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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About BobbieVSG

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/28/1994

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm Bobbie from London, Hi :)
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  • Interests
    Creative writing, Music, Socializing, etc.
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  1. BobbieVSG

    6Months Post-op, check in!

    I lost 26lbs on my 2 week pre-op diet and the rest since. I now loose around 10-14lbs a month. I eat 3 meals and 2 healthy Snacks a day as that's what my stomach allows. I get in 60g of Protein most the time but obviously days it can be hard and I'm drinking plenty especially when I'm working out.. I think everyone is different and my nutritionist said I'm doing great so I don't think it'll cause a weight re-gain in the future as I had countless classes years leading up to the operation and I've done well learning how my body is reacting to everything. This may not have been a negative comment but I just thought I'd be clear that I done my research way before the operation and I'm still learning so it's all good oh and I'm the same with sweet things, can't tolerate it at all! Worth it though.
  2. So today I am 6months post-op VSG. (Was sleeved on 6th October 2014) So far since pre-op I have lost 106lbs and feeling incredible. Still finding days hard where I don't feel like eating and the next, the head cravings come on strong but I just exercise it all out! How is everyone else?
  3. BobbieVSG


    Hey everyone, I'm 5 months post op and currently down 94lbs, feeling great. I just have one problem.. I can't seem to get my protein in. It may just be me looking with my eyes closed but I can't seem to find many protein snacks. In the USA they seem to have so many options and here there is just not much to chose from. Plus I love to try before I buy in bulk but most online places don't do single protein bars/drinks etc.. Does anyone have any help/advice? All would be appreciated! Thank you!
  4. Stalls, ugh :(

    1. Laydee_G


      This too shall pass...

    2. ImOnMyWay61


      These happen. Dont beat yourself up, we all get them. I am in one myself. You got this!

    3. BobbieVSG


      Thank you both! :)

  5. BobbieVSG

    Rant time.

    Thank you all for your replies, it's really helped me out. I'm going to try out Milk of Magnesia starting from tomorrow so hopefully that helps. All my bloods come back today and all is okay so I'm happy about that. Just going to focus on getting all of this sorted now. Thank you all again and sorry I haven't individually tag you.
  6. BobbieVSG

    Rant time.

    Okay so I'm 3 1/2 months post-op and I'm currently in a stall. It's not bothering me too much because I'm still seeing changes so I'm just going to try keep hydrated, lots of Protein and exercise. But, I am just feeling really down. I had my 3 month check up last week and she said I need to eat more.. Being told all my life to eat less and now it's suddenly reversed. I feel like I cant physically eat more. The little that I do eat seems like far too much. But I'm trying, it just doesn't help that people are trying to force me when they don't understand (friends and family etc). Also, I've damaged the nerves in my stomach apparently? From the surgery and it'll be numb and sore for a long while so that makes me feel worse. Oh and I'm constipated (sorry for the tmi) I just can't go so I feel bloated. I don't know, I guess I'm just so down and it's all getting to me. I'm so grateful for this operation I don't want to seem rude, it's life changing. I just hope things start getting better. Has anyone else felt so down so soon after the vsg? Please let me know. Thank you.
  7. So I'm 3months post-op VSG and for the past 2months I've been throwing up after taking my Vitamins (sometimes I keep them down but other days I don't) And recently I've been experiencing super dry skin (even on the tips of my fingers), really really itchy skin, lethargic, loss off appetite (even more so) and stomach pains. I was looking it up and most answers lead to either Gallbladder issues or Vitamin Deficiency, I just wondered if anyone else has gone through this or have any idea what It could be? I'm rather worried so I'm thinking off getting checked out by my doctor on Monday but wasn't sure If I should go to my local hospital doctor? Really need advice because I'm just sitting here freaking myself out. Thank you in advance.
  8. BobbieVSG


  9. 3months post-op VSG tomorrow and wow, I feel amazing!

    1. Unstoppable


      Great job! Keep it up. I had my VSG in Oct. too.

    2. joatsaint


      Congrats on having a great recovery.

    3. BobbieVSG


      Thank you both!:)

  10. BobbieVSG

    Instagram :)

    My instagram is now @bobbievsg, please feel free to follow and I'll quickly follow back. Love following everyone's journeys!
  11. BobbieVSG

    Should I be proud or?

    Thank you to everyone who replied, at the time I was just seeing the negatives, I was being silly. All off your posts helped me to realize that. I appreciate it! I'm seeing the changes everyday, I've gone from a UK size 26 to a 18.. That should be encouragement enough really Once again, thank you all.
  12. So tomorrow I'm 11 weeks post-op vsg and I'm only down 33lbs, I'm seeing people loosing a lot more and my surgery was before them. I know we shouldn't compare but it's so hard not to. I don't know where I'm going wrong. Any opinions would be appreciated.
  13. Hey everyone, I had the gastric sleeve on the 6th October so I'm 5 weeks out. First 3 weeks I lost 15lbs but over these last 2 weeks, nothing has been happening, I know this does happen but I just didn't think it would be this early and also, I feel like I'm a really slow looser. I'm proud that I've lost weight but also slightly depressed that it's fluctuated the last 2 weeks Any advice would be really appreciated.
  14. Okay, I'm 15 days out vsg and I just can't get warm! I've heard that you get chilly quicker but I'm constantly cold! Anyone else just couldn't keep warm after?
  15. BobbieVSG

    October 2014

    me too please

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
