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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Bizarre trend?   
    I wanted to eat! I love to eat! I had this surgery to essentially "take my free will away" for a expanded amount of time so I could further work on these issues. This is what I signed up for, pain from a major surgery and the ability to eat copious amounts of "bad" food ripped away from me!!!!
    Ok deep breath rant over
    That's my favorite "I just don't like the shakes"
    Ok now I'm done hehehe
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in Bizarre trend?   
    Just a thought, but maybe VSG has become the trend and people are leaping without doing enough looking? Or perhaps the food addiction part isn't truly being addressed preop? Maybe expecting a magical cure all?
    I'm not saying this is the case, but it's "food for thought."
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to kelcath33 in Large sleeve!   
    I never said that the bougie size affects cravings and I know that my stomach size is greatly reduced; but when compared to other post-op folk, I can still eat a larger-than-average amount of food. I read more stories about people losing cravings/hunger/everything than stuff saying the same. I do feel a restriction, however, I still want to eat more more more.
    All I was trying to convey is I am jealous of those who no longer feel those hunger pangs and cravings... especially when I was specifically told that I wouldn't want anything to do with food. So, maybe you can understand my frustration.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in Large sleeve!   
    It sounds like your surgeon made the safest decision for your health. That is a good thing.
    Now you're armed with knowledge and can taylor your sleeved life accordingly.
  5. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to frumpynomore in Large sleeve!   
    I can certainly understand your worries BUT YOU ARE STILL LOSING! Please try to not get discouraged. I have been a slow loser too and my sleeve was a medium size bougie. I can eat an 8 oz steak, 1/2 baked potato and even some salad before I get full. It's still less than what I could eat pre-VSG but it's a lot more than what most people can eat that have had a VSG. Keep your eye on the end result. You will lose the weight you want to...so what if it takes a bit longer...you will still get there!!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Indymom in Calorie intake @ 1 year post op   
    Do you track on MyFitness Pal? I would register there and have the system calculate your recommended calories to continue losing 1-3 lbs/week. It seems to be pretty accurate. I try to stay at 1200 cals/day and if I earn a lot of exercise calories, I try to eat some of them back. You need to be sure you don't reduce your calories to the point that you end up in starvation mode . . . that can throw you into a stall.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to pixigrl in Walden Farms   
    I concur with SE above. The Blue cheese was the only product that was somewhat..decent. Please don't waste your money. They don't taste anything like the real product and the texture is even different. We're eating such few calories to begin with , it's way better to just buy the real deal. Your body knows how to process those, but I'm not sure about the chemically based Frankenfoods of WF.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Tink22-sleeve in Can we smoke 6 days after the procedure?   
    Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor and can delay healing of the stomach. that said, I am a social smoker and started "cheating" at 3 months. Wish I would have never started again
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to jessica bowling in Can we smoke 6 days after the procedure?   
    If you are going to smoke than the sleeve is not for you. They will take your blood a few days before and if nicotine is in your system will tell you your to big of a risk:(
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to lizv123 in Can we smoke 6 days after the procedure?   
    Nicotine stays in the system up to 3 months. I had a friend who works in a med lab that told me that. Most surgeons will do a pre op nicotine blood test and if it's positive, no surgery. Big risk with anesthesia and a red flag as far as self discipline goes. You can do it. I stopped no problem. And the risk of smoking after surgery is ulcers. There's not much to do with a 4oz stomach thy has a bleeding septic hole in it :/
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to DonRodolfo in Relaxing on the 30/30 rule?   
    What happens when you drink with meals
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to rewind in Relaxing on the 30/30 rule?   
    I try not to drink about 15 minutes before eating. As someone mentioned, though, I have also taken a tiny sip or two during a meal to help a food slide down. This was approved by my NUT. I do try to wait 30 minutes afterwards, for any significant amount.
    ALso, My NUT told me, however, to eat a popsicle with my meal, to count it as a 'dessert' right away. And that is actually a liquid. She thought by waiting it might give me permission to start snacking.
    I do think one has to experiment a little bit and see what works for them. We are all little different.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sheraton1 in Relaxing on the 30/30 rule?   
    I was told 15minutes before and 30 after. It works fine!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to ShellyBean in Post op march sleevers   
    Hey Sherrie,
    I went through my huge binder of stuff from NUT class and I saw how to calculate my total Cal intake once we are on normal foods (if you can ever call this normal again lol) it actually worked out to exactly what MFP said my daily intake should be.
    Female = (10x your current wright in KG) + (6.25 x your height in CM) - (5 x your age) - 161 x your activity factor.
    You activity factor is as follows :
    1.2 = sedentary (little or no exercise)
    1.373 = lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days a week )
    1.55 = moderately active (sports 3-5 days a week)
    1.725 = very active ( hard exercise/ sports 6-7 days a week)
    1.9 = extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job)
    For Men its (10x your current wright in KG) + (6.25 x your height in CM) - (5 x your age) + 5 x your activity factor.
    I figured i have been eating too little and I am hoping that upping my cal intake a little will help break it.
    For everyone who keep losing, what cal intake were you at?
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sherriews@yahoo.com in Post op march sleevers   
    As bad as I hated to, I upped my calories to try to get out of this 4 week long stall. I'm not going to weigh again until next Tuesday ...that will mark one week. I am hoping and praying to get my body jumpstarted. Many people recommend this and I'm so hoping I actually lose or at the very least, don't gain back any! I will be sure to let everyone know just in case any of you experience a month-long stall...which btw I hope never happens ....
  17. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to KristieAtkinson in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    I'm glad y'all like them! They get me thru my crunchy cravings.
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from No game in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    Yay! The "eat by" is what I was worried about.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    Amazon! 25.99 free shipping six packages of different flavors and I just looked at the "eat by"
    Date they are good until mid October
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Takingcontrol in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    I'm in Texas...I can't find them at Kroger or HEB! They looked at me like I'm crazy when I asked! :-(
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to It'sNowOrNever in Post op march sleevers   
    True. You don't need email. Just user name in email spot
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to deputy630 in Post op march sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Kalimomof3 in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    Oh my goodness they are good. I just had some onion flavored ones! The guy that was popping them in the store today said the Honey Wheat were the best but they didn't have any the only other kind the had was strawberry and idk about that flavor?On a happy note it only cost me $2.99 for the bag of 12 pops:)
    FYI they may be more widely available than we thought there is a website with the story of them and how they decided to get them in grocery stores and there is a store locator . In HEB it was in the Health food and Supplement section.
  24. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to SecretVSG in Post op march sleevers   
    For whoever said whatever about having 80 lbs or less to lose... You must be talking about me!!! This is all I have to say to ya... "They see me rollin'... They hatin'..." Hahahaha love all the support and I didn't even hear you... This is positive and I'm gonna take over the world and WORK HARD all the way there!!
  25. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from ShellyBean in Post op march sleevers   
    I had more than 80 pounds to lose for sure, but if anything I admire those who did this before they had more to lose and MORE health problems. Plus, the hard part is KEEPING the weight off. We all know that. This will help them do that! It sounds like you are just jealous that younger, fitter people are changing their lives and not wasting 10-20 years cycling. This site is for support an encouragement, not for hurting other people while you work out your personal issues. I have some great connections in the counseling field. Please feel free to message me if you would like a reference.

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