Thank John! Great research!
  7. the best me


    One piece of candy leads to two and three. If you can stop at one, go for it without regret. I'd also suggest increasing your snacking after lunch. I have been eating 1/2 banana w/ Peanut Butter, 1/2 small apple, and a yogurt between lunch and dinner. I'm hungry!!! But I'm still eating 1200 or so calories a day because I eat a big salad for dinner, or something otherwise sensible. Today I had a yogurt and a 1/2 turkey and cheese sandwich on toasted wheat bread with lettuce, onion, mayo and mustard. Hit the spot! It didn't have me craving more sugar, got me through till dinner, and stayed within my calorie range. Up those snaacks...make 'em good ones. Avoid the junk. Good luck!
  8. the best me

    What is "the other board"?

    OH (Obesity Help) is the one I hear the most about. But Yahoo has about a zillion groups for bandsters...one for every state, I think, Smart Bandsters, Extraordinary Bandsters, Mx Bandsters, Dr Kuri Bandsers, on and on and on. I have a hard time negotiating Yahoo boards though. I went to OH the other night to get their BMI chart and saw the sign in for their message board...I'm tempted to visit and will, someday, but LBT keeps me plenty busy! LOL There is a "Links" thread on here...maybe some of those links have message boards? LBT is a little different because the message board is all it is. The OH board is part of a very extensive webpage about all things Obesity-related, including WLS. Let us know what you think about that "other board"
  9. the best me

    I just got banded yesterday and have questions?

    Sip sip sip, that's exactly right. And this soon, you may not be able to get everything in. Just keep sipping. You know what to aim for. Listen carefully to your body and trust it. If it hurts at all, don't eat (well, drink) it. Slow down. If you are hungry, sip some protien shake and get some good liquid vitamins in. As time goes by, make your liquids thicker and more substantial. But you can't go wrong sticking with broths, protien shakes, Crystal Light, Water, watered-down Soups, etc (very liquid-y) until you know you need more than just that. You got it! Hey, Congrats!
  10. the best me

    I am soooo pumped!!!

    Tammy and Herman, sittin' in a tree... How sweet!!!!! I'm so happy for you. You go girl, on the size 12!!!! Wonderful!!!
  11. the best me

    Intersting article on Fat in America

    I like these quotes in particular... "The psychological strain of trying to have dignity while lugging a fat body around is all too palpable, despite the pride rhetoric." ...talking about online sites where "fat pride issues" are discussed. Interesting observation. I wonder what fatpride folks see when they read our posts? I'm sure they are dissappointed/disgusted/whatever. Oh well. Sue me for hating being fat. "A particularly incendiary topic is weight-loss surgery (stomach stapling or more radical measures like rerouting the intestine). Activists regard such procedures as a human rights abuse akin to female genital mutilation." ...huh?! akin to genital mutilation?!!!!!! I think not. "Unfortunately, focusing on the food industry would put the preferred activist fat origin stories into question—unless the one-third of Americans who are now obese all developed glandular or genetic problems simultaneously in the '70s." ...meaning, most folks aren't fat because of heredity. We just eat too much crap. "But the real bottom line is that processed food—which generally means higher-calorie food—is more profitable than raw food. Flavor is eliminated, then artificially added (usually meaning fat or sugars); nutrients are lost, then artificially added. The more additives, the higher the price. And we all know where this money trail leads: to our stomachs and hips." ...yep, and I eat the junk willingly. "Whatever threat fat poses to the contemporary psyche—especially at the murkiest psychosexual levels where disgust is conjured—the fat themselves end up bearing a stigma that could be redirected to bona fide gluttons—the profiteers. Until that day, the bloating of the population continues apace." ...ya know, I felt really really stupid when I realized how irresponsible credit card debt is. I got out of college with a Lap-Band's worth of debt and felt like such a fool. Those damn companies really screwed me, asking me to pay 18-21% interest!!!! It took me 4-5 years to pay off all that mess! But, know what? I agreed to it. I didn't have to. The joke was on me cuz I said okay. It's MY fault, not theirs. so now I don't have any credit card debt. How easy is that?! Same with fat. I eat the food. It's MY issue. Can't really blame the profiteers if I am going to be one to take responsibility for my actions, right? Sure they make it too cheap easy to eat poorly. So what? I still don't have to. My credit card made it easy to go buy that pretty amythest ring and gold chain necklace, and all those clothes, and the VCR for my boyfriend. I didn't have to do it. Interesting article! Thanks Vines!
  12. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Awright now...check out the up and down and up and down and hovering at 195. I started using my Richard Simmons Food Mover and it's helping! 9/5 (week 1) 198 9/12 (week2) 196.6 9/19 (week 3) 197.0 9/26 (week4) 194.4 10/3 (week 5) 194.8 10/10 (week 6) 195.0 10/17 (week7) 193.6 10/24 (week 8) 194.0 10/31 (week 9) 195.0 11/7 (week 10) 192.6 I was 191.6 this morning! And I can feel it coming off. My goal for this challenge is 188...it's only Tuesday...5 more days...think I can lose 3.4 pounds? It just might happen!!! I'll be happy seeing 189 for a day at this point!!! LOL I love this challenge, but I think I'll be glad when it's over. No more challenges for me (except my own) until after the holidays. Hopefully, at the Spring 2006 Challenge, I'll be pushing down towards the 170's. Such a Turtle I am. Sigh. Cheer me on gang! You all are doing so well! I can't wait to see the challenge in review at the end...how many of us have met our goal? What fun!
  13. the best me

