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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by elpaso73

  1. Pascale, first, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know where you are coming from because I have been there myself. I was not as lucky as you. My leak was not discovered for several weeks so it damaged my lungs and I ended up in a pulminary unit for care before they could attempt to fix the leak. I was weeks without any fluids (NPO SUCKS!) and I was hours away from my husband and son when I finally was given proper care. I spent two months in hell, another two just trying to find the strength to be alive again, and boy do I have regrets! Mostly because, like you, it was my choice to do this :(

    WHen I was sick I posted here daily and some dear people went along my terribly bumpy ride with me here. The thread is gone now, but it did help to have support here. My family and friends were darling and all stepped in to help me and my son, but it's still hard to be away. I cried like a baby constantly...and I'm a heart hearted old ******...I never cry LOL

    Do a few things....first, get some art from the kids for your hospital walls. It helps :) Secondly...my son loaned me "Charlie". He's a big soft stuffed toy that is always with us when we are sick. Poor Charlie...Gad I cried over that silly old dog's fur almost daily but it helped me to have a piece of my child in my hospital room when I was alone and feeling down, even if he did make me cry. Bring a pillow from home. Leave it in a colored pillowcase so that you can tell it's yours and the cleaning folks won't take it accidentally. Ask for the delux version of the hospital bed. They inflate and adjust to your needs (soft, medium, hard, whatever you like best). They are for longer term patients and help when you can't move around. Don't stick the needle with the blood thinner into the mattress however or you'll deflate it...don't ask how I know that :P DON'T BE NICE!!!!! HONEY IF YOU NEED PAIN MEDS ASK FOR THEM NOW!!!! If your doc disagrees ask for another doctor. No I'm not kidding. There is no reason to suffer as you are and the stint won't make that suffering easier! Insist. Pain meds are available for a reason. I was on a pump (on demand) and used it quite a bit. For me, the narcotics would bring my blood pressure down dangerously low (on paper) but they still gave them to me because they determined that even if it was low I wasn't having any additional symptoms of low BP so it was ok. Don't suffer. Don't be nice....get something to help you darling.

    And night and day when you hurt or feel sad or happy or mean or whatever....post here and someone will respond. Many people don't like the position I have on the sleeve...but they were still there for me when I was at my worst. I declined the Chaplin twice and just whined here and felt much better.

    Ohhhh and when on the good drugs, be sure to post...I read a couple of mine and they were doozies :)

    Hugs sweetheart. I don't know you, but we're sisters in this at this point so I'll try to stay along for the ride with you if you don't mind.

    I ‘m more than honored and touched. thank you for being so honnest.

    I am praying for the OP as well, and grateful that you were able to give her such helpful advice! I am two weeks out, so there is no going back at this point, but I feel it is dangerous that doctors hide the implications of a leak from us! I specifically asked in the informational seminar, "what happens if you have a leak". NO ONE ever mentioned weeks or month in a hospital and a feeding tube! I feel so heartbroken for both of you. I'm crying as I type this, because it seems unfair. Also because I'm afraid now, and there is nothing I can do about it!

    Praying for you both! And that my staples hold for the sake of my four little boys.

    EXACTLY!!!!! Had I known before about the treatment of this so called complication, maybe I would’ve thought twice. Now I believe it is not rare at all !!! When I started searching on the net I was like OMG...there are too much people suffering!

  2. I read all your messages. I'm so grateful to God for giving me this big supportive group. We don't know each other but I believe we are connected emotionally. Thank you very much, you touched me from the bottom of my heart.

    Now, here's where I am today, 3 days after I was rushed to ER.

    In one word, I'm MISERABLE... I'm plugged to all kind of IV Vitamins, one of which makes me sooo nauseous and sick. As a pain killer, they use Perfalgan on me. 1000 ml for 6 hours. So I'm living in constant moaning because the minute the antipain bottle is off, the pain is on. Today, they're going to put a kind of stent on my leak by endoscopy and then we're gonna have to wait and see.

    I smell like a horse because I'm sweating like a horse. My hair looks like a cheap wig and my mouth is bitter and dry.

