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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. First, welcome to LBT! You did exactly right...the introduction forum is a GREAT first stop! And congrats on getting your band, too. Okay, you say the swollen pouch feeling has dissappeared...in what way? do you mean you you can eat and drink with little to no discomfort? I'd say that's great news! If that's not it, please explain. And the feeling gassy...are you talking about the surgery gas or intestinal gas? Whichever one...it should be getting better with time so you sound right on schedule to me. Yay!!
  2. the best me

    New Bandster has some questions?

    the mashed potatoes may be too thick...I think you are right. Can you do small bites of yogurt with no problem? Get the potatoes to yogurt consistency and you may be okay. As for you and hubby...go to town! You'll know. If it's uncomfortable, don't go there. For me and hubby, the first few times after my surgery were ahem...better for him than me...but it quickly, ah, evened out? It's all good. Have fun! Congrats on your banding!
  3. katterzz Look her up on the Member's List and read "all threads started by katterzz" and you will find her story. If she doesn't show up here soon, I'll PM her. Or you can...or she has her e-mail linked on her signature so just click and send her a note...I'm sure she will be happy to share. (she's really sweet!!)
  4. nancy, this is sounding familiar...someone go scare up katie...uhhhh...kat....crudola, gimme a name!!! I'll find her. She had a similar problem with an artery and had to be rebanded after about 3 days but she DID get banded. I'll see if I can hunt her down for ya. Hang in there. I'm really sorry about all that and no band. That really stinks. (((hugs)))
  5. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    You are doing great work Vines: O Great Mother of the Turtles. Thanks for all the inspiration! I have been pretty faithful posting my NSV's...got some good ones once I started thinking about it. Thanks for that! The Fall Challenge has ended and I still need to post a pic but I can use the Before pic for my After pic, in true turtle fashion. I lost 6.4 pounds. Ah well. I did post "what I learned" on that thread and I'll copy/paste here, since you asked about mental breakthroughs... ________ Things I have learned this challenge: don't skip breakfast and drink coffee all morning. Eat lunch before noon...don't wait until 2pm. Eat several healthy snacks in the afternoon, at least every 2 hours after lunch: a yogurt, 1/2 banana w/ peanut butter, an apple, or some sliced deli turkey...it curbs my appetite at dinner and I don't scarf as much as possible. Eat a small dinner by 7pm and nothing else after. 'Cept coffee if I want, which I usually do. Search for 1200 calories as best I can, which is actually hard when I eat as listed above. WOW! I have been busy banding my brain and it's helping. I don't need a fill. My restriction is great...not too little, not too much. I need to choose better. I know I have lost a few more inches all over and I have been posting my NSV's too. All good stuff. ________ I have been thinking like my mother...OMGosh, say it isn't so!!!! She has always had some cute gem of diet advice along the road..."just eat a 1/2 a banana with about a tablespoon of peanut butter for a snack, it helps tide you over till dinner" blah blah blah. She never understood, and I never understood the kind of thinking it took to be able to follow good healthy eating advice. A half a banana??? Who the hell eats a HALF a Banana!!!!! Well, me! Now that I'm banded. So, there is hope. I'm doing this thing and I may be a turtle, but by golly, I'll get there!! Keep forging forward everyone!!! And Kozmic...you are NOT alone! You can't come here and say that. Nope. Not allowed. ((((hugs)))))
  6. the best me

    Surprised & Confused

    I suspect it's food related, too. High protien diets usually tend to be high fat/cholesterol as well. Just goes with the program I guess. Fitday is a great idea...log in a normal day's food intake and see what you come up with in the fat area. Make your poteins leaner, your dairies lowfat or nonfat. Add the whole grains if you can or at least get some liquid fiber down the hatch? clean things out. It sounds like I'm talking to you but I'm talking to me...did I say all that out loud? oops. It's time for me to follow up with my PCP on all that. you have me curious about my outcome! Thanks!
  7. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Start weight 198, ending weight 191.6 for a loss of 6.4 pounds. I'll take it and run...weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. the best me

    Newbie here considering lap band

    www.obesityhelp.com has a message board...I hope that addy is correct. Yahoo has a bazillion groups of bandsters...Mexico Bandsters, Your State Bandsters, and keep scrolling, they go on and on. LBT here is the best, by far, IMO, and just reading other threads and seeing what folks are dealing with will help lots. Also, when you click on a forum and all the threads appear...be sure to read the "Stickies". These are good threads with great info that are "stickied" to the top of the list...meaning...they don't dissappear into archive-land when folks are done posting on them. When I have more time....I'll be glad to post some links for other threads. Just keep posting here and I'll see this thread pop up on the "New Posts" list and I won't forget you. Don't let me forget you! Keep hounding, okay? Good luck!
  9. the best me


