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Beth C

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Beth C

    March 8th sleevers!

    No. Day 1 - surgery day was water only, day 2 - clear liquids, then stage 3 which is semi solids which is to last until 2 week post op, but no problems so my food is all moist and small bites. I'm not eating a lot of anything. I guess I have moved beyond semi-solids more than it recommended, but no problems.
  2. Beth C

    March 8th sleevers!

    I actually had lasgna last night and after a few bites, I was full. I could definitely feel it. Had some spaghetti today and once again, knew when I was full. Tonight I had some blackened catfish. It only takes a few bites, but then I get the sensation that I'm full and I stop. Feeling great!
  3. Beth C

    March 8th sleevers!

    Hi all, I'm new to this, too. Had my surgery on March 7, and really no big problems. I made sure they kept giving me anti-nausia medicine in the hospital and they gave me a perscription for pain and anti-nausia to go home with. However, haven't had to open them at all. I had the pain between the breasts off and on - guess it is heart burn for a couple of days, but nothing really bad. Love Fruitopia yogurt (peach or the strawberry) with the unflavored protein added. Actually had broccoli and cheese soup yesterday at Panera Bread. I had 1/2 cup while there an the other half about 2-3 hours later. Let's hang in there!

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