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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LapBandFan

  1. Thanks all for the prayers, advice and encourgment. You are right ONLY I can control over what goes in my mouth I need to burn that in my brain. I go to my regular doc today for a follow up on my Migraines, so I am sure he will Kick butt too about my gain.


    Again, thanks.... we can do this together. I have a goal to be under 200 pounds by Christmas....tough goal I know but I have 40 pounds to lose by then....think that is do-able?

  2. Alright ya'll, help me out here, I seem to keep messing up. I do good watching everything all day long then I am pretty busy up until about 9 p.m. and then I sit down to watch a little TV before going to bed and start out eating sugar free Jello and a dollop of FF cool whip but somehow end up binging..... I get so depressed and think I am hopeless, the three pounds I had lost are back with reinforcements, must have been Water weight. I know I need to drink more and more water, been not so good on this goal so far.... please pray for me that I get back in the groove soon! I can't wait to get my fills going again as I have no restriction due to my emergency unfill 2 weeks ago.

  3. Hello fellow soliders, just reporting in...we just worked a weekend youth retreat for our church and walked and hiked up mountains Friday and Saturday this weekend and I lost 3 pounds! :clap2: Hopefully, I am now getting past my 6 month plateau!


    Goal weight for June 30th - 225 pounds

    4-10 - Weight 243 lbs

    4-17 - Weig t 243

    4-24 - Weight 240











    My goals for this week are to:

    • Exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
    • Get in 86 oz of Water.< /span>
    • Track daily food intake on fitday.com
    • Stay on the South beach diet
    • Stop snacking after supper before going to bed.

  4. Tammy, Yes, I had ate cornbread and Beans several times since my surgery 2 years ago, it just got stuck this time. I guess I am too scared to try it again though after my incident. The more fill you have and the tighter your band is, you gotta be more careful ie., things that might have been no problem in the beginning might now get stuck, with the hole smaller it passes through with more fills. That is just what the nurse told me yesterday when we talked. Here are a list of foods I could not tolerate when I had 6 cc in my 10 cc band: white bread, pastas, rice, cheetos, mac and cheese. So I just swore off eating them once I had trouble once with them. Everone is different though....it might not even effect you that way at all. Good luck

    Ok my heart just dropped, your doctor told you to never eat cornbread again!!!!!! My mind is already turning, I am sure that in the two years you have had your band you have eaten corn bread before, oh please tell me I am right. :faint:

    I thought that was one of the beauties of the band, there was no food that was a no-no!!

    I am hoping this was just part of him being the jerk he is and cornbread in a bowl of Beans can we our friends.

    UGHHHHHHHH I think I need to have some now before my second fill and restriction sets in!

  5. Staci, Glad you got yours cleared up and that it was not a slip. Glad also that your UGI looked good. Good luck to you.

    Babs & TX Lady, I know, I hated the way he talked to me, like I was stupid and had no clue after me being his patient for 2 years. I know he forgets who is who and how long you have been there with him, but don't make me feel stupid is all I ask.

    AngelU and Tammy - Yes, even 2 years out, you GOT to follow the rules, which I do, but apparently just ate too fast and took to big a bite this time for the blockage. An expensive painful hard lesson learned. He just told me for sure to never eat cornbread ever again or any other kind of bread which I never did any other kind.

    sunflower - Your insurance should cover fills in US, get some names of band doctors in your area and just call your insurance and ask them if they are on your plan.

    Thanks for all your support here.

  6. Thanks you all for your responses. I needed to hear those words. His nurse just called me to schedule my next adjustment and was somewhat sympathetic when I told her how he treated me. She aplogized for him, but I have a list of band doctors in my area to call today to see if they take new patients and take my insurance. She said he does it like "tough love" and that he will scare you bad enough that you will be more careful in your eating., etc. But, hey, there was just no call for it if you ask me, hurting patients need sympathy and compassion.

    Again, thanks for letting me vent and for your compassion and support.

