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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from ProudGrammy in back to hospital!   
    I'm so sorry! Praying for you and your girls. Just focus in getting better!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to nymeria in Where is my March Sleeves?   
    Congrats to everyone! I was sleeved 03/12 and I've lost 43lbs total - including pre-op.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SleeveDreamer in Cottage cheese and oatmeal pancakes   
    Yes that's all I have. You don't cook the oats! You blend everything up and the batter looks just like pancake batter ao it probably wouldn't matter anyway. I use one packet of Splenda. And then I use a little sugar free Syrup drizzled on top when they are done.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to NJGurl19 in Is it really that impossible?   
    I feel the same way as most of you like an uneasy feeling towards the Rny. He is trying to use my bmi, reflux and over eating as reasons i should have the bypass but just as all those things can jeopardize the sleeve they can make me regain with the rny so i feel i need to make changes and work hard period. Mostly my nut is the one who is concerned.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SeriouslyChange in Talking about sex too soon? DATING   
    It went well. And then not so well.
    Long story short: I ended up alone.
    He doesn't talk to me and his friend that professed his love one drunken night and ruined what I had with the guy, told me that he didnt want to settle with someone who looks like me when he could have someone so much better.
    Lesson learned: I'm still a blimp, but a baby blimp compared to the humongous blimp I was, and guys will just want to f*ck me and not settle into a relationship.
    Huge blow to my ego, but I kind of needed it in a way. I was getting an over inflated head as to how I look (I'm down 70 post op, 100 including preop) and I'm over here thinking I'm a super model when the reality is: I'm a 5'4 size 18 apple shape. I am soft and squishy, have no shape, my hair is falling out, and I have acne. I have loose skin, and wearing nicer looking outfits doesn't disguise any of this. The reality: I'm a work in progress. Plain and simple.
    It really did hurt my feelings. All of my friends who haven't seen me in 6 months are just like OMG! You look AMAZING!!!! And I really believed it. I've never seen a fat person looking back at me in the mirror even when I was 300+ pounds. But I am still the fat friend. And I am still token fat girl when I go out.
    The crazy thing: I love my roll. My belly roll I mean. I'll honestly be sad when it's gone.
    Surprisingly, I still talk to his friend a lot. As rude as his comment was, he is making a positive impact in my life. I feel more hopeful than ever for a better future. And for that, I am happy.
    I think for now I am going to stay single and focus on me. Love will come eventually. I don't want to settle with just anyone because I am so desperate for a relationship. I want to find someone who loves me for me and loves my body, loose skin n all. I'm sure that there's someone out there for me, and I'm willing to wait to find them
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SeriouslyChange in Talking about sex too soon? DATING   
    Thanks for all of the good advice everyone.
    You are correct, I am young, I am 23. I regard sex as an important part of a relationship. I have had a few partners, some which were relationships, and some one night stands.
    I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time. And I think that's what scares me.
    The phone conversation wasnt about what we would do to each other, it was about past experiences, both good and bad, likes, dislikes, and such. I don't want this relationship to revolve around sex as in the past, what could have been a potentially great relationship, was ruined after we slept together too soon. Then it became a physical relationship, and then I cut it off as it was going no where.
    I explained to him last night that I wasn't comfortable making this relationship about sex, and that as great as sex can be, I'm looking for something long term at the moment and that if he purely wanted sex, to please let me know so that I could shift my mental gears from potential next boyfriend to guy who just wants to f... Which would be fine with me too. (Not really but I wanted an honest answer)
    He told me that he was sorry that it was brought up so soon and that given the great connection we had, he would want to explore this first before jumping in bed.
    We plan to meet at a local Starbucks at least for the introduction.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to lyndeeboo in Talking about sex too soon? DATING   
    First, just because you spoke about sex doesn't mean you've already jumped in to bed with this guy. It's never too late to change how far you go until you've already gone 'there'. If you're already regretting going too far in a conversation then tell him this. If he doesn't want to meet you because of it, then he really wasn't THAT great of a guy to start out with. Him not being receptive to your feelings and wishes now should be a HUGE red flag that he only wants one thing.
