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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About KTB1128

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/28/1987

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    <a href='http://www.bariatricpal.com'><img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/tickers/173709-ktb1128/bodyweight.png?ts=1452633689' /></a>
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    Port Huron
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  1. KTB1128

    May sleevers results so far!

    My surgery date was May 13th 2013...... Pre op weight - 263 Date of surgery - 257 Current weight - 225
  2. KTB1128

    Young Sleevers

    I'm 25 and sleeved 5/13 with 35 lbs lost. My skin is prone to stretch marks. I'm not sure if its the cocoa butter or what but my stretch marks are less visible and my skin doesn't look flabby like I thought it would!
  3. I bought this seat a few years ago and had a hard time not slipping off! lol Do yourself a favor and buy a cloud 9 seat. You can get them at bicycle shops or online. I ride my bike everyday and since I bought my cloud 9 seat, you can't get me off of the thing!
  4. It was the same for me.....After I started puree on week two it got a lot better.
  5. KTB1128

    Dumb question

    Try the skinny girl line, it's pretty good. If they don't carry it in the bars, I'd just stick to screwdrivers or rum & diet cokes. (preop only for the diet cokes of course ) I'm not a big drinker either, but there is one party every summer I do go to and I'm not going to worry about sabotaging myself. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it on my 21st birthday of all days (Just stay away from Taco Bell after!! ) Good luck!
  6. I had to hold my breath in the bathroom for 2 weeks following surgery! Once I was home, it reminded me of being in the hospital (which I did NOT like, lol)!
  7. KTB1128

    boobs are getting smaller already :-(

    I was sleeved 5/13 and I noticed it within the first week. I also wore a 38 D (guilty of buying wayyy to many bras from vs!). So far, I actually don't mind! It's like I can breath easier with less weight on my chest... BUT if they shrink to an A, we may have problems.
  8. KTB1128


    I was also sleeved 5/13 and have stalled! I have lost 27 lbs since preop, 22 since surgery. I've only lost one pound in the past week! I'm staying away from the scale for awhile
  9. KTB1128

    Mirena IUD vs. Birth control pills

    Please consider Paraguard, which is hormone free. I watched my little sister have a stroke at 18 from birth control, with no prior complications. It's something I wouldn't want to see anyone go through, especially if its preventable.
  10. KTB1128

    Mirena IUD vs. Birth control pills

    If I were you I'd check into the implant....
  11. KTB1128

    Mirena IUD vs. Birth control pills

    Small world! I was sleeved by Dr. Kole two weeks ago. I have had para guard since I was 20 (about 5 years) and let me tell you what, I regretted the heck outta that thing for three years! My periods went from normal 4-5 days of light to medium to needing ultra supreme gi-normous tampons every hour WITH a pad to match! And the pain.....holy.....I was doubled over (no kids here!) for two days. Now I'm finally getting used to it.....not as much cramping and the periods are only horrid every other time. Now that the worst is over I'm semi happy with it (no hormones or monthly costs) but if you think I'm not scared as heck to get it out, guess again.
  12. KTB1128

    Week 2 whatcha eating?

    Holy cow, you guys are eating real food so soon! I'm still on full liquids @ 11 days out and don't start purée until Tuesday.
  13. I wore (and am still wearing while recovering) yoga capris and ribbed tanks from old navy. I just bought three more today, so cumfy!
  14. I'm sleeved! It's been about 20 hours and I feel great! Granted I do feel like I did about 1,000 sit ups. I'm glad I didn't let some of the negative posts here scare me. ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
