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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sknyinside

  1. sknyinside

    Incision Pain

    USUALLY - not always, burning pain is nerve pain. May be from the incision and manipulation of the surrounding tissue due to removal of the stomach through that area if that is in fact the one that was used. If the area is red, hot or warm to the touch, has purulent (green, yellow) drainage or if you are running fever, I would definitely not wait until Thursday. I've heard others on here state that the one incision does hurt more and have heard it described as a burning pain.
  2. sknyinside

    It's interesting how differently I'm treated these days

    I agree that our physical appearance makes a big difference as to how we are viewed and treated. I am waiting to be sleeved. But, I did an experiment at work. Rarely wore makeup to work because it's very physical and I figured I'd just sweat it off. Noticed it was very difficult to get certain people at my job to pay attention to what I was saying or give thought to my suggestions. So, I started wearing makeup at work just to see. HUGE difference. Huge. Now, I believe that the majority of it is strictly appearance. I do think too, my confidence level may have something to do with it as well. But definitely feel our physical appearance is much to heavily weighted (no pun intended) for or against us.
  3. sknyinside

    AAARRRGGGHHH! I hate insurance! BCBS of AL

    Thank you! Excited. Scared. Really thankful for a wonderful husband who is so supportive.
  4. sknyinside

    AAARRRGGGHHH! I hate insurance! BCBS of AL

    Aawww. That's so sweet. Thank you. It's all good. Insurance won't pay for it. But my husband, God love him, said to book it. We'll do cash pay if we have to. I'm booked now for December 9th! It'll take a while to pay for it and I hate having this extra expense. But It's necessary whether my insurance thinks so or not. My body is yelling at me. If it doesn't happen soon, I'm afraid there will be irreversible health issues. So, bless his heart. We are now joining the party. An expensive party, but a party none the less.
  5. sknyinside

    AAARRRGGGHHH! I hate insurance! BCBS of AL

    Wow, have talked about it with my husband. He said he's a little uncomfortable with it. I'll keep researching and try to decide what to do. He's ready to just cash pay here in the States, but I don't want to go into debt for this. May just save up for a while and try to have it done. Am concerned though that delaying it is so not a good idea. Willl have to wait and see for a while. So disheartening. Good luck to you. Let me/us know what you decide and how it goes. I've definitely not ruled Mexico out.
  6. sknyinside


    1 cup of very warm water with the juice of one lemon squeezed in, a little honey to sweeten. Do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Very effective and you can't become dependent upon it. I am a fan of miralax as well. Just saying, if you want natural the lemon juice/water is HIGHLY effective.
  7. sknyinside

    AAARRRGGGHHH! I hate insurance! BCBS of AL

    Yeah, it does. And the most frustrating thing, I think,is I now have no recourse. There is no possible way that it will now be covered by insurance. So it's cash pay or nothing. Had I been denied 7 months ago, when I started this journey, it likely wouldn't be quite so bitter. I hope all goes well with you and you are able to appeal or to provide the information you need to have it done. I feel better having vented a bit. Thank you.
  8. Protein drinks of any kind cause horrible gas with some people. I am one of those lucky such people. Poor family
  9. sknyinside

    Extra skin?

    Age will play a part as will genetics, but losing 50-85 is not so much that you will have pounds and pounds of skin left. There may be a bit of a "catch up" time due to the rapid weight loss. It tends to tighten back up with some time. Individuals vary of course. There are some good youtube videos of people showing their skin after WLS. Some lost in excess of 100 pounds and look fabulous. Not noticeable at all under clothes.
  10. Uh-maze-ing! Beautiful either way. But, wow you have to feel so much better! Congrats. Keep up the good/hard work!
  11. sknyinside

    Diet Coke Withdrawal!