    I don't know you or him, BUT, if you've only been speaking a week and you're already having doubts about how far you should go, DON'T HAVE SEX YET. END OF DISCUSSION. if you're already regretting going too far in a conversation, imagine how you will feel Saturday morning after actually doing the deed.
    If you truly are looking for a relationship and not just a boy-toy I wouldn't jump in to bed with him yet. Is that me saying that no great, long-term relationships start out having sex the same week you meet? Absolutely not. My husband and I actually slept together much sooner than I normally would and we're now happily married...BUT, I was in college, looking to have a good time and wasn't going in to the night emotionally clinging to the hope that we would fall madly, deeply in love with each other and have lots of babies together. I wanted FUN and I got FUN. It wasn't until much later I got the ring and babies and all of that.
    It sounds to me like you're wanting LOVE...which is GREAT! Everyone DESERVES to be in a loving, long term relationship if that's what they want - - I just know a LOT of girls who are wanting the exact same thing you're wanting, they find a guy, give him what he wants right away, and then he's gone....that, or he ONLY wants them for sex, not a long term relationship because that is what they TRAINED HIM TO EXPECT!!! If you jump in to bed with someone right away they don't HAVE to get to know your likes and dislikes, they don't have to do sweet things to earn your respect and body.
    Just ask yourself this: Are you hoping for long term or a one night stand? If you're hoping for long term, don't sleep with him this Friday and tell him how you're feeling silly and regretting speaking about it so soon. If he feels more about you than a bootie call he will laugh at your honesty and you'll be good.
    If you just want fun, and you're not going to regret anything should things not work out, then go have fun
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to BewhoGodcreatedmetobe in 2 months out and Taco Bell   
    Although i do agree that Fast food so early post op is not the best idea, However i have to say that its freaking awesome to go to a fast food joint and get full off of one taco ! I am not crazy about fast food but once in a blue moon, its a delightful treat. If i focused on Portion Control my whole life then i wouldnt have needed the surgery in the first place ! Before, i would have ordered the whole left side of the menu and would have eaten it until i was blue in the face ! and thats no longer the case. I have come a long ways and my main focus is to not make bad habits a regular basis occurence. stay focused!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Laurabrown929 in Where is my March Sleeves?   
    2 week follow up ! Down 17 lbs! N down 2 pant sizes! So excited! Most I have ever lost n 2 Weeks! :-)
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to elpaso73 in back to hospital!   
    Thank u my friends. It's such an awful time. I feel very bad. And I dream of Water. I'm not allowed to put anything in my mouth. But I'm praying...thank you for ur advice and encouragement. My sis in law will take care of the girls.My angels are so worried
    PROUDGRAMMY thank u thank u thank u. U touched my heart.
    [Don't let your emotions make you their b***h]
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to april2013 in anyone out there who got the surgery BEFORE ever having kids?   
    I am also having surgery pre-baby. I am 36...would never even consider getting pregnant this obese...so if somehow close to 40 I have a child great...if not at least I can really enjoy my childfree life hopping on a plane without the stress, and sit on a beach somewhere! It will be interesting to watch the responses..thanks for asking this. I plan on trying about a year after I hit a good weight...I fell better about having a baby and being older than I do about being knocked-up and obese and high risk!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to kwashington617 in lap band to sleeve revision post op day 6   
    I had my lap band done Oct 2010 and lost 80lbs. I was so happy with the weight loss but was disappointed when it stopped and came back. I felt like a failure, and to ashamed to see about other options. But after finally talking with family and friends they convinced me to and see about my options. I'm so happy I did, I found out that I wasn't alone. That there are a lot of people getting the revision. So here I am 6days post-op. Getting better and stronger everyday, and already done 12 lbs.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Bridget312001 in meltdown at the grocery store!   
    This is a massive adjustment in our lives..Almost too big to comprehend before actually going through it. Right now you are tired, hungry and angry. I feel your pain as I am seven days out from surgery. This will all get better. It has too, right? Perhaps your boyfriend needs to be a little more supportive and fend for himself while you are transitioning?
