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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nursepez

  1. I had surgery at AAMC with Dr. Glandsas...and my insurance covered everything except my psych Eval. Add a cardiac Eval to the above list. I also had a pulmonary function test...not sure if that's required now...unless you're a smoker...which I wasn't.
  2. nursepez

    OMG there is no need anymore

    So funny...'cause I've been lying for years on my license. Can't wait until I finally catch up to my drivers license weight...lol. I'm almost there...ha!
  3. nursepez


    These are the best victories...the ones that sneak up on you. Congrats!!!!
  4. nursepez

    Dating Sites

    Nice to hear of these success stories. Gives me confidence to move forward.
  5. nursepez

    Dating Sites

    Anybody use online dating sites? I'm thinking about it and just wondering who's had good and/or bad experiences...which sites...and anything else you'd like to share. Tell all...the good, the bad and the ugly.
  6. nursepez

    Dating Sites

    Great mindset to have going in...thanks for that advice.
  7. Cookies...to this day...are my downfall. I say bake 'em and take 'em to church. Someone will surely eat them...and it won't be you!
  8. The differences have everything to do with how we are built. I'm heavier in my hips and butt. I wear medium tops...but 14 pants. Somebody else that weighs 10-20 pounds more than me is wearing size 10 jeans. Go figure. Mother Nature did not deal us all the same hand. Thank goodness for that...huh? Looking great Damaris67!!!
  9. My post-op instructions said no bread, rice or Pasta for the first 6 months after surgery...and since those were staples in my pre-op life...yes, you could say I'm going low carb. But I don't avoid carbs altogether. I have greek yogurt with FRUIT...I tend to eat my tuna or chicken salad with a few CRACKERS...I had a few sips of ORANGE juice, etc. I think I'm managing to keep my carbs to under 50-60g/day...sometimes substantially less...sometimes more. My problem with carbs is they trigger my desire and cravings for more carb-laden foods. It's better for me to limit them as much as possible. And...yes...I'm losing weight.
  10. I really don't get it. Time and again we see these posts of newly sleeved individuals "trying" foods before they've moved to that certain dietary stage. 11 days is a miniscule part of your life. You've opted to have major surgery to improve your health and lose weight. Let it work...but in doing so, please follow your surgeon's advice. Your stomach is not ready for solid foods...even if you didn't have a reaction after ingesting solids. Your stomach has experienced a major...and I mean major...trauma. Let it rest and recover. You have the rest of your life to eat solids. I mean this with the best of intentions. Good luck on your journey.
  11. Dense proteins do it for me...chicken breast and turkey. I will often buy a ready to eat roasted chicken breast from the store...and it will do for 2, maybe 3 meals. I start with protein...and find it easily fills me up and lasts for a long time.
  12. nursepez

    Sleevers by profession.

    I'm a public health nurse in Maryland ....for 17 years and counting. Public health rocks!!! Love it.
  13. nursepez

    My first NSV's post op!

    Great NSVs...and at only only 4 1/2 weeks post op...amazing and wonderful. Great fit on the jeans...:-)
  14. nursepez

    NSV =)

    Your post me made smile at the end of a particulary stressful day. Congrats on your awesome NSV! WTG Smallbird!!!
  15. nursepez

    weird thoughts.

    Obviously, everyone's experiences can be different. While some may vomit, others don't . I have never...ever...vomited with my sleeve. I've followed my doctor's dietary rules which I think has helped me. Blood clots can happen. With your personal history, it will be important to do everything possible to prevent a recurrence after surgery...compression stockings, getting up early to walk. etc. Good luck with your decision.
  16. The sleeve doesn't promise overnight success...which it seems you are wanting. It's a process. You've lost 54 pounds in 9 weeks. Did you hear that? 54 pounds in 9 weeks. That averages to 6 pounds a week. So you only lost 6 pounds last month...well your body is trying to stabilize and catch up with your rapid weight loss. Don't worry about the slow down...relax...and enjoy your successes thus far. Chemicals (phentermine) are chemicals...do you really want to put those in your body when you already have the perfect tool (your sleeve) to get you to your goals? Good luck with your journey.
  17. I was just looking at some members before and after pics...how beautiful others were looking in their new clothes and bathing suits, etc. It got me to thinking...I'm finally wearing my clothes...instead of them wearing me. 78 pounds ago...my clothes wore me. I would put on nearly anything that I could get around my large torso and fat a$$. Not that I looked all that bad...but I think to a large extent I settled for what fit around my frame. Fast forward to today...78 pounds lost...and I now have choices. I can choose between this pair of pants or that pair. I can even consider a pair of skinny jeans. I'm wearing heels again and looking tall and (almost) slender. Wearing clothes is fun again. Just one more validation for getting my sleeve.
  18. nursepez

    Exit the walrus...

    Love it...:-)
  19. nursepez

    Wearing clothes...

    It's a total power trip. I feel more confident and self-assured. I'm still me...only better. Much, much better. It's lovely not to have to settle...:-)
  20. nursepez

    Got god?

    Couldn't have said it better...:-)
  21. You look FABULOUS...rockin' that swimsuit. Way to go!
  22. nursepez

    Got god?

    As an off-topic forum...I thought this was really an interesting conversation. I'm sorry that some find the discourse unpleasant or mean-spirited. I don't take it that way at all. Two sides to every topic...right? I've been enjoying it...and learning from it. Must be my thick skin...(is that why the scale isn't moving...my thick skin? Is thick skin heavier than thin???) And thank you Admin Susan for letting the conversation go on...this is the "lounge" after all where we should be able to have any types of discussions not related to weight loss surgery.
  23. nursepez

    Got god?

    I'm not offended by a religious post...this is the "talk lounge forum"...where discussions of any type can take place. What does offend me is the "send to 14 friends in 10 minutes" part. What? God has a timer and friend quota on blessings??? Puleasee....
  24. nursepez

    Just Saying...I hate BMI

    ...as "a reliable indicator of body fatness." I don't feel "obese" any more. Overweight...okay...I'm down with that. I currently weigh 177 pounds. I'm wearing size 14 jeans and medium tops. And yet the industry standard...and my medical records...state that I am obese. And will be for another 8 pounds. Obese??? Really??? Just saying...
  25. nursepez

    Just Saying...I hate BMI

    Hey...I'm with you. I always weigh myself at least 3 times...then take the lowest reading. It works every time...:-)

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