    You are a very responsible bandster. My band is fickle, too. It gets tighter at that time of the month, and some days eggs are great...other days they are difficult. If it's a tight time for whatever reason, I'm a bit more picky about my food and I eat less of it. An unfill is never a bad thing though. You can always put it back in later if needed. Too tight is no fun and not good for your band. I'm so proud of you!!!
  10. the best me

    Newbie here considering lap band

    I'm a MX Bandster and no cracking here! If my insurance paid, I would have gladly stayed in the States! That said, I had an excellent band placement by my well-researched and experienced MX doc. I have a local follow-up/fill doc that I had lined up BEFORE I went to MX, and I'm a great self-advocate so my after-care has been sufficient for me. MX is not the choice for everyone. I can't say I recommend it, but my experience was successful. I have spent $650 cash so far on fills (2 fills, one unfill) to get the right restriction during my 7+ months of being banded so far. The fill issue is a very individual one. Research, research, research, read read read LBT and other Lap Band boards. You will learn alot. How much do 4 rolls of quarters in your pockets weigh? LOL just wondering. Oh, and as for eating after a year, it depends. Once you are done with the healing part and are eating normal foods...just less, for me it's like a diet I can actually follow because I don't get so hungry! Eating 1200 calories a day can be a chore when I'm choosing good foods. That's alot of food!!! Never thought I'd say that, either. Your level of restriction after a year has lots to dowith what and how much you are able to eat. There are so many "it depends" scenarios. Once you get a feel for banded life, you'll have a better picture. Good luck! Keep asking questions!
  11. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay, I'm weighing in the morning, promise...Aunt Flo was a day late and I think the worst of over. I should be back down to 191 something in the morning. Hope so. I'm certain I didn't hit my 188 goal though. Ah well. I'm done with Challenges for a bit. I'm sure there will be a Spring one after the holidays so I'll join in there. Happy losing all you "After Fall Challenge" people! I need a break, but! I'll still be losing. I have Richard Simmons under my belt pretty good now and I can move my food and choose my healthy Snacks much better. It will work...I'm just a turtle! Things I have learned this challenge: don't skip Breakfast and drink coffee all morning. Eat lunch before noon...don't wait until 2pm. Eat several healthy snacks in the afternoon, at least every 2 hours after lunch: a yogurt, 1/2 banana w/ Peanut Butter, an apple, or some sliced deli turkey...it curbs my appetite at dinner and I don't scarf as much as possible. Eat a small dinner by 7pm and nothing else after. 'Cept coffee if I want, which I usually do. Search for 1200 calories as best I can, which is actually hard when I eat as listed above. WOW! I have been busy banding my brain and it's helping. I don't need a fill. My restriction is great...not too little, not too much. I need to choose better. I know I have lost a few more inches all over and I have been posting my NSV's too. All good stuff. I'll get a pic posted but I really should just post the old one, ya know? Not much of a difference to see with just a 7 or so pound loss. I'm not discouraged. I'll keep plugging along. So, who lost the most? Corinne? Have you tabulated? I posted a Review a few pages back if that helps. Thanks for starting the Challenge. It's been a good one! Congrats everyone! I can't wait to start seeing more Afters. Looking good everyone!!!! Yay us!!
  12. the best me

    Regret and depressed

    Eunice!!! How ya doin' over there! I'm thinking of you!! Puleeeze check in. ((((hugs))))
  13. the best me

    Need To Vent

    I have been peasantly pleased with the responses I have experienced with my church friends. If they have a moral problem with my surgery, they sure don't say so. I was talking with a lady on the phone and told her I was leaving in a few days for surgery...explained it all...and she prayed the nicest prayer with me on the phone! It was beautiful. Somehow in all the pre-surgery flitter, she had all the words for the feelings I had and I was able to give it all to God in that moment. I will never forget that. Somehow, I have found the opposite happening with me. The overweight folks are curious but it's not for them, I can tell. It's almost a "wait and see how she does" kind of thing with them...they are hopeful for me, maybe a bit envoius, as they see slow results. But the skinnies are very excited for me. It's as if they see the inner me and know how the outer me doesn't match and they are my best cheerleaders. How can they understand better than my obese acquaintances? I dunno. Anyhow, God bless you as you go forward with your plans. Be sure to post and let us know how it goes!!!
  14. the best me

