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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from newlife27 in African American Sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to maya in Post op march sleevers   
    Yeah - that's my challenge too. I have to really remember and drink something after 1/2 hour - if I skip that - then I get hungry again and keep postponing drinking part.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to ShellyBean in Post op march sleevers   
    THE STALL IS BROKEN! I think.. lol. I'm down 3.5 since thursday. I hope the next one is a ways off
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in African American Sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sherriews@yahoo.com in Post op march sleevers   
    Yay, I lost another pound overnight!!! Whooohooo , the horrible 4 week long stall is over for now!!! Shellybean, if I can do it, anybody can!!! If it helps any, I cut my carbs to below 50 (as opposed to 100), upped my Protein to about 80, and increased my fluids. I still drink my 2 shakes per day. I had tried upping my calories and doing WW points and neither one worked for me although it has helped others. My biggest change was tossing out the protein bars...one of my friends called them "glorified candy bars", and I think they kept me from losing!! I hope this may help you some, too. That stall was depressing me so bad...bless your heart, I will say a prayer for you that yours will break this weekend!!! <3
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sherriews@yahoo.com in Post op march sleevers   
    Thank God I think my stall is broken!!! I cut my carbs in half and I think that did it!! YAY, after almost 5 weeks I'm down 3 lbs!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Cbluewinds in African American Sleevers   
    Yes. Unfortunately we have all experienced this scale dance. My issues from time to time have been Water weight especially since I could only take a bite or two of food. The other thing is that the body is going through its own trauma adjustments and thinks you are starving yourself. I don't know but the scale can become a fixation...don't do it everyday...too taxing emotionally;-) Hang in there!
    Sent from my iPad using VST
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Malexa03 in Oh oh oh, its MAGIC!   
    On the Kim Pop website there is a "store locator" I put in my zip code and found 3 stores that carry them. About 20 minutes away. I bought original, onion, blueberry cinnamon and wheat. I use laughing cow cheese, sugar free apricot preserves, PB2, and once in awhile a little nutella.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to MsBadu504 in African American Sleevers   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to sheree212 in African American Sleevers   
    Hi. Im 31 no children and my highest weight was 282 at 5'3 1/2 I have endometriosis and pcos and had high chlesterol. My doctor informed me that weight loss was my only hope for having children and symptoms of pcos and endometriosis to improve. Recently I lost 35 lbs on my own and I have already noticed a difference. My cramps are less severe and my cycle now flows on its own without hormone pills. My chlesterol is lowered. I am definately having my surgery on june 4th and I cant wait. I hope this helps you. Do your research first and know the facts for yourself! Good luck and keep us updated!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to AussieLady in Bizarre trend?   
    We must have had the same surgeon! Blah, blah blah.......What a tool!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Molly3 in Bizarre trend?   
    Thank you so much for sharing, everyone! I've researched & researched and even been through the 6 months insurance requirements twice! I am trying to learn everything possible & not be too shocked or surprised when I do have this surgery!
    I am honestly scared & excited however, nothing can prepare YOU for how you'll FEEL until you have the surgery! It's the unknown that scares the s#&* out of me....Will I have a leak, a stricture, severe Gerd, will I feel weird, will I make it out of surgery & the worries go on...
    And my all time fave.....Will I feel normal?! Well I guess it will be my new normal.....So yah, I'm a little freaked out.
    So thankful for ALL of you & your honesty and so grateful this forum!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in Bizarre trend?   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to fran25 in So depressed   
    Omg thanks to everyone and each one of you for real you guys made me cry and feel better thank you so much im gonna follow your advices im feeling a lil better. Is not easy when i shower i feel very dizzy but im going to try harder for my two beautiful daughters that are 3 and 2 yrs old. I really appreciate all of you taking your time to reply to me. Thanks alot i really needed this. God bless you all.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Sydney Susan in So depressed   
    OPs, there's an awful lot of wisdom in these posts and I'd like to second some:
    1. Get to a dr and talk about both depression and dehydration
    2. Get some action on both - not "if you can't do this we'll do that at some future time". You need help NOW. Say it over and over again to your dr. I'd suggest rehydration and anti-depressants at a minimum, but I'm not a doctor.
    3. Have faith in those on this forum who tell you they went through dark Patches and came out the other side. They are not lying to you.
    4. Personally, the cute clothes angle doesn't take away dark feelings, but knowing I have an increasing number of weight related health problems and a family history of death around the age of 60 (I'm 52), really does. I want to eat and drink more and more easily too... But I want to live more.
