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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to melodymouse in Relaxing on the 30/30 rule?   
    I think it depends on the individual. 30/30 worked for me in the early stages but now even 15 months out, I have to wait 60 minutes after. I digest slowly and there is no way I could put anything else in my sleeve if I've eaten regular food.< /p>
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to melody2 in Bizarre trend?   
    It's major surgery and life altering....not something to be taken lightly. Some days....well...suck. Most days are good. There is pain, staples, and incisions that do not heal rapidly and you change gross bandages 2-3 times a day. Yes, you will get queasy and perhaps lose your lunch. Yes, your body will adjust, heal and adapt. But eventually, you begin to feel better and you notice that your energy is returning. And you notice that your clothes are not tight and you can walk up stairs easier. Then you accept that life may never be the way it was....you mourn what was and move on to what you had hoped for all along. It's call a life changing event. So mourn, shed a few tears, get angry, and use the stages of grief to arrive at a better place....what you were aiming for all along. Never give up or wish for what can never be again....wishing to eat a whole pizza after a sleeve is just waited time and emotion....think about what is good, positive, and possible.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Bizarre trend?   
    If my stomach grew back and I gained all my weight back!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to MichiganChic in Bizarre trend?   
    I don't think I can agree with your hypothesis, respectfully . I had no waiting period at all. Many of the people who regret it said they knew what they were getting into. Some just hate it, some had complications. Maybe that's why most people pass the psyche exam - because unless there is a glaring red flag, there might not be a way to tell who is going to regret it/succeed/fail.
    But since we are hypothesizing, I'd be interested in a regression analysis to see if there is a correlation between post op support and regret. Or better yet, comparison of post op time frame and level of regret, and compare the same subjects over time. Just some thoughts.
    Anyway, at the end of the day, I think those with regret are entitled to feel how they feel. I regret lots of things in my life, but I'm still ok anyway. Hopefully these people are, too.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Chris R in Bizarre trend?   
    I would be very interested to see what kind of correlation there is between the depth of pre-surgical program and the incidence of those expressing regrets. I'd be willing to bet there is a strong inverse correlation.
    (OK, I know I'm speaking math-eze)
    I wonder if more of those with regrets went through less/shorter requirements and preparation pre-surgery?
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to WorkItOutWoman in Bizarre trend?   
    I think you have to be pretty f****d up not to pass the psych eval honestly, although on another site I frequent one person could not get surgery because of "failing" the eval. Because I am such a nice person I didn't say "you couldn't pretend to be normal for 45 minutes".
    *Edited to add there are people with real mental illness concerns and in my attempt at humor I don't want to disparage them. I completely believe you have to be mentally prepared before you remove 80% of your stomach.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Bizarre trend?   
    I'm in a simple mood today... So I will give a simple opinion
    I think it's a combo of things, people sometimes like to gloss over the downsides when they have their heart set on something... I've seen many times when someone comes here in the "hoping"
    Stages and reads something they don't like or someone gives them info that they don't want to hear they say something like "well hopefully that won't happen to me" and then totally disregard it. Even call the posters a buzz kill or negative!
    Also the doctors, can you say big business?
    They often have a nut and a psychologist that they refer to. These people for the most part collect their money and give you the green light.
    I mean have you ever read about someone being denied for not being mentally prepared??
    I may be wrong.. I would love to know if someone has ever NOT passed the psychological test.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to LI Gemini NY in Bizarre trend?   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to AussieLady in Bizarre trend?   
    This surgery has been lauded as the latest and greatest thing, but it's relatively new and I am really afraid of the long term effects now. No-one knows what they are. We really are like the guinea pigs for future generations. I hope long term it's good, but who knows really?
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to WorkItOutWoman in Bizarre trend?   
    The truth of the matter is that most people who aren't 100 lbs overweight follow some sort of "diet". It is what it is folks. Being healthy means following a plan and exercise.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Bizarre trend?   
