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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to pixigrl in Biggest regrets about getting the sleeve?   
    My biggest regret is the lack of energy. I have orthostatic hypotension (dizzy when I stand up fast) due to low blood pressure. I find that I'm having it way more often. And yes, I drink all my Water and get my food in. As far as eating is concerned it's a bit wasteful to eat out at times. I would LOVE to have leftovers the next day, but some things just don't keep. I find that a "side" of something holds me over. I also kind of miss the length of the meal. Does that make sense? Umm..I'm done eating in 7 minutes and have to wait for everyone else to finish. It's weird, I know, but it kind of changes the experience.
  2. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Stoopid question time   
    Bless your heart. It's tough enough to do what we do, but to hurl AND try to do the math on it, too? Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Your records aren't going to be scrutinized enough for that small portion to matter. No worries. Cut yourself a break.
  3. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Heyher in Stoopid question time   
    So here is my dumb question
    If I ate something that did not sit well and ended up throwing it up, should I remove it from MFP?
    I mean what do I do if I don't puke it all up? Just record half? Sorry... Just trying to account for all my calories.
  4. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Supersweetums in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    My surgeon told me that you can not stretch out your new tummy. Like OTR said, the part they remove (which should be about 85%) is very stretchy. They portion left behind is very muscular and stretches very little. So the people that regain are the people that, you are right, drink a lot of calories and eat a lot of slider foods that are high in calories (think chips, crackers, movie popcorn). I am 2.5 years post op and have to be diligent about what I eat. If I start eating too much crappy foods, I can gain very quickly. I know I will always have to be aware of what I am eating for a lifetime, that is reality. But it is not so bad! I know I can enjoy a small ice cream with my kids and not gain weight, but I can't keep chips and junk around in the house, or I would gain. I always say, set up your environment so that you can succeed!
  5. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    My post was clearly about the cursing, bashing, and belittling that many of YOU we're doing to other members. Accusing me of a lack of courage? It was a general statement. Get over yourself. You "vets" haven't been very encouraging, that's for sure. And your anger IS a personal problem. Assuming that someone is beneath you when she lost all of her weight even though she included treats is simply unintelligent. Sorry you are all so angry. Maybe it's the lack of carbs
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to newgrandmother in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I KNOW PPL who followed everything like they were suppose to and are still losing very slowly. everyones body is differant. for example myself i am pear shaped and my upper body loses way before the lower half catches up. i looked at my face and neck today and they were so damn skinny, looked at the lower half and was like wow. see i did my research and i have a lot of substantal fat which is the most stubborn. a lot of ppl who loses really fast, well they are heavier on top. ie men. so yes they will lose way more faster. and the women that are heavier on top also. i am a slow loser but i have not gained any weight either. and yes it might take me 12-18 months to get to goal but guess what i will get there, maybe not in 6 months like most ppl here. but i also would like to see those ppl down the road.
  7. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to NJSleeveboy in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I would personally HATE all or nothing, but I am now getting how some need it. NOT I!!! FOR SURE! I was just at a big party in South Beach , Miami. I didn't use the calorie count for the weekend as it was WAY too hard! it was a super high end party!!! So, I was good, and made the best choices I could, but also enjoyed myself. .I had 6 pieces of sushi with rice and not the normal 18, lol.. I passed on most absurd choices, but had the great steak slices and a delicious Fried Oyster slider.. I would have had 3 or 4 in my old days. I lived it up with ONE! I did salads with low fat dressing at the pool and avoided more drinks during the day.. My point is, I didn't gain a pound and SOOO was not black or white! I enjoyed tasting most of the great items and even the Desserts and this is working just great!
  8. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to O.T.R. sleever in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I don't really know if people are arguing or debating, but what is really getting old to me is people circumventing the forums filters because they can't seem to communicate without the use of offensive language. A lot of language is let to slide on this site, but it is getting to be too much.