    As for the stay, well, my doc moved me today in a private room because the situation was unbearable where I was. My neighbour who had a kidney stone removed was receiving family and visitors all day long. Not to mention the TV and the lunch and dinner gathering...pfffft I almost saw a bbq party coming!

    So, I just woke up. In pain as u can imagine. All my Iv's are centralised into an electrical box that distributes the liquids in the recommended doses but that forbids me to move more than 2 feet far from bed. And that's what's eating me inside out. I'm trapped against my will. And this situation is going to last for some more weeks!! Believe me I'm beyond crazyness but it comes to my mind to the remove all that martian system and go back home to die in peace and dignity. I'm soooo sorry for what I did to myself. I was healthy, happy but overweight and I wanted to stick by the damn social rules and here where I Am now. I missed this shot and I am the only person accountable in this nightmare.

    I remember not very long ago, a girl who has a low Bmi (roller or smtg like that) was having a hard time convincing everybody she needed the surgery. I hope she reads my experience and that it is not too late. But I also wish she doen't mess up with this thread cuz I'm extremely sick and I wouldn't bear my mobile bipping all the time lol.

    Thank u for reading and God bless u my friends. Kisses. Pascale.

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  3. Oh no!! How far post op are you? What were your symptoms?

    I will send up some prayers for you. Keep sipping and walking in the hospital. Feel better soon!

    I am sorry I am unable to write for a sentence takes about 10 corrections. I promise once I feel better I'll elaborate more about the symptoms. Thank u so much for the care.

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  4. Thank u my friends. It's such an awful time. I feel very bad. And I dream of Water. I'm not allowed to put anything in my mouth. But I'm praying...thank you for ur advice and encouragement. My sis in law will take care of the girls.My angels are so worried :(

    PROUDGRAMMY thank u thank u thank u. U touched my heart.

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  5. Last night I was counting the hours till daylight to rush to ER. I couldn't close my eyes for 2 minutes without feeling stabbed. I truly wished I'm dead. So, in the morning I called my doc and told him about my unbearable pain. Plus, I was having a mildly high fever so he urged me to run to the emergency. So I did. And they scanned my belly and analysed my blood. And they discovered I having a small leak on my sleeve!!!!! 2 days ago I was at my doc's and everything appeared excellent. Now I'm back to case1. I'm gonna have to stay hospitalised for 1 week! But the treatement is through iv and antibiotics. No more surgeries according to my doc. I'm soooo down. What shall I do with my kids in the meantime???

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  6. Hello Proudgrammy, I really appreciate ur input, Always :)

    I’m feeling sooooooo much better. Everyday I feel reborn. The pain in the tummy is much more bearable, I can go out and drive for hours now, I still feel a bit tired but it’s normal. I can sip and drink much better, my stomach isn’t as tight as last week. Of course the amounts are still minmal but I can swallow without that stabbing feeling. I do walk and my doc said I can start swimming by nxt week (15 days after surgery...isn’t that excellent? :D)

    As for the night sweating. it is due to the antipyretic I was having to calm my pain, so nothing major.

    U’re right grammy, things are improving everyday :D and I’m sooo enjoying the ride.

    I’m sending you my warmest wishes. Hugs

  7. What makes this surgery different than any other cosmetologic action. Isn' t lifting kinda butchering the body for instance? Don't we have the right to feel more confident, sexy, beautiful etc... I'm what's considered as a low BMI(35) though it's not. It's still obese at least in my country where most women look like top models. I love life and I want to have it the way I deserve it. I'm an emotionnal eater and the more I struggle with my body image the more my problems grow bigger. I have gained all my extra weight (98lbs) in 1 year and I'm paining to take it off since 7 years now!! I lose 2 to 4 and so on... So go figure. I have no health issues and I paid for getting sleeved because I believe I deserve it. The same way as any one else. We shouldn't be ashamed of our dreams! I could write a thesis about it but my language won't allow me. I hope I made myself clear :))

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  8. Thank you for reading. I saw my surgeon today and the pronostics are good. My pain is only due to gaz. On a funny note when he 1st saw he took like 2 minutes to reset lol. He asked me if I was the same person he has met last week...And that I look all beautiful (blushing), he made my day lol. Oh, by the way I'm minus 10 kg since surgery (a week ago)

    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]

  9. Hello :)

    I am exactly 1 week postop. It's been so tough with the gaz. 2 days ago I felt like almost dying because of the pain. I have my 1st follow up with my surgeon today but I would also like to hear from you regarding some issues.