    I always knew I was an emotional eater, it was easy to say but much harder to truly understand, come to grips with and work on changing. I lurked on this forum about 5 months before joining. I joined the day I decided to have surgery. It was through reading so many honest posts about other's struggles with emotional eating/relationships with food that I feel I gained so much insight. The thing that brought it home was that the posts I was reading were from people who I felt were walking in my shoes. Not once in my 44 years had I verbalized it. It would never had occurred to me to talk to any of the other overweight friends or family I have to share the emotional aspects of my struggle. But, I started to. I stopped using other excuses, and came clean with myself, and anyone who cared to ask me questions about my decision. When I did go for my psych consult, I felt I was able to be very upfront about why obesity had consumed my life. Since, I've been able to talk about it freely and have had so many conversations with my sisters especially about triggers, and what I do now etc. Having the awareness and a safe place to really talk about these things makes all the difference for me. I think one of the hardest things to do is admit when we "fail" or perceive we fail, it is even harder to do it to the masses. I give anyone that has the courage to post about a day when they are struggling all the credit in the world, they knew to turn to the people who would understand. It is those same people who will give you a good swift kick in the as* because they know it is what is needed. Excluding folks who have had complications, I would think the biggest population of regrets would come from folks not fully coming to terms with those underlying issues. I think you hit it on the head John
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to lsereno in Bizarre trend?   
    I don't think there are a lot more people with regrets. I think they are speaking up more because one got the nerve to really speak out. And we don't hear from the ones that have regained all their weight or never got remotely close to goal and quit coming here.
    IMO, those with regrets should speak out so others have an idea of issues they may need to work on pre-op or post-op. When I first starting reading VST, Tiffy-kins was on here all the time. She had a terrible post-op experience, with a leak and having to get rid of her gallbladder, but I saw she got over those things and I thought, well if that happens to me, I can get over it too. I also read threads about people not getting to goal and those that did get to goal so I knew what I had to do if I wanted to get to goal and stay there. And I read the threads about people who became addicted to alcohol or drugs. After I started drinking again when I got close to goal, I set a limit on how often and how much I drink to avoid those issues.
    I think we all have issues with food or we wouldn't have got overweight to start with. And it's important to work on those issues because no matter how tight the restriction, at some point in the future, enough capacity for weight regain will return.
    Of course, that's just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to RaqRodriguez7 in Bizarre trend?   
    I have to admit, I am one of those who regrets it. I liked who I was and the life I had but I did it because it seemed like an easy way to lose weight. Now I realize I wasn't emotionally or mentally ready for the drastic changes that are now permanent.
  14. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to LI Gemini NY in Bizarre trend?   
    I noticed all the regret posts too but they seem to be posted my people who are a few days to weeks post op. I think it's mostly psychosocial. It's a huge thing. Humans aren't typically good with change and a lot will change. Change is hard! I am so grateful to be going through this with support (partner having surgery as well). Having support is significant for me. Sometimes you just have have to talk it out loud...
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to ca71 in Bizarre trend?   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to kshepa in Bizarre trend?   
    I can only speak for myself but, I am very happy with my VGS!! No regrets now at 11 months and 112# off. However, I did have complications the first 2 months and wondered whether I had done the right thing. Never true regret. Never posted any regrets, either.
    I am Kim and yes, I am a recovering compulsive overeater. I have gone to OA, so I know that there tools to use to get thru food cravings and abnormal feelings toward food. Also, I lost 96# of my 200 I needed to lose on my own while I researched the VSG and waited for insurance approval. Also had to save money for it. So, I guess I've never looked at it as a quick fix/magic cure for obesity. I'm just so darned happy to have my health back, look amazing, feel great!! I have a very busy social life, too. Plus, I still see a therapist to talk to about my WLS journey, the same therapist who gave me his blessing pre-op. I feel sorry for those who have regrets. If there is anyone out there who needs a WLS friend to talk to private message me.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to scrappooba in Bizarre trend?   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to amytug in Bizarre trend?   
    For me, I really hated myself and hated my life. My self esteem was so low that I would barely leave my house. I was embarrassed to go to my kids school events.
    My weight (and super short height) made it VERY hard to buy clothes that fit or that reflected who I am. I literally had 3 t- shirts that I bought at Walmart in the men's department for 3 at 4th of July. 2 were exactly the same and one was a gray version. These shirts were also seen on just about every far poor man in our town. (Navy w a us flag) I felt frumpy and dumpy and ugly. I was a shell of who I once was as a younger, thinner (but never skinny) more active me. I had serious depression from all of this and was becoming more of a recluse and fatter because of it. What else is there to do? Guess I'll eat this whole box of Cadbury eggs.
    The week before surgery I went into a store in the mall becaise I saw hot pink t shirts that made me happy. Nothing in my size. It was a great big smack in the face, reminding me WHY I was going to get surgery. I wanted it so bad I could taste it.