    Getting Closer?

    Yippee!! Here ya go! Let us know!
  14. My band is great and has changed my life because now I have hope. If I spend some days or weeks even, of being "not so good" a bandster, I can still keep my weight within a 3-4 pound range. When I decide to watch my intake a bit more closely...(ie: diet)...I can actually do it! I no longer feel deprived on 1200 calories, it's plenty!, and while my weight loss is slow, it's headed down, down down. I love my band. It makes me a success!!!! Before, I felt like a big fat loser.
  15. the best me

    Brain Banding and Turtle-ness

    191.6 this morning...a new low. It's working! Good ole Richard. I don't think he does the Deal-a-Meal anymore. It's the Food Mover I have. Well, I do have a Deal-a-Meal thingy in my drawer but the Food Mover is what I'm using. Can you get this from richardsimmons.com or something? I really like it.
  16. the best me

    Saline Removal on Request

    Oh BFL, I'm glad you are feeling better today. Please come back for support when you need it. We all understand completely. I'm not sure I ever felt so frustrated that I wanted it out, though..okay, maybe the first two weeks, LOL! but the "food friend" is a big issue. (((hugs))) and stay in touch. Thanks for giving us the scoop. We are a nosey bunch, but it's because we care!!!
  17. the best me

    Protein & New Bandies - Question

    The purpose is definately to avoid a PB, but also to allow your stomach to heal. The upper part of the banded stomach moves and churns just like the lower part (I saw mine squeeze under flouro...wierd) so the mushier the food, the harder your stomach has to squeeze to get it down...and it will try...it tries hard. This can be hard on your healing process...stiches and all, ya know. So, the liquidy-er the better on a newly banded stomach. If you need more calories and protien, try to do them liquid. Rather than egg salad just yet, do egg drop Soup. On the other hand, there are soooo many different opinions on the post-op diet, and if you are doing well on a little mushies a little early...you know, why not? I suppose I'd try and get them liquid though. Just in case. Does that help?
  18. the best me

    Getting Banded Set. 7th....yeeeaaahhhh

    Oh noooo!!!! Just kidding. You may be fine on it, but I had V-8 on day 4 and regretted it...too acidic! I'd personally hold off on the OJ for a while. Congrats! Way to get banded, bigman!
  19. the best me

    I did it!

    Congrats! Welcome to bandland!!! You'll do great...stay plugged in to your support systems and go to it!! Yippee!
  20. the best me

    This is it!

