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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. I'm 3 months out. I eat pork, chicken & seafood. No red meat yet. Have to wait 6 months
  2. So my hair is falling out a lot. See the pic, that's just from brushing it last night. Any suggestions? Is this normal??
  3. agooch

    30 pounds gone

    Yes, only 30 pounds so far! Thanks everyone
  4. agooch


    It feels like something is scraping my stomach on the way down from my mouth to my stomach. I've been eating jello, water, pudding, yogurt. All sugar free. I go for my follow up April 1st and I am supposed to eat an egg that morning. I can take small tiny pills too, they were giving me them in the hospital actually... I'm just scared what if I have a leak, how am I going to know
  5. Today is day 5 since my sleeve. I have lost 9 pounds. There are times I feel great like I could jog the block & then there are times I feel nauseous. I haven't thrown up but I feel like I want to. Certain things I used to eat repulse me. My stomach feels like things are scratching it inside. I did have a hernia repair too but I doubt that would make the scratchy feeling... You can't feel the staples inside can you?? Also I don't know how to tell when I'm full because I'm still on a liquid diet pretty much so I just eat a little bit at a time. Mainly I've been dizzy off & on, nauseous off and on, and having these random shoulder pains come & go and my stomach makes all kinds of noise but no fever or un bearable pain... Does this sound normal? I hope I don't have a leak & don't know it... I know I sound paranoid but I'm just nervous
  6. How would I know if I had a leak? Just curious... My surgery was 4 days ago
  7. I had my sleeve 4 days ago & I also had a hietal hernia repair too. I'm so sore, feels like everything scratches going down. My stomach is constantly making noises... I'm not eating/drinking much and I don't know how to tell when I get full so I just stop after a small amount. Are these normal?? When will I feel better?

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