  7. OK can you all just shoot me now? I am so upset. I am not losing. I am not maintaining. I AM GAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course it would help if I was actually eating the Nutrisystem meals. LOL!!!! Oh an I leave Friday for 10 days. So once again I am gonna be away from home. SIGH!! Just shoot me now.

    Penny, hey girl, hang in there. I am in the same boat as you, gaining instead of losing. I have gained about 16 pounds over the last 5-6 months and cannot get over this. It is very depressing. But I know what to do and for the most part get tired of exercising and drinking all the Water, etc. I know it is worth it, so I am vowing (again) here on this bootcamp thread to try harder and keep at it.

    You have done SO good so far. We both need to look forward and stop beating ourselves up over this gain. I know we are both tired of going the wrong way on the scale. We can do this and I am gonna be on this board a lot more for the support I need. I will pray you start losing again and that we both encouarge one another.

    Take care and HANG IN THERE! You can do this!

  8. Well fellow soldiers, I have had a setback. Please read my problem I had yesterday at this thread:


    Long story short, I had an emergency complete unfill last night. :cry I will have to start over on the fills after four weeks in May. I dread having to start over as I had finally got up to 6 cc in my 10 cc band. I am guessing the tighter it gets the more careful you have to be in how I eat and be more conscious of making sure it is practically liquid before I swallow. Needless to say, I am on Clear liquids for 2 days and then will work my way up to soft foods then solids, you know the eating rules after a fill.

    I hope I can last 4 weeks with no fill in there, I know it will be very hard as I really depend on my band to keep me full. Please pray for me as I wait out these 4 weeks and going through adjustments to get me back to my 6 cc I was at.:paranoid

    Thanks for being here to let me vent and for your kind responses and concerns. Have a blessed day.

  9. Just a word of caution - please be careful as you eat and take it slow and minute bites and do not swallow until it is practically liquid.....

    I am over 2 years out and know how to eat bandster bits but I had the worst PB of my life yesterday. I was in a hurry, and I had ate some pinto Beans and cornbread and I started getting that golfball feeling. Of course, I stopped immediately and thought it would pass. I waited for 2 hours and then tried to drink some hot tea, which did not go down and came back up. I tried for 4 hours and still have excruciting pressure and pain in my chest. Longstory short, I called my surgeon and he met met in the ER for an emergency unfill to allow the food to pass. I had blocked my pouch. Trust me you don't want to ever go through that.

    I am however gonna start looking for another fill doctor. He was so rude to me and had no sympathy whatsoever and acted like I was stupid for this happening. I was so upset when I got there and he did nothing to reassure me or make me feel better except unfill me. His bedside manner is horrible. I have used this surgeon for 2 years for my fills and I know it bothered him to have to come in afterhours, but he always says call if you have any problems. I know I seem to be whining but he has treated me like this the last time I went in. He either needs a vacation or get out of the lapband business, or get a good dose of compassion somewhere. He made me feel stupid for that happening to me as if I did'nt feel bad enough with the pain and scared feeling of wondering if I had a slip since I have had one before.

    Just please be careful as you eat and take it slow....Thanks for letting me vent.....

  10. Here I am reporting for duty, thanks for the PM Sarge. I feel like a HUGE failure, I have gained weight been a horrible bandster and not drinking my Water and exercising like I need to lately. Kinda been a little depressed since I have not lost in so long. I was supposed to go for an adjustment last week but my allergies have been a mess and I had too much drainage and they would not do my fill, now have to wait until May 9th. I got all depressed and then thought I would go join weight watchers for their weekly meetings, weigh in and support. My hubby thought it was ridiculous for me to have done that, saying I didn't need support that I had lost over 100 pounds without needing so why start paying for a meeting every week now? I tried to explain to him that I have hit a plateau and have gained a few pounds and that I NEEDED the support and accountabilty. He had been supportive till lately. I feel like a failure. I had lost 140 pounds initially but now that total is only 122 pounds loss, I have gained 22 pounds over a 6 month period of time. I need you guys and this board badly.

