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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from angela3472 in Post op march sleevers   
    I had more than 80 pounds to lose for sure, but if anything I admire those who did this before they had more to lose and MORE health problems. Plus, the hard part is KEEPING the weight off. We all know that. This will help them do that! It sounds like you are just jealous that younger, fitter people are changing their lives and not wasting 10-20 years cycling. This site is for support an encouragement, not for hurting other people while you work out your personal issues. I have some great connections in the counseling field. Please feel free to message me if you would like a reference.
  2. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from angela3472 in Post op march sleevers   
    I had more than 80 pounds to lose for sure, but if anything I admire those who did this before they had more to lose and MORE health problems. Plus, the hard part is KEEPING the weight off. We all know that. This will help them do that! It sounds like you are just jealous that younger, fitter people are changing their lives and not wasting 10-20 years cycling. This site is for support an encouragement, not for hurting other people while you work out your personal issues. I have some great connections in the counseling field. Please feel free to message me if you would like a reference.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to sharonintx in Post op march sleevers   
    Sleeved on 3-8 -13 as well. I lost 20 lbs right off the bat, then had a horrible stall that lasted nearly 3 weeks. The scales finally moved again and as of today am down 26 pounds. I wanted more but I'll take it anyway. Hang in there ladies - the scales will move again!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to deputy630 in Post op march sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to It'sNowOrNever in Post op march sleevers   
    I was sleeved March 1. I was stalled for the past week, just lost two more pounds looks like the stall is over. 52 lbs down.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sherriews@yahoo.com in Post op march sleevers   
    Wow, I'll prob cry if I ever get that close!! It seems sooo far away for me!!! Congratulations!!! Let us know how it is when u arrive in Onederland!!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to newat52 in How will this be different?   
    I guess the lady who got her insurance to bend was lucky. My insurance has the same exclusions. No exceptions. Not covered. I even got 2 of "seen them on tv, we can get your insurance to pay" dr's and no go. Excluded.
    I live and had my surgery in Dallas. There are lots of top bariatric surgeons in the area. The average price is $11-13k, all inscusive in this area. Mine was $12,200. Out the door, pre op testiing, hospital, OR, the whole shebang. It can be very affordable stateside if your husband is of that mindset. That was the choice my husband and I made. We are very happy with it. That said, you will find many folks here who have traveled to Mexico and paid far less. They seem very happy with their choice as well.
    You say your hubby won't hear of Mexico but there are many good stateside options as well. Good luck, sounds like he will be a hard sell.
    p.s. I've been married for well over 30 years to the same guy. Sometimes, it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. Just sayin.....
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in How will this be different?   
    I used to think that, too about going to a foreign country for surgery. But after reading all the stories here, I'm considering Mexico for Tummy Tuck and breast augmentation after I lose all the weight, because I KNOW my insurance won't cover it.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in How will this be different?   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to TES in A Lil Confused..Calling All Experienced Sleevers!   
    I would measure out the amount and eat no more. At first your nerve endings may not be fully healed and you may not get a signal that you are full when you really are. Your stomach is really swollen right now, so that limits your early capacity.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Nicolanz in Am I doomed? (Please say no!)   
    I would follow ut now with no mistake. You don't eant to get there, have them open you up, then close you back up and not be able to do the procedure! The purpose of the diet is to shrink the liver so they can get to your stomach.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to pottergirl in Feeling regretful, does this pass?   
    i had regret and depression in the beginning wondering what the hell had i done. 13 weeks post op and 75 lbs later i love my sleeve. i love the restriction and the tool the sleeve is in controlling what i eat. couldn't have done this on my own
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SteelersGal86 in Feeling regretful, does this pass?   
    I TOTALLY get what you're saying! I found out a week after surgery that I had a leak @ spent the next 3 weeks in the hospital. I had SOOOOOO many regrets... I felt guilty for putting my wonderful boyfriend through all that & felt like I was being selfish. I cried... A LOT!! I can tell you that it does pass though. Im starting to feel better now & the weight has finally started coming off & THAT'S what will change your mind. It's not easy to get into the routine of eating according to this procedure but it will happen & your definition of a "normal meal" will be different but gratifying. Just be patient & it'll all come together. All the research I did pre-op led me to believe that others were dancing in the streets just days after surgery & suddenly I was in the massive minority but my direction is changing & Im seeing the positive a lil more each day. Keep your chin up!
