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Everything posted by ChristieK

  1. ChristieK


    And I'm bawling my eyes out..... *sobs* Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013
  2. ChristieK

    Having a sick day!

    Thank you soooo much. I'm feeling a lot better after finally falling asleep for about 2 hours. Lol. I honestly think part of it is my nerves are starting to get the better of me. It's ok, 1 more day and this will all be behind me. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013
  3. ChristieK

    Any ladies out there have PCOS put your hands up!

    Oh my, I wrote so much. I am sooo sorry Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013
  4. ChristieK

    Any ladies out there have PCOS put your hands up!

    I, after many painful years of wondering and worrying, was finally diagnosed with PCOS in December of last year. I'm 29 (I will be 30 in August). Weight has been an issue my entire life. I also had my first cyst rupture when I was 12. I got pregnant with my first child 5 months after I turned 20 and the weight really packed on then. Had her Sept of 2004. Then I had my son in August of 2006. I had my tubes tied at that time (fullishly) and my periods seemed semi normal. No crazy irregular bleeding, my cramps had basically disappeared, it was amazing. Then in 2010 I started getting the sharp pains in my lower belly, bleeding became a force to recon with, and I suddenly became too moody for words. (Ohhhh I forgot to mention that in 2009 I lost a ton of weight using those special little crack pills from the doctor. I went from right about 240 to 191 in about 5 months) Ok, so Decemeber 2010 I was miserable. One doctor thought it was endometriosis and sent me to a specialist who told me the only way to know for sure was to do surgery. I said ok, well while your in there just untie my tubes as well. I was getting remarried and my current husband has no children of his own. Feb 2011, exactly 6 weeks before my wedding, I went in for a 6 hour surgery. Woke up, tubes are open great, no endometriosis, oh and we cleaned about 19 cysts of your ovaries, but we STILL don't know what's wrong with you.... Time went on and things only got worse. I would bleed to the point of passing out. I would miss work because of cramps and still no answers. UNTIL I went to this amazing doctor. He did one ultrasound, said you have a 5" cyst (yes that says 5 inch) on your left side and atleast 5 small ones on your right side. You have PCOS. Here's some metformin and birth control. And whala pain is gone, bleeding has stopped, now to fix my weight.... I gained 100lbs from Jan 2010 to now and most of it I contribute to PCOS. I'm uncomfortable, unhappy, unhealthy, and still have not been able to conceive with my new hubby. I'm sooooo ready for my life and my body back. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013
  5. Now, the pre op diet is a bit different than the clear liquid diet post op. The pre op diet has to have no carbs. No carbs is what will shrink your liver. My nut specifically said No carbs and No sugar during pre op. So I would closely check the Jello and Popsicles for carbs and sugar. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013
  6. You look A-Mazing!!! Congrats. Can't wait to do the same
  7. ChristieK

    March 28th-- Houston

    Day 4 of shakes and I'm feeling GREAT!! Honestly I was soooo hungry yesterday but today I haven't even thought about food. Woo Hoo!! I'm so ready for Thursday. What time is your surgery? Mine is not till 1:30. So 11:30 arrival time at the hospital. I'm doing the Bariatric Advantage shakes right now because they were a "have to buy" from my docs office. I got the shakes and all kinds of chewable Vitamins. But once I run out I will definitely try the costco ones. Oh, Gatorade makes a Protein shake that I bought for after surgery. It's 8oz and 20grms protein. I went crazy at the grocery store finding anything and everything that has protein. Ha ha.
  8. Today is day 3 for my 7 day pre op diet. It is slowly getting easier. But I am far moodier than normal and I find myself a lot more tired after daily activities. Just keep telling yourself to keep your eye on the prize!! You can do it PS I went with my family to Texas Roadhouse for dinner last night and I survived!! Barely, but I did it!! You can do it too. I promise. This has been harder than quitting smoking. So I know if I can do it you can do it too!! Cheering for Ya
  9. I too was a smoker. I quit March 1st (had my last cigarette Feb 28th). It has been a bumpy road. I quit cold turkey because I knew if I didn't quit that way I would never quit. There has been many times iv wanted to buy a pack, but that little voice of reason on my head has stopped me every time. I looked at it as, if I was taking such a large step for my health to have surgery, how damaging would I be to myself to continue to smoke. Why bother fighting one battle just to let another one go without even an attempt. I started my Pre Op diet yesterday morning and I honestly feel I'm craving food far more than I craved a cigarette. I had made myself mentally ready to give up both but this one is so much harder. But again, that voice of reason keeps pushing me thru. My surgery is scheduled for March 28th and I will be fully on my way to a new and healthy life. Good Luck with your decision. It's not an easy one, and it is one that only you can make!!!!
  10. ChristieK

    March 28th-- Houston

    I went for my pre op stuff at the hospital yesterday. I think that's when it really hit me that this is happening, and soon!!! Well that and the fact they took away my food and are making me drink this nasty protein shake stuff. Ewwwe. Lol. You better stay in touch after surgery!! I want to know how it goes for you
  11. ChristieK

    Americans are doomed!

    Seriously..... Y'all are KILLING me here This is day 1 of pre op diet and I'm starving!!! Errr damn you Jack N the Box!!!!!
  12. Today is my last day of solid real food before surgery. I start my 1 week pre op diet tomorrow. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm not even as nervous about the surgery as I am about this diet. It is 3 protein shakes a day and then 1 5oz piece of meat w/ 1 cup of veggies for dinner. How do I get past these nerves??? Any words of wisdom???
  13. I'm a 28ther and I start mine tomorrow. I'm freaking out!!!! But I am allowed to have 1 5oz piece of meat and 1 cup of veggies every night.
  14. I'm in Conroe but my doctor is in Houston. Sleeve date is March 28th
  15. ChristieK

    Are most Sleevers Women? If so Why?

    I personally think that woman, as with most things, have bigger mouths on this site A sleeve is not gender specific. I chose it personally because of the success rate without malabsorption. I was not willin to sacrifice my hair for my body.
  16. ChristieK

    today's the day!

    Good Luck and congrats on the new life ahead of you
  17. Ha haha hahahaha!! Well you may get flack BUT you are so right!!!!! Lmao.
  18. ChristieK

    Newbie on the sleeved trail.

    Ohhhh my!! I could not do 5 weeks of the pre op diet. I start mine this Thursday. So a week on it. That will be plenty for me.
  19. Ha ha ha ha. My hubby's thing is reesies cups as well. Thank God I HATE chocolate so that will not be a problem after surgery, but the fast food is going to be the death of me Pretty sure the kids are going to learn to forget what McDonald's is. He he.
  20. ChristieK

    Newbie on the sleeved trail.

    Welcome My sleeve is scheduled for the 28th and I'm so excited. I was telling another user that, although it is nerve wracking, the surgery won't be horrible. They will give you some meds while your waiting to b operate on and it will send to to "Disneyland". It will be a fun ride!! Good Luck and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Good and bad
  21. ChristieK

    It was HORRIBLE!

    Mine was to check for a hidal hernea (which I do have) and to check for some kind of bacteria in the stomach that would have to be treated before surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