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to NtvTxn in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    You know, I didn't know there were "rules" prior to surgery. Common sense is what I'd call it. Unethical, that's another word for it, probably means the same thing. The problem with many of us is lack of will power. For me it was a vicious cycle. Eating more than I should (not necessarily something bad for me, but the portions, that is why this surgery is like a miracle procedure for me, forced portion control), after eating too much, the guilt. Vowing to 'start tomorrow' or 'on Monday'. Crazy!!! What is different for me now is I eat a lot of Protein, but I eat anything I want, there are some things I choose to stay away from because I don't LOVE it, I.E. Potato chips, they're not worth the calories. Fritos on the other hand, I DO LOVE. I do not buy them, but when at a get together I will eat a few, and by a few, I mean 6 or 7, that seems like so few, but when you have the digestive track of a field mouse, 6 Fritos along with a 3 oz hamburger and 2 TB of Pork 'N Beans....it is a meal, a good sized meal at that! What makes resisting and having will power possible now is lack of hunger, when you are not hungry it is easier to stop, walk away or just plain ol' resist. For me this is the case. Before surgery when I was 'starving' or 'ravenous' - I had the will power of a 2 yr old at times. LoL
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    BuriedBombshell reacted to AussieLady in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    It really doesn't have to be all or nothing. I mean every now and then I have a slice of pizza or half a cheeseburger. That's not going to make me fat again. What would make me fat is if I ate a whole pizza and a whole cheeseburger with fries and coke regularly. But that isn't going to happen because my stomach does not have enough capacity for that. Everyone should lighten up on themselves and on others.
  11. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    My post was clearly about the cursing, bashing, and belittling that many of YOU we're doing to other members. Accusing me of a lack of courage? It was a general statement. Get over yourself. You "vets" haven't been very encouraging, that's for sure. And your anger IS a personal problem. Assuming that someone is beneath you when she lost all of her weight even though she included treats is simply unintelligent. Sorry you are all so angry. Maybe it's the lack of carbs
  12. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Has this gotten loud and angry because people choose to eat a treat every once in a while??? My background is in counseling, and that sounds like a personal problem. Plus... a lot of people didn't eat whatever they wanted. YOU did. YOU were undisciplined. A lot simply yo-yo dieted. That takes a certain level of discipline, but can't be maintained forever. If you claim to have been "perfect" and the thought of someone having one taco offends you to your core.....check back with us in 10 years.
  13. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to NJSleeveboy in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I think this is true, but since I posted originally here, I must add that I think it's a lot like ethics. If you THINK something is unethical, then IT IS!!!! If you THINK you need to follow 100% of the rules, then YOU DO!! I knew I could have discipline with logic, but I sure get that many should indeed not vary!! I was never one of those. To each their own, for sure!!!
  14. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Thank you bombshell. It would just be great if some of the others could possibly grasp what you are saying. Unfortunately I think they may be unable to analyze themselves as well as they can analyze others.
  15. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    My post was clearly about the cursing, bashing, and belittling that many of YOU we're doing to other members. Accusing me of a lack of courage? It was a general statement. Get over yourself. You "vets" haven't been very encouraging, that's for sure. And your anger IS a personal problem. Assuming that someone is beneath you when she lost all of her weight even though she included treats is simply unintelligent. Sorry you are all so angry. Maybe it's the lack of carbs
  16. Like
    BuriedBombshell got a reaction from sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Has this gotten loud and angry because people choose to eat a treat every once in a while??? My background is in counseling, and that sounds like a personal problem. Plus... a lot of people didn't eat whatever they wanted. YOU did. YOU were undisciplined. A lot simply yo-yo dieted. That takes a certain level of discipline, but can't be maintained forever. If you claim to have been "perfect" and the thought of someone having one taco offends you to your core.....check back with us in 10 years.
  17. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to DeeJack08 in African American Sleevers   
    I had surgery March 19th. Hw: 274 Sw: 253 Cw: 220 I've lost a total of 54 pounds since starting my pre-op diet March 4. I'm must say that this surgery has change my life because I never thought I would ever see the scale do a decrease again. I've went from a size 42-44 jeans to a 40-38 jeans and also my shirt size has went from a 3x to an 2x n I'm still losing weight daily is wat it seems like.
  18. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to iggychic in back to hospital!   
