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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lnelson796

  1. lnelson796

    WL journey

  2. lnelson796

    2 9 09 3

    From the album: WL journey

  3. I started my journey one year ago with my pre surgery insurance meetings with my NUT. Had surgery June 4th, hit 100 pounds yesterday. The first picture is from a year ago and the other is this morning. Started at 285, this morning I'm at 184. Just can't believe that's me. [ATTACH]41144[/ATTACH]
  4. lnelson796

    100 pounds so far....

    Thanks, and yes, I can do so many things now that I would have never even considered doing before. Just yesterday I shoveled the driveway after we got about 10 inches of snow. Last year I had to stop every 5 to 10 minutes to catch my breath and rest. This year I didn't even get winded, and the only break I took was to warm up from the cold
  5. lnelson796

    100 pounds so far....

    BKLYN, don't worry you'll get there. I actually gained 4 pounds in January, primarily from upping my workouts and building muscle. All of a sudden my body let go of what it had been holding on to and I lost 8 pounds in a week. Id never lost that much that fast since the first month!
  6. lnelson796

    100 pounds so far....

    Thanks it's such a mental boost to hit that goal. And lynn, I can not only tie my shoes but I can cross my legs too!
  7. lnelson796


    Ive had the same problem. I'm 7 months out and have been having issues for most of that time. Periods twice as long and heavy as normal, with spotting in between. Ive had two biopsies which have shown no problems besides the elevated estrogen levels. Did a 30 day round of progesterone to try and level it out and it didn't help. Right now im having to keep a menstrual diary for my doctor (yes theres an app for that) and she'll use that to determine the next course of action, which will probably be a d and c. Definitely discuss this with your doctor and start seeing what your options are. Also wouldnt hurt to start documenting it with something like the app I use, My Menstrual Diary, which allows you to document how often as well as what kind of flow so your doctor can see if you're having mostly spotting or mostly heavy flow. Weve also talked about me going back on the pill to control it, but not sure if that will work since the progesterone didn't help. Good luck.
  8. Niki, I did a 7 hour taekwondo boot camp a few months ago, took plenty of water and one protein shake. Was not enough. Really needed a good protein boost every couple hours to make it through. I'm making my own protein bars these days so next time I do a boot camp I'll make sure I have a protein bar for every two hours of workout. Less filling on the tummy for me than a shake and gives me the energy I need to keep going.
  9. I'm creating this thread for my friend who had surgery a year before I did. She doesn't post so asked me to start this for her. She is scheduled three weeks for a panni only, no additional lipo or tummy tuck because insurance will only cover the panni. She has lost 180 pounds so has had rashes to make that part covered. Her question is if anyone else has had the panni only? And is there a significant difference between the panni area and the pooch that hasn't been touched over the belly button?
  10. When I had my gallbladder attack the pain was right between my breasts, I thought it was a heart attack.
  11. lnelson796

    Panni without full tummy tuck

    Thank you for your replies. This has made her feel better about her decision.
  12. lnelson796

    Panni without full tummy tuck

    She's worried about whether or not her tummy will look abnormal with an upper pooch and a flat panni area. Although her main issue is lower belly.
  13. lnelson796

    Panni without full tummy tuck

    She has. She's actually also having another procedure done to tighten up the pubic area as well. They initially told her $5000 - 6000 for pubic and tummy tuck so she was all for it. Now they're saying $12000. Big difference.
  14. Congrats to you for making this decision, you won't regret it!
  15. My husband's work has had a Christmas party every year for the last 10 years or so, and I have always been jealous of the wives who could wear the pretty holiday clothes. I'd put on the best thing I had and hide in the corner, not willing to spend the money on something that I knew wouldn't live up to the other outfits. But this year I had the time of my life shopping with my friends and picking out THE DRESS! I'm not at goal yet, but just being able to dress with confidence was amazing!
  16. Thanks. It was a little weird buying a dress I'll probably never wear again since I still have more to lose but its nice to know dresses are an option! Hope you find some great reasons to wear the new dresses!
  17. Thanks again! I was at 252 on my surgery date, had lost 22 pounds while filling insurance requirements and another 11pounds in preop. My surgery was 6 months ago in June. Yes those first few weeks, even up to two months, were tough, but well worth it, just keep pushing through!
  18. Good for you! It's so nice to participate in life instead of just watching others have fun.
  19. Sounds like it's time for you to take some pictures too! Although I hate having my picture taken, I've been taking one every two months and it actually helps to see the progress.
  20. Thank you! I forgot my stats: I started at 285 and I'm down to 195. Have gone from a size 24 to a solid 16. Able to wear some 14's.
  21. lnelson796

    12 6 2013

    From the album: WL journey

  22. lnelson796

    The Neverending period

    Ugh, thanks for the warning! I called them this week because I've started again, even with the progesterone, and they also warned me that once I stop using it next week it will be ugly! I'm just so ready to be done with it! Hope going on birth control gets it under control, because I'm not sure what other options I have at this point.
  23. lnelson796

    10 13 13

    From the album: WL journey

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