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    I agree with Melissa agreeing with Vines. Unfill...small one! It'll catch up with you and this is not good bandster living. Enjoy Thanksgiving!!
  15. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Oh yeah Dianne!! I can't believe you saw Sir Elton. I'll bet it was great! Especially in those "comfy" seats! Hey, by sister's BF did the granite work in the new arena. Neat, huh? I have another one! I finally got sick of too big panties. I'm really trying to conserve the budget so I gave up and dug around in the closet and got out that bag of old undies. There were 3 pair of size 7's that I put away for later, and about 15 pair of size 8's that I have been avoiding. I know I need at least an 8, but these old ones were not my comfy "high cut briefs" but are "french cut" something or other by Jockey. Good panties...but I switched to the briefs for the bigger backside, right? They fit. Oh how nice to be in panties that fit!!!! The rest are getting re-washed tonight after being in storage for who know how long...years, no doubt. I did toss a few worn ones, but the rest are in great shape! And the price was right! Yay!
  16. the best me

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    Tammy, if you can't do turkey, cut small, well-chewed, with a bit of gravy, are you too tight? Even a few tablespoons of stuffing with some gravy shoudl be possible for most. You are at 2.7cc? I'm planning on a very healthy Thanksgiving. A little bit of everything! Okay, my weight loss is slower but I can eat! Just lots less and still be satisfied. It just makes me wonder if you are too tight. Jack blends meat all the time with yogurt. I don't see why you couldn't blend some turkey, stuffing and gravy. Why not? Prolly looks gross but tastes great!
  17. the best me

    Surgery in six hours!!!!

    Congratulations!! So glad all went well. Good for you! And thanks for checking in. It's exciting being able to celebrate with you!!!
  18. the best me

    60-80 pnds...

    My high weight was 240+, my band weight was 223, and my fill doc said he'd do my Tummy Tuck when I got down to around 160. My goal weight was 140 (I'm 5'5"), but I recently changed it to 145 since my BMI would be normal at that weight...no longer overweight. I'm 40, have 2 kids and 2 C-sections and my fill doc mentioned this Tummy Tuck without my asking...he sees my belly...he knows what he sees, so I'm assuming I'm right that I will need one. So, if I get a TT at 160, that will be about a 60 pound weight loss with 20 pounds left to go before hitting goal. Hope that helps? Hope you don't need one. Even with my slow weight loss, I'm counting on needing it.
  19. the best me

    10cc vs 4cc band

    Okay, here's what I think I know. There are several band sizes and the sizes are measured in centimeters (cm) and the saline capacities are measured in cubic centimeters (cc's). There's the 9.75cm/4cc, the 10cm/4cc, the 11cm/10cc???? (not sure about this one) and the VanGuard (VG) band which holds 10ccs??? (again, not sure about the capacity). I have been confused about the sizes and every time I think I have it straight, I get myself confused again. The only thing I'm sure about is that the circumference is measured in cm and the saline is measured in cc. Shrina is right, though, about the fills. 2cc worth of restriction for me is 8cc worth of restiction for someone with a larger band. The biggest issue I have noticed is that it seems to take folks with the VG band more fills to reach good restriction. I hope that helps (although I doubt it ) Any more opinions out there? Just know that whatever band you get is the one your doc thinks is right for your anatomy. Success is up to you, no matter what size your band! Good luck. Go get 'em!
  20. the best me

    Another NSV

    I had a very similar NSV too! Kept messing with the seat every time I got in, getting frustrated till I realized the seat wasn't moved...I had moved! It's also fun to check out the seatbelt...look for the hamburger dripping stains, ya know, where it hits you across the chest? That moves too as you shrink. You have to check it before you readjust the seat though, or you can't tell how much the stain has moved. Do you have that seatbelt stain, too? Great NSV! Gotta love it!
  21. the best me

    Why didn't I just listen......