  14. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to ShellyBean in Post op march sleevers   
    Tomorow is 6 weeks for me and I have been in the stall for 3 weeks. I'm so grateful to hear I am not alone. Today I actually felt hungry and gave in. I ate about 1000 cals which doesn't seem like a lot but I normally don't feel like eating. Its been like a chore (I never would have believed it)
    What is everyones cal in take. I really am not sure where I'm supposed to be at.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sherriews@yahoo.com in Post op march sleevers   
    I've been in a 3 wk long stall!!! Have tried everything to break it. I was sleeved 3/8/13 and have only lost 17 lbs total. I feel terrible about the scales, but I have lost inches. I've been reassured that the scales WILL eventually move again...can't happen soon enough for me!!! But, today has been a better day, trying to change my mindset everyone says 6 mo from now this will be just a dream....
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from OneWritersSoul in How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?!?!   
    I am 2 weeks out. Sure, I read my literature from the doc, but coming on here so much, I tried to weed out carbs at 1 week when puréed foods started. I had pain, I lost slowly, I was tired.
    I looked over my list 3 days ago, and it says to start with soft carbs...potatoes, oatmeal, cream of wheat. I decided to keep it natural, but added potatoes to my string cheese and Beans. I also drank apple juice which went down delightfully.
    I went from losing 1.5 every other day...to -1, -1.6, -1 the last three days. And I've felt alive. Until my weight loss slows, I will have fruit and veggies that some will condemn, because it seems to work for my body. For me, Chinese take-out can be very healthy too!
    That said.....sometimes I want to SLAP these people, lol lol! I read, "Cake is a soft food, right?" Seriously?!?
  17. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to roriep in Post op march sleevers   
    I'm 209.8 today. I know this is only exciting to me, but I'm 10 pounds from Onederland!!!! Yea!!!!!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SpaceDust in HERE IT GOES...   
    I should add that my dietician was 100% on board with me continuing to use shakes for breakfast, both now and after I get back to solid foods after surgery. Her take is that while normal foods are encouraged, it's really more of a question of what works for me in the long run. I'm much more consistent getting breakfast in a timely manner by using a shake, and it's decent nutrition, not a doughnut or a stack of pancakes or something.
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from SpaceDust in HERE IT GOES...   
    Thanks for answering everyone! I feel the SAME WAY about breakfast, and I go back to my trainer this week, so I think I'll continue to keep them on hand for now
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Leleboo in African American Sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Butterthebean in HERE IT GOES...   
    I still drink shakes 1 year post op. If you do frequent high intensity exercise, it's almost a necessity. You have a limited window to properly refuel your muscles after intense exercise and Protein Shakes are the most expedient way to get the fuel right to the muscle...that's what they're made for. So if you're that type of person who wants to do intense exercise, then I see no reason to give them up completely.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to makemyownluck in HERE IT GOES...   
    The shakes are great when you're starting out, but I think the goal is to eventually build up a healthy diet with natural food. You can definitely keep using the shakes if you want to, or when they are convenient, but they want you to get your nutrition from natural sources, which are better for you. Nutrients are better absorbed from food sources than processed down in Vitamins or a Protein shake.
    But in the beginning when we're on staged diets and new to this tool and have to still support our heavier frames while we're losing, the shakes are the easiest way to get what we need. There will come a point when we're eating what we want to, and we need to make sure what we're eating is fueling our body - nutrient and Protein rich foods - so that shakes aren't necessary anymore. That's the ultimate goal for long term success.
  23. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Dallas Curvy Girl in African American Sleevers   
    Hello Everyone!
    I am very new to this site but I have found it quite resourceful. I will have my surgery on the 30th of this month and I am really excited about the journey I am embarking on. The topics that related to African American sleevers are going to really great. I am natural and I too wondered about hair loss. I was thinking about getting my hair braided afterwards since I will be working out when the doctor lets me know I can. I would appreciate any and all information that is provided. I look forward to the future discussions.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to neneh_vsg in African American Sleevers   
    Hi everyone! Just got my date (June 18) and am super excited.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to paglahg in African American Sleevers   
    Congrats to you!
    This week I am 4 weeks out and have just began to feel better, not afraid to try to eat soft foods. Still throw up maybe once or twice a week but getting better. Hopefully, the vomitting with time. Went from 312 to 277 thus far.

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