    Symptoms vary but a few to watch for are a low grade or high fever (mine was around 100 to 101 for weeks). Left shoulder pain. Weakness that is unrelenting and getting worse, not better after the surgery. Vomiting is common though was not an issue for me until the end. Shortness of breath (which typically means a high leak that is effecting your esophagus or diaphragm). Conversely you can see lower abdominal pain or kidney/liver pain cramps if the leak is low and the sepsis is hitting those organs first. Racing heart beat is common. Any of these that continue on for more than 24 hours should be reviewed by your doctor. And if the idiot does not order a leak test order your own Honestly, insist. I kept asking and he kept saying I didn't need it as did his partner....fools nearly killed me. (BTW that doc is not on my profile...Dr. Hunter rocks!)
  19. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Luvlvnlyfe5 in Care after surgery   
    Bellanthin I'm in the northeast almost Bucks County. Where are you? I am truly blessed my girlfriend from MD has agreed to come up for my surgery!!!!
    You can't pick your family but be sure to pick good friends!!!!!!!!
  20. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to melodymouse in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    1. Protein first
    2. liquid second
    3. Low fat, low sugar foods
    4. Plenty of good carbs, fruits & veggies
    5. Minimal simple carbs, grains & starches
    6. Moderate exercise, something I could live with the rest of my life- walking, bicycling or just plain old keeping busy
    And most important
    7. Keeping a positive attitude and believing in myself!
  21. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to sharonintx in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    There's some really angry, anal-retentive folks on this forum.
    Just an observation.
  22. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Supersweetums in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I worry because people misconstrue what I am trying to say. They see that I didn't track and I didn't watch carbs (mainly because I believe in healthy carbs like fruit and quinoa), and they fail to read the part about that I made massive changes to how and what I ate, cut out the junk, and still follow certain rules to this day. I do not promote eating whatever you want, and I always say that you need to work with the sleeve to be successful. It doesn't mean you can't ever have anything that would be considered "junk", but it does mean you can only have it once in a while (meaning once a month, not a few times a week).
    Like I said in my post, you CAN NOT go into this surgery thinking you will make no changes and the sleeve will help me because I can eat less. Nope, sorry, you will fail and you will either never reach goal or start regaining.
  23. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Nate74 in African American Sleevers   
    Just wanted to share this. Today i was at the store and they had catfish nuggets on sale so i bought a package of them. We can't eat fried so i went online and found this recipe i just tried and it was excellent. It's baked not fried and there is no breading. i doubled the amount of catfish as i was making it for my wife too (she was sleeved the week after me) but i kept the rest the same. I also used can't believe it's not butter and i realize you can probably get away with 2 or 3oz as with the lemon juice and dry white wine there is plenty of sauce for 4 nuggets. i didn't use salt or cilantro. it was really good and flavorful and depending on oven 12 minutes was perfect for mine it came out tender falling off the fork good. play with it make your own but where i got it from it got real good reviews so i tried it and i wasn't disappointed.
    2 (7 to 8-ounce) catfish fillets
    4 ounces butter
    4 ounces dry white wine
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
    1 teaspoon chopped cilantro
    Salt to taste
    Pepper to taste
    Season fish with salt and pepper. Place fish in oval casserole dish. Melt 4 ounces butter in small sauce pan. Add wine and remaining ingredients, except the paprika. Simmer about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and spoon over fish. Now sprinkle paprika over fish. Bake fish in 375 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the fish is done.
    Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/baked-catfish-recipe/index.html?oc=linkback
  24. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to Kalimomof3 in African American Sleevers   
    So I am nearly 6 months out and 60lbs down. I am noticing I am having a bit of Hair loss but I also haven't been as vigilant about getting in ally Protein only around 45-50gms a day. I am working on boosting that thank goodness I had a ton of hair to start lately I have been wearing it my natural curly style so my big curls(I am mixed) make it look fuller it also cuts down on the damage from heat styling.All in all it has been a great experience
  25. Like
    BuriedBombshell reacted to WillowsAngel_32513 in African American Sleevers   
    Ok guys, here are my stats....i hadsurgery on 3/25/13
    Hw: 298
    Sw: 280
    Cw: 258
    I can now fit clothes that i had when i first met my husband, mainly shorts and stuff, still alittle tight, but i can now get them all the way up????????????
    Sent from my iPad using VST

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