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About luckysmomma

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    Bariatric Master

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  1. Excuse my language, still . . .but I am still hell no. I haven't been on this particular site since 2013 - probably at the six months out mark - due to the backlash I received for being honest about my journey & the regret I felt (feel). I received lots of negative comments on my posts & in private messages. I wasn't even a year out; I needed positive support not negative, so I stopped logging on to this site. I was hoping I would be wrong at the one year mark - and be glad I had it - as many on here said I would be, but I wasn't happy about it. Now, at the 2 year mark - I still regret it. But, with that being said, I am at a very happy & healthy place in my life otherwise. I have lost weight. I feel good. I haven't had any complications. Losing my hair (and my hair was about all I had) was very traumatic, and it was much worse than what I was prepared for, but it is slowing finally. Agreeing to have years taken off my life by having this surgery - realizing the magnitude of that now & realizing just how weak/desperate I was at that time to willingly agree to that - is so very overwhelming at times; I just try to not think about it as best I can. I just wish I hadn't done it. But, there is no rewind button on life. I am strong now. I am stronger than my regret, so that is all that matters at the end of the day.
  2. luckysmomma

    Luckysmomma - 1 year later

    Time flies....first, all the positives: 1. Mobility is better - my # 1 reason for WLS in the first place 2. 99 lbs are gone 3. Feel physically & mentally better overall 4. Look better in clothes & more content with myself in clothes 5. Found a Protein shake I can deal with - GNC Total Lean ( $$, but works for me) 6. Eating and drinking no longer hurt Now, the realities 1. My back & legs still hurt - no surgery of any kind will make me pain free 2. I have lost & gained the same 5 lbs since Thanksgiving 3. hair loss began about the 4 month mark (even though I was doing all that I should) and continues...it has been traumatic for me; my hair was nearly all I had in the looks department... 4. I am still not in the size I want...I am not hung up on a weight, but a clothing size...I am close, but not there yet 5. I can eat junk - no problem 6. I can deal with a Protein Shake, but still hate them with a passion...as I do Water My story - I still regret WLS...I would never do it again...I am at peace with my regret...but many told me that I'd feel so much differently in a month's time, 3 mths, 6 mths, and definitely, at the 1 year mark - however, I did not, and I do not...I wish I would have never done it...I am not me anymore...I don't feel like me in most given situations...it is something I have learned to deal with especially in the last three or so months...I would never recommend anyone to do this...the hair loss is horrible plus not even feeling like the real me - those two things truly make wls not worth it....maybe to some, it would be...but not to me...so, I live with my regret & have chosen to handle it the best I can.
  3. luckysmomma

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    I am 5'10"...I am shooting for 174 (WW goal), but once I get there...I will go down to 165-170. I weighed between 150-160 all through high school (skinny & didn't know it then!). In my adult life I have gotten down to 199 once - I am built nothing like high school even though I have had no kids - so at 199 I was somewhat satisfied - but even then was shooting for 174. I have gotten past the weight number...I want the clothing size...I want to be able to wear 12s & 14s comfortably..(and I am wearing some 14s right now! Yay!) ...Good luck to all us, tall ladies with our journeys! Best of luck. Take care.
  4. 1. I don't drink the Water like I should. 2. I eat/drink at the same time. 3. I chew gum still 4. I don't exercise enough 5. Sometimes I don't eat at all on some days 5. I don't eat fruit/veg like I should I know if I don't fix # 1, # 4, #5, #6...these last 30 or so lbs will be impossible to lose... Best of luck to all of us on our journeys!
  5. Now at the 10mth mark, mine has slowed tremendously. Up one lb, down one lb - no matter what I do...I will have to really, really, really work to lose this last 30 lbs, and probably not eat/drink at all hardly. WLS is NOT a magic bullet; I sure wish it was. If there was a magic bullet, I know Oprah would have found it for us all years ago! lol Good luck to all of us on our journey!
  6. 1. accepting I had wls 2. water 3. protein 4. eating & drinking at same time 5. hair loss...broke my heart
  7. luckysmomma