    That is why I am back here at the spring bootcamp, Please pray for me that I can get back on track and get my goals set and try every day for them. Sorry for the poor-old-me pity party, but I am really depressed about my gain and just had a very bad PB episode after lunch and cannot get over it. Usually I drink hot tea an hour after I eat, but it hurts too.

    I am reporting in for duty now.....Will try, try again. I don't want to go back to the person I was before at my highest weight. I know I can do it and I will commit with you all here (again) and try again....

    LBT BOOTCAMP SPRING 2006 - Goal weight for June 30th - 225 pounds

    4-10 - Weight 243 lbs













  11. Yes, Kim, these allergies can make us feel all weak and lethargic. I love spring too, but that is the only thing about Spring I don't like.

    Yes, good luck on your pursuit to get insurance approval. I sure hope they cover it for you! Keep us posted.

    Take care all,


  12. You go girl! Hold on to something tight, while I do the happy dance for you!! That is great. It is such a good feeling huh? Our stats are very close it is ironic, as I started at 365 too and my first goal too is to weigh half my highest weight! I am not there yet, but on my way. I am proud of you, keep up the good work!

  13. Welcome to LBT bandland. Congrats on your loss so far! That is GREAT!! You will find the people of this board to be the best means of support for you on your journey. If you have questions, lots of folks here to give their opinions, experiences and suggestions, but the best advice I can offer is always consult your physician for your questions and problems. But it is sure great to have the support here when the doc's office is closed and you are curious about anything.

    Keep up the good work and please post often, we love to get to know you better and help each other on our journeys.

  14. Penni thanks for the encouragement. Welcome to all those who have recently joined us here. Photonut - you and I have interest in the sam hobby - photography. I love taking pictures and I scrapbook as well. Love my digital camera and hope to have a digital SLR one of these days....

    I didn't do too bad over the weekend but my WW (weight watchers) plan was not easy to stick to. I did "okay" but not great or nothing. I have done good so far today in sticking back to the core plan on WW. I am trying to get more Water in than normal as my allergies are giving me a fit and I don't want anything to eat becuase of all the drainage... I know, I know, that is gross huh? This stinks because I was due to have a fill tomorrow but they won't do it now since I have so much drainage.

    Goals for Today, Monday April 3rd

    • I vow to exercise for at least 30 minutes aiming for an hour a day goal 2 miles walked per day. ()
    • I vow to follow the Weightwatchers Core plan. ()
    • I vow to drink 64 oz Water per day, aiming for 92 oz.:spit: ()
    • I will NOT beat myself up when I have not lost yet:boxing: :ohwell: :frusty:(still not good at this yet)
    • I vow to only eat core plan snack between meals.:hungry: ()
    • I vow to take my Vitamins daily. (done)

    I will post later tonight on how I have done on my goals above...

  15. Lisa, Carol and Jen - Welcome to the TN board. Good luck as you persue your weight loss journey and please do post here to keep us updated.

    Skbishop - Congrats on your weight loss!!! That is great! Keep up the good work.

    I am dragging slow today, my allergies are messed up and I feel all drugged out. I am gonna still make myself go exercise at least 30 minutes on the treadmill and try to get all my Water in today - I need to flush my system out good to maybe get over this allergy mess.

    Keep up the good work ya'll and have a good evening.


    • I vow to exercise for at least 30 minutes aiming for an hour a day goal 2 miles walked per day. ()
    • I vow to follow the Weightwatchers Core plan. ()
    • I vow to drink 64 oz Water per day, aiming for 92 oz.:spit: ()
    • I will NOT beat myself up when I have not lost yet:boxing: :ohwell: :frusty:()
    • I vow to only eat core plan snack between meals.:hungry: ()
    • I vow to take my Vitamins daily. ()

    Photonut, glad to see you still posted anyway, that is my problem, I don't want to 'fess up when I mess up. I hope this thread and you all here can keep me motivated. I am sure you will miss Mr. Adorable when he leaves.

    Penni, Glad your shopping trip went well and your meal choices were good. YOU GO GIRL!!! I will pray you get to feeling better real soon.

