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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About ShawnaBean

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  • Birthday 04/24/1986

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  1. ShawnaBean


    Hi there, My nurse recommended Stranger Here: How Weight-Loss Surgery Transformed my Body and Messed with My Head by Jen Larsen. It's a fairly descent book and I was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions for books to read. I'm still pre-op but am reading all I can! Thanks so much in advance for recommended reading!!
  2. ShawnaBean

    Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers

    Hey Everyone. While I am a not a low BMI I have somewhat run int the same thing. My grandmother (who is paying for everything) told me if I got down to 200lbs I would look wonderful. But I just kind of looked at her and said but my Ideal weight is between 130 and 150. She then got very huffy and told me I would be too skinny if I weighed any less then 180. So I lied and told her I would only get down to 190... I think it's ridiculous for a woman who is so concerned about my health and longevity to then tell me not to get down to a healthy weight. My goal is 140 and we'll see how I look and feel. Please don't let others get you down. You know you can lose weight with the help of a sleeve and your Doctor and Surgeon know it too or they wouldn't be recommending it. Even fat sleevers with BMI's like mine know not everyone has 250lbs to lose. Some people just need to lose 50 and you guys need help just as much as those of us who have more to lose.
  3. ShawnaBean

    Surgery on the 25th and intro

    Hi there, I am still way pre-op but I have been making youtube videos since Thanksgiving. It helps me be accountable to someone other then myself. Some days I am loath to make a video but I have made one at least two times a week. If you're not up to it, don't but it has been nice for me to keep a log.
  4. ShawnaBean


  5. I just had an appointment where my surgeon called my forthcoming surgery elective. This surgery doesn't feel elective to me. I feel like I've struggled for so long and have been overweight and obese for almost twenty one years, keeping in mind I'm only going to be 27 in April. For fifteen years I've been on every fad diet and been a weight watchers member twice but the weight just keeps coming back more and more. So while technically this is an elective surgery I don't think of it that way. I have to do this. I was nine pounds away from being 400. Nine easily gained pounds. I'm down to 369 and have 29 to go before being scheduled.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
