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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About susannabanana

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  1. susannabanana

    Michigan Plastic Surgeons

    I'd found Dr Pramit Malhotra (Ann Arbor, MI and Jackson, MI) on realself but when I called they said BCBSM wouldn't cover my tummy tuck and it would be $6800 out of pocket http://www.realself.com/find/Michigan/Ann-Arbor/Plastic-Surgeon/Pramit-Malhotra They suggested I check with my WLS surgeon as they could get insurance to cover better although I have no idea why.
  2. Just heard about getting the vitamins in a daily patch. Intrigues me since I do hate to take my vitamins. And when I forget I don't feel well so am considering this. Let me know what you think--- https://barimart.com/bariatric-vitamins/bariatric-vitamins-patch
  3. Wow that's an amazing transformation! I am not there yet but yes, I worry about maintaining when my time comes for that. My husband had his surgery before me and he seems to be maintaining just fine. He was lactose intollerant before surgery but for some reason has no more issue with that. So ice cream calls his name alot and that is his personal issue to work out but he's learning his limit and how to fit it into his life. He goes to Planet Fitness and when he gains a couple pounds he steps things up a bit to get back where he was. He also is heavy into bicycling, which is new for him. Do you have anything you crave or that you think will be a problem? Have you thought about solutions or management tricks?
  4. Feb 25 is my 1 year surgery-versary and I've lost 110 lbs and still going. I am very happy with my surgery decision and hope to continue losing to get where I want to be. In any case I am much healthier now and for that I am grateful. I could not find any full length photos of me at my heaviest so the pic on left is me after already losing 45 lbs and the pic on the right was taken a few days ago with my 110 loss. I still have some bulges to work on but happy to keep on working it out!
  5. susannabanana


  6. Great job! Today is my 1 year also. I'll try and get a pic up tonight.
  7. Honestly..... None I was busy finishing up grad school and I've been lazy and making excuses I did sporadically sometimes but not really I look somewhat ok in clothes but not without- lol I'm getting pretty self conscious w arms legs and tummy lol Thank you Me too, I notice the same areas and yes better in clothes but hey there was a time it wasn't good in clothes so I'll take this lol. And I asked about exercise because I specifically noticed your arms looked pretty good. You go girl!
  8. You are looking great! What kind of exercise, etc are you doing?
  9. Congrats on one helluva job! You look fantastic btw but I bet you already know and more importantly FEEL that way My hubby lost 155 lbs on his sleeve and wavers around 200 now give or take...and also feels and looks good. I think it's the men that seem to lose more and faster. Did you end up having your gall bladder out from the rapid weight loss like my hubby? My own 1 yr is coming up quick and I've still got a bit to go but not stopping till I get there! I'll post my own before/after Feb 25...
  10. LOL on the neck. My husband had his surgery before me and had that weird neck thing and I was thinking omg I hope I don't get that. Well I did but oh well, it's not the worst thing in the world. His is not as bad as it was so I'm hopeful it smooths out a bit. I'm putting tons of lotion on my neck hehe.
  11. Saw this interesting news thing about twin doctors trying opposite diets- 1 high protein the other no sugar. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/twin-brothers-act-guinea-pigs-sugar-v-fat-190600102.html
  12. Hey all you Feb 2013 sleevers! I hope everyone is doing well! I just wanted to report that like many of you I had slowed to about 5 lb loss per month starting about July (5 mos after surgery). I continued that way till Nov where I lost 9.2, then Dec where I lost 10.4. I am hopeful I can continue this better monthly loss trend. The only thing different I think is that I am more active and have been going to Curves and have been increasing my protein intake. My Curves had a Holiday Challenge from Nov 27 to now and I lost 13.5 over that time! Bah on those yummy looking cookies that I wanted, lol. For those interested I have been loving these Kay's Naturals snacks and cereals that all have high protein/low cal. Search online for discounts! https://shop.kaysnaturals.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=samplepck https://shop.kaysnaturals.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=sweetPCK

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