    Happy banding Kendra. God be with you. Blessings!!!!
  21. the best me

    Brain Banding and Turtle-ness

    Okay, get this. I posted above about WW points and how I had eaten 21 points out of 25 by 4pm. I'm thinking "OMGosh, I'm sunk! Only 4 points left for the day!!!" but, know what? That thinking is all wrong. I only NEED 4 points for dinner. It's GOOD to have eaten that many points that early in the day. I had no trouble with overeating that night. My thinking IS off! I'm so blasted worried about using up all my points and that's the GOAL!!! And the earlier in the day, the better! Why would I be so idiotic as to save 10-12 points for after 6pm? Hellooo!! So, today I didn't count points. I did the Richard Simmons food Mover. (yeah, I still have all this stuff from my former unbanded life). Last night I got it all ready and slid in the card for 1200 calories, closed all of the empty windows, closed those dumb affirmations, and read up on what to do. this morning I start closing windows, 1 protien, 2 veggies and a protien, a fruit, another fruit, a dairy...blah blah. So at dinner I still had 3 starches left (huh?) and 2 protiens and 2 veggies. Wow! Oh! Plus a fat and my "extra" window! So for dinner I ate a fairly large salad...2 cups? iceburg lettuce, onion, 1/2 an avocado, chopped, some salad sprinkles for crunch, and 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast. I added a balsamic vinaigrette dressing and had a toasted roll. I don't know what food groups that falls into, but I closed 2 starches, the fat, the extra, 3 protiens (ate 1 too many), 2 veggies, whatever. I guess I had a dairy and a starch leftover for the day. Wow! Here's the kicker. I told hubby...wow, that was pretty easy doing the 1200 calories. I'm surprised and happy!! I wonder if I should turn the card over and do the Blast Off Week side? It doesn't say but I'm guessing it's 1000 calories? Guess what...it was already on the Blast Off Week! And it was easy!! What I learned today...I need to choose better. If I hadn't had the windows to close I never would have eaten that 1/2 banana, the small apple, or the yogurt. I have been complaining of beign hungry in the afternoons and I need to be eating! Not drinking coffee, sneaking halloween candy, nibbling crap. I need to eat! Real food. Earlier in the day. I love my band even more today. There was no way, pre-banding, I could have handled the Blast-Off Week card and gone to bed satisfied with my food intake for the day. I DO have a band around my brain! I can do this!!!! My band helps ME do it! I have been leaning on my band-and fighting my band- and now I'm going to use it well and do the work myself. Thanks Richard.
  22. the best me

    Saline Removal on Request

    Yep, all ya gotta do is ask. I'm sorry you are sick of your band. Tell us more! I'm interested in knowing, really! You may have to be prepared to tell your doc all the scoop on why...but I can't imagine why your doc wouldn't oblige.
  23. the best me

    The Official PORK Thread

    Eww, pork rinds. I have eaten them and under the right circumstances, they are yummy...think drunken stupor...but I just can't choose the fried rinds. I like bacon but unless it's crisp, all the necessary bandster chewing ruins it for me. Sausage patties? yummy, but another one that gets ruined in the chewing. Nothing like spitting out little bits of who knows what...yuck. I just don't choose it anymore. I have a pork tenderloin in the freezer. Now THAT I love with some honey mustard dip, yeah baby! I stuff garlic in little slits all over it, stick it in the oven on 350 for and hour and a half or more...tender! Better than pork chops, really!!
  24. the best me

    Sick and Stuck?

    Another thought...at only 4 weeks post-op, you still may have stoma swelling from healing. And a fill can certainly cause some swelling there, too. Let me know what you were eating before your fill and I can tell better. Unless you can convince me otherwise, I'd say you need an unfill. Definately. My opinion.
  25. the best me

    Sick and Stuck?

    IMO, if your doc suggested children's Advil after surgery, I'd take that for the fever (adjust to the adult dosage and wash it through with plenty of water) If you are too tight for tuna, I'd avoid the liquigels. Let's don't add stuck upon stuck and make a PB. Now, you say you tried the tuna after doing well on mushies after your first fill. Back up farther than that for a sec. After your surgery...before your fill...what were you eating? Did you try any solid foods? Were you ever able to eat well chewed and lubed chicken breast before your fill? I'm asking because you were banded 10/10. That's 4 weeks ago today. Your first fill was 3 weeks and 1 day post-surgery? What size band do you have? Most bandsters get their first fill after 6 weeks of healing. A 3 week fill is very odd, indeed. And most bandsters spend the first week on liquids, then soft mushies, then very slowly move to solids foods and by 6 weeks, the ones who need a fill are the ones who complain about "that wide-open feeling" where they can eat ANYthing well-chewed. I'm talking burgers WITH the bun, etc. Otherwise, they slowly move into the solid foods and stay there until the weight loss is substantial enough that they lose restriction. Your body loses weight on the inside, and the stomach and inner organs shrink with weight loss and cause the loss of restriction. I didn't get my first fill fro 3 months! This concerns me! You shouldn't be getting a fill if you haven't even tried solid foods with any real success, and certainly not 3 weeks post-surgery when you are still healing. No wonder you are stuck on a small bite of tuna!!!! I have a word for you... UNFILL!!! Plus, you are apparently sick, since you have a feer, and that can't cause anything but trouble with swelling when it comes to your band. Do you have any symptoms that indicate the reason for your fever? A cold? An infection? How's your port and other incisions? Sorry for the grilling. EEK is right! Glad you can call the doc first thing in the am. Hang in there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
