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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    southernsoul got a reaction from scrapbasket in What's Your Favorite Store Now?   
    Last weekend I took 7 big garbage bags of clothes to the thrift store run by our local battered women's shelter. I still have a lot of summer clothes to get rid of, but I wanted to get all of my too-big winter stuff to them since it is needed now. It felt good to free up some space, both in my closet & in my mind. It's time to look forward.
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    southernsoul got a reaction from lifestartsnow4me in Got naked, nobody died of shame...   
    DANG!!!!!!!! Y'all are gettin' all KINDS of freaky up in here!!! Hooray for all of you....Indigo & Jane & Sophie & everybody else who's feeling free & extra frisky. Now, will somebody please play Let's Get It On?
  3. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from scrapbasket in What's Your Favorite Store Now?   
    Last weekend I took 7 big garbage bags of clothes to the thrift store run by our local battered women's shelter. I still have a lot of summer clothes to get rid of, but I wanted to get all of my too-big winter stuff to them since it is needed now. It felt good to free up some space, both in my closet & in my mind. It's time to look forward.
  4. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Jenuine629 in Egg muffins   
    I made these this weekend. I did 6 with chopped ham, Swiss cheese & chives, and 6 with fresh mozz, chopped tomatoes, & basil. I used 1 egg per muffin (12 muffins=12 eggs), beat with some skim milk, put the fillings in the cups first & then poured the egg in until muffin cup was almost full. 350 for 30 min was perfect. Delish!!
  5. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from denisetrujillo1 in Cookbook suggestions?   
    Hi, all! Does anyone have recommendations for useful cookbooks after surgery? I love to cook, and love to "chef" it up with interesting ingredients. I found one on Amazon called Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery, but I'd love to hear about any other good ones.
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    southernsoul got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Discouraged and Heartbroken.   
    Oh, Lisa, I'm so very sorry you are having to go through such a heartbreaking thing. As you already know, my husband died in a fire back in January. Although that's different from losing someone to cancer, the need for comfort in grief is such a powerful force. I have also given in to some comfort eating over these last months. I agree with the above posters...don't worry so much about losing right now, just getting rid of the unhealthy habits. Hugs to you, sweetie!
  7. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Discouraged and Heartbroken.   
    Oh, Lisa, I'm so very sorry you are having to go through such a heartbreaking thing. As you already know, my husband died in a fire back in January. Although that's different from losing someone to cancer, the need for comfort in grief is such a powerful force. I have also given in to some comfort eating over these last months. I agree with the above posters...don't worry so much about losing right now, just getting rid of the unhealthy habits. Hugs to you, sweetie!
  8. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from danielbyhalf in Baked Balsamic Chicken   
    I made this chicken for dinner the other night & it was delicious! It was very fast & easy, too, so that's a big bonus. You just mix up the marinade in a gallon baggie, stick in your chicken breasts & leave it marinating for awhile. Then throw all of it in a pan & bake it.
    Also, the leftovers were excellent sliced up on a salad the next day with a little of the leftover marinade used as the dressing. Enjoy!
  9. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Discouraged and Heartbroken.   
    Oh, Lisa, I'm so very sorry you are having to go through such a heartbreaking thing. As you already know, my husband died in a fire back in January. Although that's different from losing someone to cancer, the need for comfort in grief is such a powerful force. I have also given in to some comfort eating over these last months. I agree with the above posters...don't worry so much about losing right now, just getting rid of the unhealthy habits. Hugs to you, sweetie!
  10. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Ginger Snaps in sick and needing some advice   
    Personally, I wouldn't worry about losing weight while I was sick. If you're sick, you're sick & getting well has to take priority. Losing 62 lbs in 3 months is great! Cut yourself some slack & realize that gaining a few ounces (or even a couple of pounds) while sick is not the end of the world. When you're well again & able to function better, you'll get right back on track. Feel better!
  11. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Ginger Snaps in sick and needing some advice   
    Personally, I wouldn't worry about losing weight while I was sick. If you're sick, you're sick & getting well has to take priority. Losing 62 lbs in 3 months is great! Cut yourself some slack & realize that gaining a few ounces (or even a couple of pounds) while sick is not the end of the world. When you're well again & able to function better, you'll get right back on track. Feel better!
  12. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Discouraged and Heartbroken.   
    Oh, Lisa, I'm so very sorry you are having to go through such a heartbreaking thing. As you already know, my husband died in a fire back in January. Although that's different from losing someone to cancer, the need for comfort in grief is such a powerful force. I have also given in to some comfort eating over these last months. I agree with the above posters...don't worry so much about losing right now, just getting rid of the unhealthy habits. Hugs to you, sweetie!