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Yaya in over 300lbs?   
    I too felt irritated hearing the complaints at lower weights until I reminded myself we are all different, and weight affects each one of us differently.
    You have to take into account someone's height and frame. At 5'8" and 338, I probably carry my weight better than someone 5'1" and 250. Many people don't believe I'm over 300. Heck, I'm still a competitive horseback rider! (granted, my horses have to be big!)
    Just do what you need to do for you, and don't make it a competition.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to CowgirlJane in over 300lbs?   
    I started at 308 BMI was over 50. I am a normal BMI and lost 150#
    I never regretted the surgery AT ALL, but it wasn't always easy.
    You need to keep your eye on the prize, remember why you did this.
    I lost 50 pounds before ANYONE EVEN NOTICED... well except a best friend and I think she was lying...lol
    I had lost 120 some pounds when i finally asked my hubs if he had noticed.. since he hadn't said a word.
    You need to find your motivation from within during those times
    click on my profile to see my before and after pictures... for me it has been worth it times 10!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to lilbearzmom in over 300lbs?   
    You definitely need to stop dwelling on other people's starting weight. I'm pretty sure those people felt just as fat at 250 as you did at 330. Having said that, I was just over 300 and am now at around 214 and I feel positively freaking skinny. LOL As far as food issues, you are in the phase of missing your old friend and confidante, food. I think we all go through that. We also all have had our tastes change- foods we loved before surgery no longer appeal. You may be able to go back to those foods- I noticed that some slim fast shakes I bought to drink after surgery that were positively vile are now palatable. It does get better, I promise. Keep us updated!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to SpaceDust in Taste Change....   
    Thanks - I may not have been sleeved yet, but like many of us, I sure do have plenty of experience with diets, and it's coming in handy!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to Tink22-sleeve in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    momto6ix needs a lesson in brevity.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to kimmiekay in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    You are quite the ass - to put it as nicely as I possibly can. You assume that everyone who is overweight eats like a horse. You have such a horrible perception of obesity. People gain weight for a variety of reasons, some are involved in accidents that cause them not be active, some have other diseases that the medications given actually cause weight gain, and many contrary to your simple minded beliefs actually have ruined their metabolisms with yo- yo dieting. Obesity is a disease, not a choice and for many a death sentence if not corrected.
    Do you honestly believe that people go through this hell just because they don't want to diet anymore? I honestly feel sorry for Rick he is probably raking leaves not to hear you run your mouth.
    You want a Protein suggestion for him - mini meatballs. Just don't put sugar in them.
    If you really want recipes - google them like everyone else does. Why do you expect a bunch of fat losers to help you when you clearly are to lazy to help yourself. Find somewhere else to bother people please - you are a plague upon this site. Sorry I am blunt and honest too!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to kimmiekay in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    Back to the subject of Oprah.. Oprah has private chefs personal trainers the best of it all. If that is all it takes, why does she still have a weight problem. Sure she loses weight - but how many times with all those benefits has she gained it back. Her YO-YO diet life is proof that diets don't always work. So is she lazy or fat by choice too?
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to melodymouse in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    One more Rant and then I'm done. Have you ever noticed that the people who say this is the "Easy way out" are people who have never done it? Easy to judge from the sidelines. I wish Oprah would have done it. We would be getting a whole lot more respect or at least understanding. Note: A closed mind has no room to grow! My very best to all my fellow sleevers. You dared to take the risk to improve the quality of your lives and that takes great courage. Wether you achieve your weight loss goals or not, you have already overcome so much to get to this point. Don't allow anyone to drag you back down! You are AWESOME!!
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to melodymouse in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    It is truly a shame that momto6ix believes she is the only one allowed to be "blunt and honest" while ALL of the rest of us are just "mean and defensive". I believe the purpose of this site is that it is to be used as an online support group for those of us who have had the courage to take such a drastic measure to heal ourselves. It should not be a place for someone who has never walked in our shoes to come ask for our advice and then disrespect what we have to say!

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