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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewAshes

  1. NewAshes

    New to this

    I too am young (20) and have been obese most of my life. It started for me with a medication at 10 they didn't take me off till 12 and by then I had a huge appetite and horrible habits. I wasn't really overweight till I hit 13 by 15 is when I started to notice I was being made fun of cause I was over weight and started doing sports and stuff, still didn't lose much. At 17 I started to show health problems and at 18 I was put on insulin meds and that is when I started diet and excise only able to maintain my weight. The last little fitness binge I went on I only lost a few pounds then maintained me weight again and that was last year. I have lost all hope and motivation and I'm hoping surgery will give me that boost I need. I started researching when I was 17, went to a seminar with my grandma because she was thinking about it
  2. NewAshes

    will I be approved if?

    But you have to have them you can't just be prone to them
  3. NewAshes

    will I be approved if?

    Most insurances will require a BMI of over 40 with no co mobilities and a BMI of over 30 with them. Mine requires at least 2 if you are under 40.
  4. I haven't talked to a doctor so idk who you guys are talking about buts not me lol
  5. I'm 20 as well but have not had surgery yet. Currently in the process of getting started
  6. NewAshes

    First doctor visit. Here it goes!

    I'm 5,2 as well. Haven't started my journey yet, I'm still waiting to see my doctor to refer me. Sadly united doesn't covere in Eugene Oregon but I have state healthcare given to me and they cover. I'm nervous but I know I meet the requirements. BMI over 40 but on top of that I have type 2 diabetes. I'm just worried about my doctor denying my wish to do wls and the 6 months I have to lose weight to shrink my liver
  7. NewAshes

    love my doctor in springfield oregon

    Do you know what the requirements are to be approved? I have trillium as well
  8. NewAshes

    love my doctor in springfield oregon

    Hi there! I live in Eugene. I have not started on my journey to surgery yet. I just switched doctors and am hoping to ask her to refer me on my next appointment April 25th..super nervous about it! What insurance do you have?

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