  13. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from PRINCESSM in I keep sitting on my ladybits.   
    I think your theory about losing the extra thigh cushioning might be right on the money. I also can't help but wonder about massaging chairs, like at my pedi place...
  14. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from asamannj in What do I do?   
    A few months ago I was chatting with a woman at a party. She had heard I had surgery & she asked me how I was doing. I said I was doing great...I told her I had started at 320 & told her whatever I weighed at that time. She said, Wow...you really put it out there so matter of fact. Most of us women never discuss our weight so honestly. My response was, "Well, I had this surgery to help myself be better in several ways, and BS-ing around the truth wouldn't help me do that. Before you can truly fix a problem, you have to own it. If I wasn't willing to own this, I'd really be limiting myself in terms of how well I can fix it."
    In my opinion, we don't do ourselves any favors by hiding from the truth. It's not always necessary to wave it in front of others, but keep it in plain sight for yourself. Good luck to you...you can do this!
  15. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    In the beginning I weighed every day & sometimes twice a day. However, I wasn't usually very disturbed if the numbers didn't change every day. I seemed to have a pattern of losing for 2 weeks & then pausing for 2 weeks, so I didn't freak out if a week or more went by without a change. If it started to get frustrating, I would stay off the scale for a few days. Now I weigh myself most days, but not every day, so maybe 4-5 times a week. You just have to figure out what works for you & go with that, regardless of what anyone else does.
  16. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    In the beginning I weighed every day & sometimes twice a day. However, I wasn't usually very disturbed if the numbers didn't change every day. I seemed to have a pattern of losing for 2 weeks & then pausing for 2 weeks, so I didn't freak out if a week or more went by without a change. If it started to get frustrating, I would stay off the scale for a few days. Now I weigh myself most days, but not every day, so maybe 4-5 times a week. You just have to figure out what works for you & go with that, regardless of what anyone else does.
  17. Like
    southernsoul reacted to LipstickLady in Yesterday I went rogue....   
    I was told not to drink through a straw but was given permission to use a camelback Water bottle which utilizes a.....STRAW! WTH?? I've been using a straw from day1. It's the only way for me.
  18. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in Since much is required, does the sleeve just *help*?   
    I can only share my own experience, but for me the sleeve has been wonderful. I will be 9 months out soon and I'm down about 109 lbs, from 320 to 211. The hunger came back for me, but it seems much more manageable now. I haven't come across any food that I can't tolerate, although I know for some that's not the case. I joined a gym last September & was going about 3 times a week. I got off track in January, but I'm working on getting myself back to exercising regularly. Right now it's only 1-2 times a week, but that's better than nothing. I've been OK with keeping my carbs fairly low, but I know that can be a struggle for some. I'm not on a strict diet. I eat mostly what I want, but I definitely focus on Protein first. Usually the Protein fills me up to where I'm not very tempted by the carby stuff.
    Taking only a week off might be OK, but I would definitely suggest keeping a light schedule & following your surgeon's recommendations about lifting, walking, food schedule, etc. Good luck to you!
  19. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Keepgoing247 in IT'S NOT HEALTHY! IT'S JUNK!   
    Oh, man...I agree with you completely. It's rampant among foods targeted towards kids (and lazy parents), but it's also a problem in foods targeted towards adults as healthy or diet-smart. So often, when fat is removed from a food, sugar is added. The original amount of fat would likely have been healthier for our bodies than the sugars that replaced it. We have so many processed, additive-laden, chemically altered, tweaked-based-on-market studies kinds of products in our grocery stores. The amount of real, unprocessed food available in our stores & included in our diets is declining rapidly. In my opinion, the rates of obesity in this country are directly connected to the amount of processed crap we consume.
  20. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Keepgoing247 in IT'S NOT HEALTHY! IT'S JUNK!   
    Oh, man...I agree with you completely. It's rampant among foods targeted towards kids (and lazy parents), but it's also a problem in foods targeted towards adults as healthy or diet-smart. So often, when fat is removed from a food, sugar is added. The original amount of fat would likely have been healthier for our bodies than the sugars that replaced it. We have so many processed, additive-laden, chemically altered, tweaked-based-on-market studies kinds of products in our grocery stores. The amount of real, unprocessed food available in our stores & included in our diets is declining rapidly. In my opinion, the rates of obesity in this country are directly connected to the amount of processed crap we consume.
  21. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in You have to fight for it...   
    I think it's important to be aware of the number on the scale, but not to let that dictate whether or not you're doing "good". You are dropping weight that plagues your health (both physical and mental), and you're only at the beginning of the journey. The long term effects are gearing up & you WILL see a difference. Keep following your plan, keep exercising, and keep your focus on the bigger picture. You can do it....and you will!!
