My journey to bariatric surgery began about 18 months ago. My insurance (HAP) required me to see my primary care physican 1 x a month for a year to track my weight loss efforts. I was given HAP approval the summer of 2012 and went to my first bariatric surgery orientation in Aug. 2012. I weighed 262 then. I saw my surgeon, Arthur Carlin (Henry Ford Hospital-Detroit) in September 2012 weighing in there at 257. I finally had my vertical sleeve surgery on Feb. 12, 2013 at Henry Ford Hospital and stayed 2 nights there.
My last weigh in before surgery was Feb. 5 and my weight was 241.
I had my 2 week post op visit w/ Dr. Carlin & the nutritionist on Wed., Feb. 27. My weight was 234 w/ 8# lost post op & a net loss of 28# since the orientation & starting weight in Aug.
I was on full liquids +proteind shakes until post op day 7, then was able to add in stuff like yogurts, cream Soups, puddings, etc in addition to the Protein shakes. After the 2 week post op visit I was given the go ahead to start stage 3 & adding in purees, etc.
Here's what I'd like to know from you all:
While I'm happy that I lost 8# post op I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't more w/ what little I was eating. Dr. Carlin assured me that's within the normal range. What do you all think?
What kind of things were you all eating at stage 3? Do you have any hints for pureeing things like meat?
I am having a bit of a difficult time getting in all the protein...any hints/advice?
Thanks & I look forward to being a part of this group!