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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anewme

  1. Hey Guys: Well, I did it. I am now a bandster. I went to Tijuana last Friday and had my surgery. I also had my gallbladder taken out at the same time. Dr. Ortiz is GREAT and not bad on the eyes either. The whole experience was really good. I was a little scared at first because Tijuana is so different from my beautiful state of Georgia. But once I met Dr. Ortiz and his staff, all of my worries disappeared. They took really good care of me. And Mrs. Ortiz, what an angel. She's the best. Anyone who is thinking of having this surgery should contact Dr. Ortiz. I had looked into having my fills done here in Atlanta but they are tooooooo expensive. I am going to fly back to Dr. Ortiz in about 6-8 weeks for my fill. This first week has been really hard but I am feeling much better now. I am drinking chicken broth, gatorade and slim fasts. I even made some soupy instant potatoes and thought I had died and went to heaven lastnight. The worst part of this whole experience for me has been the "GAS":eek:
  2. Hey Guys: I am soon to be a new bandster. Going to Tijuana for surgery with Dr. Ortiz Feb. 11th. I am so excited. Thanks for all the great posts. The information you can read in this forum is very helpful for us newbies. Wish me luck! My journey is just beginning.
  3. Hey Angela: I just figured that out tonight. Just click on someones clicker tape and it will take you to the website. Just select your ticker tape and then copy it to the user cp and edit your signature. Paste your selection there. Hope this helps.
  4. Hey Tracey and Angela: I wish you both the best of luck. I am a soon-to-be bandster. Scheduled surgery date is Feb. 11th. Doesnt it feel good to know we are all taking steps to change our lives forever. I am so excited. Let us know how you are doing along your journey.

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