    I feel your pain and am with you 100%. It has been a very difficult thing to get down to one a day. Then one every other day. Now, every once in a while. There is no substitute. As a former smoker, I think the Diet Coke habit is harder to quit.
  12. sknyinside

    Pain-Free Almost

    Yay you! I'm hoping to experience the overall good you've had post op. My pre-op has been an exercise in frustration. Good luck tomorrow!
  13. sknyinside

    This diet is very tough

    Are you pre or post op?
  14. sknyinside

    Protein drink quandry...advice?

    don't know if this is exactly the flavor you are looking for, but try this: http://www.bodybuild...ore/nb/tea.html If this is it, let me know what the reward might be
  15. sknyinside

    Louisiana Sleevers?

    Met with the surgeon today and signed consents. She spent about an hour talking to me. Really like her and feel comfortable with her. Should schedule the surgery within the next week. Come on insurance!
  16. Just doing some walking and bike riding. No special diet really. Watching carbs and especially bread but that's about it. My doctors office doesn't require a pre-op diet. I may do one myself for a week before just for my own benefit. Hopefully I will get my surgery date this coming Thursday. Fingers crossed!
  17. sknyinside

    Some People are Rude..

    I have been watching a lot of people I work with who have been sleeved. I have to say, it seems as another poster stated that after a tremendous amount of weight loss in a short period of time, people look good, then look sick - then as their body adjusts, look good again. It amazes me how people feel they have the right to make verbal observations about other peoples weight and looks. So unthoughtful and unfeeling. I'm sure they think they are doing it from a place of caring, but it is hurtful and not at all helpful. Keep your head up and know people will adjust to the new you as your body adjusts as well.
  18. sknyinside

    Louisiana Sleevers?

    I'm really having good communication with their office now as we are getting close to crunch time. Mary Ellen is my advocate and she is reallly trying to help me out with a unique insurance issue.
  19. Good for you! So glad that worked and you won't have to wait so long. Everything has started falling into place really quickly for me. If insurance approves me, I'll be done in October. A few weeks ago, I thought it would be after the first of the year! Yay, US!
  20. I had to have an EGD that was a suprise to me. Really thought I wouldn't have to have GI clearance. Then I was to follow up in two weeks. I asked at the time of scheduling the EGD if I could come in earlier, as we are on a time crunch trying to get everything done before our insurance changes. They let me come in in one week as the results would be ready. I waked out of the one week follow up with my GI clearance inhand. That was Yesterday and they submitted to my insurance today. Don't let this get you down. It's not a setback. Ask if they will have results earlier than two weeks. They may let youdo 7-10 days depending on how long that doc needs for results from radiologist.
  21. sknyinside

    Any October sleevers?

    Okay, it's been a while since I posted. Thought I was going to have surgery next year due to varying changes in circumstance. Well, I continued my plan with seeing the nutritionist and physician for my required 6 months as dictated by insurance. All of a sudden things are falling in place. I finished my visits, it is submitted to insurance and I am scheduled to meet with my surgeon and sign papers THIS THURSDAY, the 10th! Hopefully, we will hear positive results from insurance and I will, in fact, be an October sleever! If anyone has suggestions as to questions for the surgeon that they are asking, or more importantly, wish they had asked, please send 'em along. I have a list, but it is in constant edit mode. Hope to have a date soon!
  22. This seems to be a good, sensible guide: http://www.dukehealt...riatric_surgery Follow your surgeons guidelines. This is just a good exampe of a previous post with reference to Protein and liquid consumption.
  23. sknyinside

    Faint/Dizzy on liquid diet?

    Are the liquids you are having normally, the shakes, et cetera, sugar free? I know the stuff you are having when you feel this way have sugar, but am wondering about the other stuff prior to these episodes?
  24. sknyinside

    Sugar free equals diarrhea?

    Sorbitol does it to me too. But surprisingly Splenda messes with my GI tract too. Horrible gas with a little bit, a lot = diarrhea, with horrible gas.
  25. That size would fit me perfectly! What about shipping? Or are you only looking for local?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