    Vegaswildflower - Welcome to our commitment /accountability thread. :eek:

  17. Welcome to this accountability thread Cashley! Please post daily so we can keep up with each other.

    Photonut, LOVE that pic of your grandson. He is adorable.

    Today, Friday (TGIF) March 31st...

    • I vow to exercise for at least 30 minutes aiming for an hour a day goal 2 miles walked per day. (20 minutes walking)
    • I vow to follow the Weightwatchers Core plan. (Did okay and slipped up once this evening)
    • I vow to drink 64 oz Water per day, aiming for 92 oz.:spit: (got in about 46 oz - need to work on this one)
    • I will NOT beat myself up when I have not lost yet:boxing: :ohwell: :frusty:(still not good at this yet)
    • I vow to only eat core plan snack between meals.:hungry: (did ok till after supper, had 4 sugarfree graham Cookies and 2 servings of fatfree/sugarfree pudding and a sugarfree marshmallow candybar - way too many Snacks and NOT good snack choices)
    • I vow to take my Vitamins daily. (done)

  18. Today, Thursday, March 30th....

    • I vow to exercise for at least 30 minutes aiming for an hour a day goal 2 miles walked per day. (done 30 minutes walked 1.36 miles)
    • I vow to write down everything that goes in my mouth Did not do so good here yet, will do so before going to bed.
    • I vow to drink 64 oz Water per day, aiming for 92 oz. (drank 64)
    • I vow to follow a lowcarb diet. (Done this)
    • I vow to not snack between meals. (Had 1 cup air popped popcorn for a snack)

    Thanks for starting this thread...

    Walk across America Log - Daily Walking chart http://www.fitnessjournal.org/map/?see=scrappyethel


  19. I found chewable Omega 3 fish chews made by Life Fitness at CVS pharmacy this week.



    Many doctors recommend at least 500 mg of Omega-3 in our daily diet to help maintain a healthy heart. However, the fishy aftertaste of fish oil capsules or liquid makes following this recommendation a bitter pill to swallow. Everyday Omega-3 Soft Chews offer a better alternative. Each orange-flavored chew contains 120 mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids, the essential ingredients that researchers believe help maintain a healthy heart. Best of all, Everyday Omega-3 Soft Chews have no fishy aftertaste! Take Life Fitness Everyday Omega-3 Soft Chews and support your active lifestyle. Research suggests that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.*

  20. skbishop, thanks for your kind words... I still have a ways to go on this journey, it helps to have this board to come to and have all you nice people to talk to.... Yes, Plateaus are inevitable.... sadly, but maybe I can push past it soon. No, you can get in that many points in weight watchers, but on the core program with WW you don't count points more less you are eating low fat meats, cheese, veggies and fruits. I am allowed 28 WW points on the points part if I choose to do that, and it is easy to eat 28 points. Thanks for responding and have a great night!

  21. cashley, I completely understand about your job and entertaining the clients on your job (whatever that may be). It does sound like flex would work better for you. I am gonna try the core as it is very similar to the southbeach diet I had been following anyway but I get to have fruit finally! I will try core for a while and see how I do on that, if not results in a while, I will switch to flex points.

    I honestly think I just need to show up in front of people to weigh every week and be made accountable! I am like a kid, I need to be slapped on the wrist for goofing up..... but I have not come this far to give up now...Take care and thanks for responding.

  22. Evening neihbors.....SORRY to just be reading your posts and answering, Yes, we have the world famous flea mrkt here, it and the Lost Sea are the only two things that puts us on the map. Oh well. Glad you all are posting here more often. Let us do keep the TN board active. I love talking to you all.

    Well, I have been at a plateau for a while and am over it and have not lost anything in about 5 months. I need another fill which is scheduled for next week (thank goodness) but I thought I needed to revamp my eating plan so.....I rejoined weight watchers today and got the information for both the flex plan and the core plan but I am aiming to stay on the core plan. Any of you on the core plan?

    I really think I am going to enjoy the support group meetings themselves. I live too far away from my surgeon to go to the lapband support meetings he has there.

    Please pray that I can get off this pleateau now!! Thanks.

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