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Lawrence Washington

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lawrence Washington

  1. Lawrence Washington

    New York City Sleevers NYC

    NYC M HERE. 4 YEARS POST OP https://www.facebook.com/SuccessafterWLS/
  2. Lawrence Washington

    2015 still going

  3. Lawrence Washington

    running with my sons

    From the album: 2015 still going

  4. Lawrence Washington

    retreat weekend

    From the album: 2015 still going

  5. Lawrence Washington


    From the album: 2015 still going

  6. Lawrence Washington

    Lawrence Washington

  7. Lawrence Washington


    From the album: Lawrence Washington

  8. Lawrence Washington


    From the album: Lawrence Washington

  9. Lawrence Washington

    Almost a year out!

    almost a year out here too... May 17th will make a year... a great year. Highest weight:344, Surgery weight:317 and current weight:230.... Its been a great journey so far... the way i sum it up is this... "Everything is different once you challenge yourself and win." On May 17th, my surgiversary I will be running in the Brooklyn Half marathon... I have done things this year that i would have never imagined. I RUN NY!!! lol... I run 4-5 miles 4-5 and sometimes 6 days a week... this journey showed me that Im Possible... and nothing is impossible.. But you have to want it... As much as i would like to be at 217 to have 100lb loss by my one year mrk from the date of surgery. I am not attached to it.... I am off all med, no hbp, no diabetes, no cholesterol... NOthing... Im winning.... and i will reach my ultimate goal of 199... when i do.... no rush.. just keep eating right... keep excersizing
  10. Lawrence Washington

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    Im in harlem also... would love to play a role in this also... very similar story... im almost a year out, have helped 1 person through surgery who is about a month out and have a few people in consulation and i would love to help others... Lets chat... As much as id love to play a huge leadership role... My time is somewhat limited at this time... I have 10 yr old triplets, a 6 year old and a wife in her second semester of college.... sooooo... my schedule is jacked up.. buut i can work some things out and be of some help... But I have a background in motivational work, video production, and a lot of work working with youth, teens..
  11. Lawrence Washington

    DSC 2720

    From the album: I run NY

  12. Lawrence Washington

    I run NY

    Heres me in my running gear about to do my 3 miles... Thats what im up to.... and loving it.. Sept 2nd
  13. Lawrence Washington

    struggling everyday

    clarify in your mind that it is a choice between life and death... and then actively choose life... Heres the thing... You dont realize it... but you are actually making a lot of automatic choices in your life... If you could try your hardest and move through one day and really focus on every movement, every breath, every step, and every choice... You will see what it is like to live a life full of active choices... My suggestion is to CHOOSE LIFE... You have chosen death for way too long.. I know,.. because so did I.
  14. so... how are you doing so far, back to eating now.. right?

  15. Lawrence Washington

    May sleevers results so far!

    Highest Weight: 344 First doc appt weight: 327 Surgery Weight: 317 Current Weight: 258 Total weight Loss: 86 lbs since surgery: 59 lbs Progress... is Progress... am I a slow looser... I dont know...I know i feel really good about where Ive come so far... I purchased a XL shirt. I used to wear a 4 or 5xl shirt. I purchased a size 40 pants... Almost ready to go to 38... I was wearing a 46. Im rocking this sleeve. It hasnt been easy.... My fat mentality is still ever so present. I cant stop looking for validation from others... and I still make myself a regular plate from time to time. The difference is, I eat slower and when i reach my full point there is a lot of food on my plate and I get rid of it and it doesnt go into my mouth... haha... This is a game of self control. I have come to that realization. Its about Choosing to be different, eat different, live different and working to win... Its about refusing to give up. My workout routine is something i would never had guessed it would be. I run the brooklyn bridge (3.2 miles) 4-5 days a week. If i cant get to the bridge i am still commited to my 3.2 miles on those 4-5 days... and then 2-3x a week i do weight training in my home along with a 40 minute kickboxing routine which was on my on demand TV station.(Free) ... The object of the game is to win. Winning is subjective. I beleive that winning in this game is to change your life poisitively. I am not just looking at the scale (though I have been a slave to the scale at some point in this journey) I see me being ddifferent, approaching things differently and moving forward over and over again over any obstacle or mental breakdown. (especially during them stalls that are fucked up-excuse my language) But overall. I can say that this was the best decision ever, not only for me but for the people who i share it with. I am pretty open about my journey and Ive had a few people already start their process because they see mine. Paying it Forward!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last but not least... Ive learned that when i want something that i shouldnt eat... like a burger, or a donut or something like that... HAVE IT!!!! and I can never eat all of it... and it happens rarely... But once in a while I give in.. and I dont have to beat myself up, or ever forgive myself for it.... Its OK... Its OK... For me... You have to choose for yourself, if that "give in" is OK for you every once in a while... It's all a choice...
  16. Lawrence Washington