    5. Remember, people experience huge losses in their life - stomachs to cancer, limbs and sight to accidents, fertility, children, partners - and 99.99% of them find a way forward. Even if you never stop regretting this decision, you will too. And I bet you do stop regretting it.
    6. You made your decision on reasons that were important to you. No one else's reasons or decisions matter, and even if those reasons don't seem as valid now it's no one's business but yours. Don't let others beat you up.
    Good luck.
    Laura-ven and Gmanbat, would you please marry and adopt me... Your wise counsel is superb. I come with health insurance and superannuation.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to OneWritersSoul in So depressed   
    This is only the beginning. No matter what your reasons were for doing it, it's done. But it gets better. No, you won't be able to drink Pepsi or eat massive quantities. You probably won't be able to "chug" Water ever again either. Those are the realities that we've ALL had to deal with.
    But for the sake of your two beautiful little girls, pull yourself together. Fix yourself a glass of water to sip on or a warm cup of tea, whatever works best for your new tummy, and sip on it while you think about a course of action. Make yourself a schedule for your meals (protein!) and your liquids and adhere to it. If at all possible, please call your surgeon and ask for a counseling referral. It will help make this lifestyle change a bit less difficult for you. It would have been easier before surgery, but it's not impossible now, I promise.
    Please, remember that you're not stupid. You have two daughters that are depending on you to do what you need to do, Fran25. If nothing else will do it, allow the love you feel for them to be your guide and your motivation to do what you need to do.
    You're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to gmanbat in So depressed   
    I think both of you depressed posters need a hard serious talk with your medical help. Don't let up on them until you get straight talk and you are satisfied you can make it through. If you want to get well you need help. You guys need to fight the funk, don't accept it.
    Noone is blaming you. I've been backed into many corners. I've shed many tears of self-pity. Doc said I would be dead in 2 years. I felt bad...why me? Feeling sorry for myself got me nothing. Fighting for myself did. I am 4 years out and I am not a ghost typing this. Fight for yourself like you would fight for a friend.
    Us forum folks can give you pep talks but your real help has to come from your own mind and heart.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to No game in So depressed   
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to banditchic in So depressed   
    For me, 6 weeks was a huge turning point. I got my energy back, and was able to eat easier. Hang in there, and remember that it gets better.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to fran25 in So depressed   
    I was sleeved on 4/23 i i regret it so much. I wanna give thanks to all of you trying to help me but is really really hard. I just wanna be normal. I dont eat anthyng just Soup like 2 times a day and i drink apple juice. My goal is to lose at least 70 pounds
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to gmanbat in So depressed   
    Do you guys want help from those of us who have been through this? If so, please tell us how far out of surgery you are, what pre-surgery counselling you have had, what you expected from this, and what your goals are.
    food and feeding yourself is just a part of life, life itself is life. Most of us got obese because eating was too large a part. The sleeve was a tool to tame the beast and make it manageable before it devoured our lives.
    You can't go back physically but you can change your thinking and come up with a better life than you had before. I did, and so did many others here.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Tink22-sleeve in So depressed   
    How far out? It does get easier, i promise! Its about finding your own new normal. I went thru this too. this too shall pass.
    That being said, if the depression gets worse or you feel like you just cant go on, please get some professional help...i did.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to DianaE in So depressed   
    i think that is the depression talking. Things will get normal eventually. The issue is our preception of normal.. Normal is not nor should it have ever been eating 3000-5000 calories a day. Eating large amounts at one time. It took years to stretch our tummys and screw up our minds like that. It will take time to fix our minds.. The tummy was fixed with the surgery. I am 55 and tried for so long to lose weight. I could not win due to the stomach constantly calling me to put stuff in it. The surgery is a tool and I am so gald I did it. I have a chance to be normal, with time.. Hang in there.. Get some counseling.. You are young and there will come a day you will be looking back with no regrets.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Kelsan in Thinking of popping out another.   
    I know it's hard to resist the thought of having a cute/sweet little baby, but waiting is best for the health of your baby, which is paramount. Plus, for your own sake, you really need to take full advantage of that six month honeymoon right after surgery, because it will never be this easy again. Good luck!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to BigDogVSG in Post op march sleevers   
    Boy, that sounds exactly like me. I only took a week off of work, and that was a huge mistake. The first 4 weeks I slept a lot, probably at least two naps per day. Now at 7.5 weeks I feel pretty good most days and I'm constantly on the hunt for tasty edible Protein. I think if I eat another store-bought Protein shake I'll gag.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