    anyone NOT lost their hairI

    It happens to many...so be prepared...doesn't matter if you do everything perfectly....it can still happen and does happen to many... as you can see only a handful posted that they had not.... My hair is all I got and when it started at the 4mth marked...I freaked. I am still freaking. I have long thick hair to my butt. Now, it is thin. No one has commented on/noticed it to my face - I hope no one ever does. But I see it in the mirror, see in the sink drain, in the shower, in my brush...and I do it all the Vitamins, the Protein, the shampoos, etc..I have spent a fortune on it to be quite honest. . I am at the 10th mark now; it has slowed, but I am still losing. I hate that I think I look okay in clothes again, but hate my hair now when I used to love it. Many have posted that 2 years out is the longest hair loss has lasted (that I have read on a post), so I hope mine stops in a year since it is already slowing. Good luck to all of us with this issue.
  8. luckysmomma

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    To each his/her own on this...I haven't told a soul and I won't...it is a personal decision...and anyone's opinion about it (good or bad) really doesn't matter to me...I don't live my life for other people....for people who shout their WLS from the rooftops - that is your personal decision. I don't have an opinion about your decision for you. Agree to disagree on this one, people... peace!
  9. luckysmomma

    Restriction - vets please answer

    3 to 4 oz skinless/boneless chicken breast
  10. luckysmomma

    Restriction - vets please answer

    I can eat two pieces of grilled chicken in one sitting & feel fine...I have salad & green beans, also, in that sitting.
  11. luckysmomma

    Restriction - vets please answer

    Thank you for your responses. No, I have definitely not eaten the things I mentioned. However, I have eaten 'bad' on occasion in the past ten months. Thus, I know I could eat a huge amount- no embellishing. I am going to live life, and that on occasion - to me - means on special occasions not eating diet/healthy foods. I make good choices the majority of the time, so therefore, I don't understand not feeling any restriction at all. I mean, on one hand, I feel more like myself & more normal eating/drinking normally, but I do not want to have gone through all this to turn around & gain it back. I went into this knowing it was one tool out of a whole toolbox set I would have to use to lose weight, but I was informed that there would always be some restriction from my surgeon. I see my surgeon on the 1 year. All the other visits I have only seen like a NP or dietician. So, I will be talking straight to my surgeon soon. I hope I haven't developed any problems. I haven't had any (knock on wood) except dehydration at the beginning and the hair loss from hell. What do they do if it is the dilation thing that was mentioned here??? Protein ...I still do one shake per day, but then, the rest of my protein comes from food. I get in about 70 or so grams. I feel no difference with whatever food choice I make. Healthy or not - everything goes down easily now & I feel nothing. I will read up on this 5:2 (I've seen it posted, but never really read about it to know what to do) Again, thanks for the words of advice & tips. I appreciate it.
  12. First, let me say since this site has changed...I have not been on here a daily basis like I was prior to the changes, so therefore, I know I probably need to post this question elsewhere, but it is 1:30 AM...and I honestly don't feel like trying to figure out where...so please - no negative responses on the location of my question from the sleeve cheerleaders, please. All I can say is I am sorry if this is posted in the 'wrong' place...I just need some help from helpful veterans. Second and most importantly, here is my question...I am a little over 10 months out...even though my hunger has not returned...I have NO feeling of restriction now...so how do I get it back, or do I??? At the beginning, I felt tremendous restriction, even pain. Then, it subsided to very, very strong restriction with the burps, the odd noises, etc. Now, at about the eighth and 1/2 month mark, all of that has subsided....I could eat as much right now as before...I know my body. I mean, right now I am not eating out of control, but I could I can feel the difference. I mean, I could eat an entire pizza, a can of cake icing, a package of Cookies...I mean, those are not my favorites or my weaknesses, but I am trying to be clear on how much I know I could sit down at one sitting and eat right now. My fear is when the hunger returns (which it is bound to eventually) along with the lack of feeling of restriction...that will be a deadly combination for me...I will gain it all back and then some...so how do I get the restriction feeling back? I mean, I know it would ease somewhat, but I thought one of the effects of the surgery is that some restriction would always remain...I can't wait to see my surgeon on my year visit to ask her some tough questions! Any advice? tips on what to do?

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