    Ahhh, yeah, the wisdom on this board is amazing. See how easy is was to feel better? Okay, no more regrets...move forward and eat good healthy bandster meals so you won't gain and will keep losing! Good for you. Reflux is NOT healthy bandster living. Yay you!
  22. I'd like to start a discussion about getting our bands around our brains as well as our bellies. I know I need this, since I am a turtle and my brain isn't banded and I'm convinced this is exactly why I'm a turtle. Maybe not all you turtles have these issues, but Carrie just posted a few really good comments over on the Slow Losers Unite thread and I'll copy it here. I hope to have great conversations with you good folks. Carrie, girl, you were right on time for me! This might be a whole new thread, but I was wondering if any of my fellow Turtles feel the same as me. I don't know if this is right, but I feel like surrounding my surgery (especially afterwards) I was not emotionally prepared for this new way of life. I still had the same brain, even though my stomach was smaller. I still feel sad/bored/happy/any feeling and want to eat. I think about food all the time, where I can eat, how long it will take, etc. And I'm not talking about band issues, just how I would think before banding. I feel like I'm wasting a lot of money because I will order food or buy a dinner and then only eat a little bit, or not be able to eat any at all because the 1st bite gets stuck. But my mind still thinks it can eat it all, and sometimes I try to keep eating even though I am full - it's just the portions I am used to. I think maybe because I was banded in Mexico I wasn't privy to certain programs that prepare you for the aftermath. I am starting to do better, but it has been almost 4 months since I've been banded, and I still have to tell myself that I can't eat certain things, or that I don't need to eat, I'm not hungry, just bored (or whatever). It's kinda hard to do alone, I was wondering if this emotional reconciliation between what was and what now is is the issue for any other Turtles out there, but maybe that's why some of us have had slow weight loss? I am just now realizing all this, but I definitely feel that maybe once my mind catches up with my new stomach, I will lose more weight faster, because I won't be thinking like the old me!?!? Let me know what you think.... "my mind still thinks I can eat it all, and sometimes I try to keep eating even though I am full" I don't mind stopping when I am full...but I need to have finished enough of my meal that it seems like I am eating "enough" right? As if I know what a proper food portion is????? Somehow, I can't feel satisfied-mentally-unless I have so much food, whatever in my head that's screwed up that says I have eaten enough. I think my body knows how much it needs to maintain my weight. It wants it. I'm not only fighting my screwed up metabolism, I'm fighting my body sending "feed me" signals so it has enough not to work so hard. Then I'm fighting my head that says "ooohh yummy" when I'm stressed, or need to care for me, or whatever. I need to not think like the old me. And maybe now is the time to get on the diet (GASP!!!) I can beat myself up for knowing what NOT to do, or I can teach my head what TO do with a well-balanced, structured diet...Weight Watchers Points, Richard Simmons Deal-a-Meal, Calorie counting, Fit-Day, whatever. I need to learn something new. Jao started a thread a few days ago saying that she is 8 pounds from her goal and has had no fill. NO FILL!! I find that amazing. Out of the blue, she commented that she thinks she had her head banded at the same time. How'd she do that? I wanna know!!! So at 4pm today, I had eaten 21 WW points. My max is 25. I'm certain I went over at dinner time. I ate a chicken tender and a scrambled egg. Maybe not? Who know how many points that is. Maybe I did make it. Anyhow, I know with the band, following a plan will be possible. It was pointless before. I'm also eating more earlier in the day, eating every few hours, and NOT eating after 6pm or so...maybe 7pm on a late night...just no after-dinner Snacks. I AM finding I'm not as hungry at dinner time if I have actually bothered to eat enough during the day...so maybe my weight watchers 21 points gone by dinner was a good thing. I'm certainly not hungry right now at 10pm. The Water is a given. So is walking/exercise. And going to bed earlier is something new I'm trying to change. I get into the habit of staying up till 1 or 2am, then getting up at 7am and crashing in the afternoons. Not healthy. Okay, thanks for the journal time everyone...if you got this far! I don't care if noone reads this...it helps to write it and know it's out there somewhere.
  23. the best me

    Mark Your Calanders Now....

    Yay! Is Pavarathi coming?!! I should be there, I'll get it on the calendar.
  24. the best me


    Okay, magic, thanks for the update! You might really really do this!!! I'm pretty sure Dianne (sunsett) had the sleep study, but Cindy's right, the sooner the better. Like everything else, right?! Keep pushing forward!!
  25. the best me

    Regret and depressed

    Eunice, I just read your old posts and got your name and remembered, you are from Singapore! Wow! Your online friends are here to help from the other side of the world. I felt like crap, too. The first few days were okay for me, but I was too anxoius to heal. My stoma was still very swollen and I could hardly drink. I had no energy from the lack of calories and I felt terrible. I experienced a bit of regret, too. But I knew if I could just get through it, I'd be okay living with the band. And I was. Rest. Walk. Take the smallest of sips all day long. Cry. Get on the computer and check in with us regularly. Can't you just feel us cheering you on?! You will make it! You can do this! You haven't told us anything that indicates that you have an abnormal surgical problem. What you are experiencing is very very normal for many of us. And I researched for months and months and was suprised by nothing. Hang in there. It really does get better with time. Just worry about getting your fluids in and walking to get rid of the gas. (((((((HUGS))))))) You did it! Just get through this short time and soon it will be a memory. Stay here and keep us posted on how you are felling, okay?!!!

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