    -The bloating! Is it gonna stop? WHENNNN????

    - Do you feel pain inside your lungs when you take a deep breath?

    - Do you sweat at night? I wake up every night excessively sweating. Is that a normal sign???

    - Will I ever feel normal again? I mean I'd like the bloating, burping, stomach moving, stabbing … stop!

    Well these are the questions that came to my mind now. I appreciate your input.

    Kisses to all.

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  10. Oh and yes' date=' I am doing better everyday. Today has been my best day so far. Went outside for a walk and the fresh air did me some good. I just wonder why I really feel hunger, do you?[/quote']

    Very very ashamed to tell u yes. I AM hungry. All the time:(. It's a mastermind challenge. I learnt via this forum that it's called head hunger lol...maybe. And the most important thing I learnt in a few days is that I should read with caution. My doctor is my number 1 referral. Kisses. Pascale

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  11. Thanks Tes! That can very well be the reason why he didn't prescribe that med to me. My BmI was about 40. I do walk often and will also set an alarm on my iphone to remind myself. Thanks for commenting! I appreciate it ;)

    Hi dear. Blood clots isn't an easy subject to deal with on forums. I mean u def need a specialist's opinion because it's life threatening. No one would give you the good advice. Please ask ur surgeon. I'm a low BMI (35) though I was given a single daily shot of LOVENOX during my stay in hospital and it is prescribed for me up to 3 weeks ahead. Sorry for repeating myself but this is serious...PLS TAKE GOOD CARE OF URSELF.

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  12. I was just wondering if everyone came home with a prescription to prevent blood clots? I didn't but of course I see a handful of people here who did. I wonder if its a certain reason I didn't receive one? Ugh Another thing to worry about!! I cannot wait until tomorrow am to speak with my surgeon! Ugh

    Opinions? Thoughts??

    Hi. Yes. I have a prescription for 3 weeks. Ur doctor didn't give u this treatment obviously for a reason. Call him and calm ur mind.

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  13. Hi Everyone' date=' I’m finally on here again to tell my Post-Op story. My surgery was on Tuesday April 2[sup']nd[/sup] and I came home on Thursday. I waited until now to write because I needed to be in the right frame of mind before I write this or I was worried that I would scare everyone away. I would love to sugar coat everything and tell you that my journey so far has been wonderful, but I’ve decided to just be honest because after all it IS my journey. First of all I woke up from surgery! So yay that was wonderful, but then I am told that they are taking me to ICU because my oxygen level was very low and they were worried about that with my sleep apnea, ok, no biggie. Now when I finally get to my room, wham the pain hits me. Honestly I am not a big cry baby when it comes to pain but I have to tell you, I was not expecting the amount of pain I had. When I read other peoples stories on here that say they had NO pain, I just find that so hard to believe how you could have 5 incisions and your stomach pulled out through your skin and not have ANY pain, KUDOS to all of you that didn’t, but I certainly did. Ok so I dealt with the pain, I’ve had trouble breathing since my surgery ( I will address this tomorrow with my surgeon), and now I finally get to come home, pain and all…I, like most of you have been wanting this surgery for over a year, I fought with my insurance for over a year to get approved, I have been on these forums 24/7 reading as much information as I possibly can to be prepared, well let me remind you, that like anything else in life, until you experience it for yourself, you can not possibly know how something is going to be until you go through it yourself. Now please know that I am not saying this to scare anyone, I am not unhappy with my decision to have the surgery and today I finally have a better out look on everything, but you can not imagine how you are going to feel until after you have had the surgery yourself no matter how much you read or think you know. What I mean by this is that everyone’s relationships with food are alittle different and everyone is going to react differently when they actually can NOT have food. For months now I have been telling myself that I am over food and I can’t wait to get this done and start my journey, it took me by such surprise that when I got home, I was feeling so down, I couldn’t understand why until my husband starting eating a pizza and the smell of it just made me want to cry, and everyday since, watching my family eat, is pure torture for me. You kinda forget that their life goes on and they are going to eat and they are going to eat in front of you, you can’t avoid that forever. I know that this too shall pass and I know that I will get through this, but I’m just letting you know to be prepared that it’s not easy, afterall, didn’t we always fail before on diets because our willpower wasn’t great enough to keep us going? Well now no matter how much you may want to “cheat” you CANT or you will hurt yourself, yes I guess that is a good thing, but is not easy. Plus I had to give up smoking in January to have this surgery which would be my other “go to “ crutch that I now don’t have either.---