    Myfitness vs fat secret

    downloading!!!! will check it out.. thanks
  17. gum will trigger the acid in your stomach and make u hungrier... but for the record i sucked a whole small bag of cheese doodles during one night of my pre op... so dont feel bad....
  18. Lawrence Washington

    I Run Ny

    From the album: I run NY

    i run NY!!!! up to 3 miles almost everyday now...
  19. its the day before surgery and one picture each month after.... what you think... I think im doing pretty good... running 3 miles 4x a week... and staying active... eating small portions... sometimes not the best meals but for the most part i am... Feeling energetic, grateful and overall just happy... Down from 5 pills to 1 pill. No more anxiety, no more diabetes, no more cholesterol and 1 high blood pressure pill down... 1 to go.... Life on the loosers bench isnt always easy... But its worth it 100%... some days i feel fat as i ever been and want to give up... but i know i cant this time... This time i will prove to myself that I can get to my goal... 268 now------ goal 199.... by 1 yr surgiversary... I got this...
  20. Lawrence Washington

    Weight Stall?

    stalls seem to come and go... 3 months out what i will tell you is this... It becomes an emotional roller coaster trying to lose... What i have reverted to was telling myself that I am keeping in line with what I should be doing... as in eating healthy/working out.. etc... This way i know that i am putting my best foot forward... The weights gonna come off.. Its crazy because today I am 272lbs... surgery weight was 317. and my highest weight was 344... I feel great, and i get told i look great... and In my mind i know i have more to go... and im just focusing on doing it... and I will... so will you... what I try to tell myself is "Give yourself a break, your doing the right thing"...
  21. Lawrence Washington

    May sleevers results so far!

    i am pretty much 12 weeks out... Sleeved May 17th.... highest weight: 344 Surgery weight: 317 Current Weight: 277 Total weight loss: 67 since surgery: 40 I work out at least 4 times a week.. running the brooklyn bridge back and forth... never would have guessed i would be doing that... so im proud of me... Have hit quite a few stalls and its been rough knowing that im doing sooo much more and eating soooo much less but loosing at a slow pace... But im working through that.... my next post op doctors appointment is September 25th and my goal was originally to be at 260... but im going to smash that goal and go in there at at least 255. ive got 6 weeks to do it.. and thats 22 lbs.. its only about 4lbs a week... I got this...
  22. One is 3 days before surgery attached with 2 months out, and one is Yesterday July 28th.... I just want to say to anyone thats in a stall... Just switch it up... You will not fail... Just do something different... If your running on a treadmill, start doing different kinds of exercises, change your diet completely.. If your eating chicken breast and salad and your in a stall... eat brocoli and fish... and drink a whole lot more water... Stalls come and trust me, stalls go.. I aint where i wanna be yet, and I was in a stall for 3 weeks without knowing it... but when i realized what was up.. I switched it up,.. and im back on the downward spiral... Good luck VSG family!
  23. Lawrence Washington

    Almost 3 months Out.. PICS!

    Salad....? Im one of the lucky ones who has found that I can eat anything i want... since about a month out.. NOT THAT I DO.. But i can... and Ive learned so much on this ride.. Its not about being hungry.... cause im hungry all the time... But i did this to be healthy and i wont let the hunger decide for me.. yeah, every once in a while i want a lil debbies snack cake or something.. but do i eat the whole thing, NO! can I YES... and SALAD! yes... No problems here... Your 2 weeks out! keep on trucking.. Youll be eating salad before you know it..
  24. Lawrence Washington

    Worried about Quality of Life PostOp

    dont worry.. I was at a cookout yesterday... almost 3 months out.. I ate, I didnt eat as much as i used to.. but i ate.. Quality of life afterwards for me has been nothing but smooth... I dont have to worry about dropping dead everyday.. Im on ONE PILL... a high blood pressure med which i plan on being off real soon.. Down from 5 pills... No more diabetes, No more cholesterol meds... no more anxiety meds.. .. Your not weak,.. This process is not a "I give up". This process is a "I give in" I have actively chosen my life over what I used to live which was sad... What if, what if, what if, no.. So what, Now what? I made myself fat and I tried many things to help me not be fat and not be unhealthy, it didnt work.. SO WHAT, NOW WHAT? Now i had to decide if i was going to do what i needed to do to live.. I chose LIFE! and I want you to chose life also.. sorry if i come off passionate about it, but i am.. Life is amazing when you are taking life by the wheel and controlling it.. I wish you the best

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