    MY POINT BEING: maybe those that regret the surgery just thought "oh my gosh ill be like SO skinny like SO FAST!! I can't wait to be skinny, yeahhhh". Maybe they didn't hate their life and really would be ok with themselves if they were just living in the fast lame again.
    I didn't get this surgery to be skinny, (although skinny would be nice, yes?) I got this surgery to save my life. To get Amy back. And I was willing to fight for it dang it. I knew tere would be pain. I pictured myself laying in a hospital with blood clots. I pictured myself w a structure. Envisioned being miserable with a stent for 6 weeks and every move making me nauseous. I knew this was my answer and that even if I suffered all of the above, I'd still be a better me in the end.
    ***. Side note to Laura, some of the Protein drinks don't just taste bad, they are repulsive. Sometimes My body yells that is not food, it's poison!!" And I get a nauseous feeling with every drink. So I kinda get where the Protein Drink haters are ck oh my gosh from.
    Also, I did not proofread becaise I'm lazy and I'm on my IPHONE. lol our pc's are lame and the screens screw with my eyes. Such is life.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Bizarre trend?   
    And like I asked.. So, without wls your marriage would be hunky dorey?
    I don't get it!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Bizarre trend?   
    Even I'm not that lazy! I read all the responses as not to be redundant....
    And I have the balls to say that right now PDX because chances are you will skip over it!

  21. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to PdxMan in Bizarre trend?   
    So then, help those of us who don't get it, because this is where I struggle with understanding. You knew you had a bad relationship with food and knew you wanted to change that. You knew you had obesity related health issues which were doing you harm and wanted to be healthier. You knew that your eating habits were going to change and you would most likely need to start an exercise regimen to be successful. You knew this was not going to be easy.
    You knew all of this prior to surgery and all of this has come true. It sounds like you set your expectations correctly. So, then, what is your regrets?
    Early on, I mourned the loss of food as a comfort item, which, after going through it, made me realize how sick my addiction to food was. But I find that a blessing, not a regret.
  22. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to bigsleeve56 in Bizarre trend?   
    The docs. are part to blame it's fast money and they are dropping standards to make it "easy". if you are not in bad enough shape that you do not care about the pain because it will be no worse than everyday is fat then you should think hard about walking away. This is not easy and should be a last resort not a face lift.
  23. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Strangefruit in Bizarre trend?   
    I am one of the posters who have said in the past that I have regrets...Not all of the time, but yes - I have. I *did* do my research...I had psychological counseling... my entire preparation time was over a year. I KNEW what I was getting in to.
    I have had a love/hate relationship with food for over 40 years. So yes - it IS hard to adjust to a different style of eating. I WANTED to lose weight...I STILL want to lose weight. I am down almost 70lbs in six months. I am healthier... I exercise EVERY day. But. This is still the hardest thing I have ever done. And I can't say for sure that if I had to do it over again, I would. The last 6 months have been the hardest 6 mos of the last 30 years of my life... So, it hasn't all been rainbows and unicorns.
    People who think that weight loss surgery is an "easy way out" or a short cut? I want to punch them smack in the mouth. It was VERY hard. For me. Some folks seem to have the surgery and bounce right back and go to work the next day, run a 5k, etc, etc... ~shrug~ Flame away, but that is how *I* feel.
  24. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to PdxMan in Bizarre trend?   
    I have noticed this, too, and I have been a member here now for almost two years. I think Amanda is spot on.
    The surgery is becoming more popular and people are getting it done because, "I know a friend who had it done and they look great," so, they jump in without really doing the proper research. They don't realize the recovery time from a surgery alone is difficult, then add in the whole eating component, and they are like, "WTF!!"
    Sad news is, it's is only going to get worse as more and more people jump in without looking. All they know is that their friend is skinny now and they want to be skinny, too. Like some folks out there who criticize WLS, these folks think this is an easy answer to obesity. When they learn it isn't, they have regrets.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to lyndynojo in Bizarre trend?   
    I'm wondering if after having the surgery some people are realizing that it's not easy like they thought it would be. I will admit I use to think that if I could just have WLS I would magically get thin and my whole life would be different and better and I would never be fat again. LOL Well that ain't so! You still have to work at it, thin doesn't change everything in your life but your size and you certainly can gain weight again. It's just a thought.

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