  22. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from Keepgoing247 in Surviving when life sucks   
    I have been a pretty frequent poster here since last March, except for the past few weeks. Almost 3 weeks ago, my husband was killed in a tragic fire at his brother's house. I am still reeling from the shock & trying desperately to find my way through this awful new reality into which I have been thrown. I miss him so much, at times I almost can't catch my breath. I am incredibly fortunate to have a strong & loving support network of amazing friends & family. Eventually, I will be OK. But at the moment, I am struggling to eat enough, I started smoking again, and I am having a drink each night to help me sleep. At some point, with the help of the many wonderful people who love me, I will find my way back to a healthy and happy path. I believe that in my head, even if I can't yet feel it in my heart. I am thankful that my improved physical condition will help me be better prepared to take care of myself now than I would have been six months ago.
    But here's the thing I want to say to you. Sometimes, life is going to suck. Surgery is not a magic cure-all for the problems we deal with. Life is going to throw us curve balls & challenging situations. Sometimes we can prepare ourselves for those challenges, but sometimes there is simply nothing that will prepare us to face what we must. So, when life rises up & punches you in the face, remember these guidelines:
    Spend more of your time focusing on your achievements rather than your shortcomings.
    Devote more energy to expressing your love to others rather than tallying up the things that piss you off.
    Understand that we are all far more than a number on a scale. If you are waiting to try new things until you lose weight, STOP WAITING. Your life is happening now, here, today....don't let it pass you by because of fear, insecurity, or doubt.
    If you pray, send me a prayer. If you don't pray, then send me good vibes & healing thoughts. I appreciate all the good & supportive thoughts I can get right now.
  23. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in You have to fight for it...   
    I think it's important to be aware of the number on the scale, but not to let that dictate whether or not you're doing "good". You are dropping weight that plagues your health (both physical and mental), and you're only at the beginning of the journey. The long term effects are gearing up & you WILL see a difference. Keep following your plan, keep exercising, and keep your focus on the bigger picture. You can do it....and you will!!
  24. Like
    southernsoul reacted to CoffeeGrinDR in You have to fight for it...   
    ...every single day.
    Some days are easier than others. The first month was certainly an emotional roller coaster and physically draining. I'm just heading into week 6 and I finally feel like things are not SO out of control as they felt.
    This IS the head struggle everyone talks about. Not giving up hope, not losing focus, not giving in. I got up today and pushed myself on Protein. If this were someone ELSE that needed this kind of support to be successful I would give it. Why is it we don't give that kind of love and support to ourselves?
    So starting today I am becoming my own coach, my own best friend, my own mentor. When I get scared I think "I can't do this" or "I don't know what to do to be successful" or "there is something weird about me biologically, I'm not going to lose like everyone else." But every day we have to fight that back.
    I get so excited when I start to lose and I have gotten so down when it doesn't move. I've gotten much better about only weighing once a week. I'm now considering moving to only weighing ONCE a month (on my surgery date) to check in on on things. The head game is a KILLER. I'm not feeling sadness about eating I'm feeling impatient with myself.
    I have no patience for this. But I'm also struggling with a breakup and something in me thinks that losing the weight will make me stronger, less hurt somehow. Wow, we all have so much built up hurt over the years, don't we?
    I'm going back to see my therapist this week. It is time to do the emotional and head work to complement my sleeve and my nutrition work.
    I haven't figured out what works yet and it frustrates me. I want there to be a set formula that says if you do x you will get y. I workout and it seems like on the days I workout the scale doesn't move. I stick to protein and low calories and the scale doesn't move. And then when I do things I shouldn't (like put crackers in soup) the scale moves. This is a confusing process. Nothing feels consistent.
    My only remaining thought is that Water matters the most and on days I don't get enough I don't lose. So I'm now drinking water like it's medicine. This is not only about what I want to put in my body, it's about what I need to put in my body.
    Thanks for everyone out there who shares their struggles, their victories, their insights. I have no one right now and you all mean a lot to me - you help me get through the fight - everyday.
  25. Like
    southernsoul got a reaction from joy3551 in 34 days out and need advice/encouragement   
    At the 1-2 month mark, I think I was still sort of uncomfortable when I ate. It's hard to get used to how much is the right amount & you can't know how you will react to new foods as you introduce them back in to your diet. Slowing down was a big thing for me...the 3 times I threw up postop happened because I was eating too fast. Even now, at almost 8 months out, I can still get uncomfortable once in awhile. I just try to start each meal slowly & if I notice a bit of discomfort I stop eating for a few minutes to see if it settles down. It doesn't happen often, but I still try to be mindful of it.

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