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ray of sunshine

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ray of sunshine

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  1. ray of sunshine

    Post Op info class

    Reading this makes me want to be in your shoes right now. I am up for April but no date set yet so I am like COME ON LET"S DO THIS NOW stage. Thank you for some of the tid bits tho bc I am sure it will help ... Taking note !
  2. ray of sunshine

    I'm cleaning out my closet (literally)...

    Gabby I have those fears now before I even have surgery so I started in my mind to see what I have to shrink into now so I can have them waiting on me. I hear this is normal thoughts bc we can not see ourselves smaller bc it never happened before so he is a cheers to you and letting go and letting yourself fly !
  3. ray of sunshine

    From "oh" to "yeah".....

    Debbie The thought of one of those visits stopping me never crossed my mind because I am healthy as a horse but on my way to not being the horse anymore but the heffer. I went to my sleep study thinking I don't have anything wrong with me. My husband says I never snore or stop breathing so your fine. I go in and boom the chic wakes me up in the middle of the night says here put this on and breath. WHAT ! you just put a mask on my face telling me I have stopped breathing more then 5 times an hour are you kidding me right now plus go back to sleep. Well I did not easy but now I am scared of someone stopping me from getting my surgery like you said so I feel you on the OH they can tell me no to Yeah your on for April still . I hope and wish you all the best on your way to the YEAH bc with hard work and due process we will be the Yeah check her out over there girls soon.

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