    So back to when I get home, as I said, I was so prepared, had everything I needed and I swear when I got home I felt like I had no idea what to do, I thought they must have taken my brains out with my stomach cause I could not remember anything! I got so confused on –what’s a meal, whats a liquid- how much of each, when, etc..Well my brains finally came back and I’m figuring it out, but it’s not easy. It has become my full time job all week just trying to get it all straight and get it all in. I realize it’s not forever and that’s the only thing that gets me through the day. Trying to keep track of every 3 hours a meal, but half hour before don’t drink, then a half hour after don’t drink but then after that you better take in liquids every 2 minutes and then figure out your Protein intake, has become my job now. I thought I would try to go back to work next week, LOL yeah right..I need to have all this figured out first. I have never used my timer so much in my life! I really don’t mean to be a downer here, as I said, this is why I waited all week to write because if I had of written right away it would not have been good. This is only MY journey and how I have felt so far, I do not regret having the surgery because what is getting me through these tough days is the outcome and knowing (hoping) that it will be worth it, but I guess when your feeling this way and your still Fat, doesn’t help, LOL…For everyone who is upcoming in their surgery, I wish you the best and I’m sure you will be fine and not have my experience, and to everyone who’s had their surgery and had NO pain and everything has gone smooth sailing and so easy for you, KUDOS to you, but I did want to be honest so that if anyone experiences what I am experiencing I want them to feel they can come to me at any time to talk, because I will probably know how you feel and hopefully already be past that and able to get you past it as well. So please message me if you need any support at all. Sorry this was so long, I tried to make it as short as possible and I just want to end with this, if anyone has a dark day, my best advice to you is, to remember why you did this in the first place and that everyday it WILL get better, I promise..That is the only thing that got me through so far, Oh and by the way, I have lost 9 pounds since the day before surgery, so yay me!..Thanks for reading…Kari

    Wow...this is by far one of the best feedbacks I have read...it's like a clear sum up of my own experience. I was Lol when u descriped how u try yo keep track of meals every 3 hours. Hahaha that's so me! I was sleeved on the 3rd and the pain was intolerable for a few nights. And I found myself wondering how can someone be pain free after such a surgery???? And I was so scared my sleeve was a fail...now I'm ok. What u said is so true: to each an experience. I hope u're doing better everyday. Oh and keep in mind that u will be able to taste anything later.

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  14. Here's an excellent remedy my grandma used to cure bloating, nausea, burping...

    Dilute 1 teaspoon of ORGANIC orange blossom in one cup of boiling Water. Sweeten with low cal sugar as much as u like. Sip it in small coffee cups and enjoy the wonderful smell and taste. Believe me, it's a joy to the soul and the tummy. No calories at all. Natural. And it seems that it's a hunger suppressant. Give me ur feedback.

    PS: U can find orange blossom in the international sector of any big supermarket or try to pay a visit to a Lebanese grocery. A bottle may be expensive but it will last for months.

    Sent from my Galaxy Note II using VST

  15. Salut Celine :D. BIEN SUR que je connais Gatineau. Quel plaisir! Moi je suis a Laval mais maintenant je me repose a Beyrouth. J'ai subi ma Sleeve voila 5 jours a l'hotel Dieu au Liban. Je suis tres satisfaite. J ai ete congediee vendredi et je suis sortie le jour meme. Je ne reste pas a la maison. Ma douleur post operatoire est tellement minime. Je n ai pas eu de problemes a part les gaz. Bref. C est un petit peu en resume mon court parcours. N'hesite pas a m ecrire. Bisous. Pascale

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