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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mol

  1. Hi Jean, sorry I haven't been intouch...don't know where time has gone.Like you I haven't lost anything in last 3 months just losing 2 putting on 3 etc!! Juat had another fill so up to 6 mls now feeling restricted but can still swallow almost anything...hoping this works though! Maybe once kids finished school for summer I might be more active with them..can always hope! It certainly is very expensive over there, thankfully I'm covered for my follow up.Hope I start losing again it's been 9 months since surgery and I've lost about 30 lb but that was over first 6 months..will have to try harder! Nice chatting again, promise I won't leave it so long next time...Mol

  2. mol

    my pictures

  3. Hi Jenhay, you're having a tough time at the moment! We're in the middle of a snow storm here and haven't seen snow for 3 years and even then it was only very light! It hasn't stopped snowing all day and supposed to be worse tomorrow, kids in their element though ..first time to see snow so it's just magical to see thier faces as they struggle to make a snowman!! Can't imagine them all grown up like your boys and dread the day they leave home but there's always a bright side!?? hopefully my husband and I can start travelling again! We all followed the election here too and were delighted Mr.Obama got in. Bush really did nothing to inspire . I've been to the States a couple of times but only New York. My husband has relatives in New York and Philidelphia. I would love to hire a car and take our time traveling around...maybe in a few years?! Would love to see some pictures will try to get organised and post some myself! Well hope the bad weather improves stay in touch when you can.Mol

  4. Hi Jenhay, It is beautiful here ...most of the time! Would love a bit of sunshine though we've had the worst summers here over the last 2 years no sunshine! Our bones will be rubble if this keeps up! I live in wexford which is south East Ireland. I had my band fitted last Sept and had my second fill last month, feel satisfied with it at the moment. Doesn't stop me eating anything but fill quicker and stay full!! Have lost about 53lb so far but 26 of that was pre band!Really enjoying it at the moment starting to feel the benefit in my clothes etc. Still have about 60lb to go but feel i can do it now. What about you? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Kentucky other then what I seen on American Idol the other night!! I'm married and have twin boys aged 6 which keep me busy. ANyway better go and get organised for school tomorrow...keep in touch! Mol

  5. mol

    Hi Jean , sorry I never answered but haven't logged on in ages, just very busy as had knee surgery in Nov and then with christmas etc! The pain eventually went on it's own although I did get it occasionally if I ate too much. It was quite severe but whatever it was it lasted form 3 weeks post op to 5 weeks post op. Looking at other posts it seems I;m not the only one although I did feel like it at the time. I'm learning to love my band though and have lost about 30lb since Sept..Still feel hungry at times but definately easier to fill me now!! Hope this helps albeit a bit late!!

  6. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi All, haven't posted for a while! Was banded on 15th Sept in loughlinstown and it's been a bit up and down since! Initially post op I was sorer then i thought and after 10 days visited my Gp and had infection which a course of antibiotics sorted...was doing really well for 2 weeks then started to get really bad pain in left side radiating around my back and up under my ribs. Thought I just pulled something so took some difene hot water bottle etc for few days and rested but by Monday i couldn't move even to take a breath hurt. Gp thought it might be infection again and put me back on antibiotics (blood white cells up a little) but this has made little difference a week on. At the moment i can function through the day as long as I take pain killers. I'm eating normally but smaller amounts and have lost about 20lb since op (although nothing in last 2 weeks!). Will be going back to surgeon tomorrow but at a loss as to what's causing this pain...anyone out there experience anything like this 5 weeks post op? Anyway enough moaning will keep you posted as to what he says tomorrow, just interested to see if anyone else suffered the same as when I spoke to team on phone last week they didn't seem to have a clue what could be cause....any thoughts apprecited xx Mol
  7. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Coco, thanks for that...I will try get that protein drink as i really need it eating is still a struggle and getting fed up trying to fit in amount of protein required when I seem to have no variety at the moment. STill sore especially over port site but Im trying to remind myself that I am post -op and no matter what it takes time to heal...really need to keep sayig it to myself! You've done fantastically well how long has it taken you? Anyway thanks for the advice willl chat soon:thumbup:
  8. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi All, it has been a while since i postedbut just wanted to let you all know I was finally banded on 15th Sept in loughlinstown. I've been quite sore and on restricted liquid diet since. I'm only allowed 6 meals of 100mls each a day plus as much wayer as i can take. It has been quite difficult as I am also supposed to take in 50g of protein , as I'm intolerant of Dairy and don't like soya I have been giving my dietician a lot of homework. We have been unable to find a protein powder to add to food that is lactose free...any suggestions? Despite the little intake I am not hungry except when I'm due to eat but the 100ml is filling me....a miracle! I seem to have lost 10lb since monday which is a huge plus. Anyway it has taken me till now to feel that I did make the right decisionas I have found the loss being able to eat difficult and the whole week has been painful! Has anyone else felt like this or did you all love your band straight away? Anyway soory for rabbiting on and yes i do realise how lucky i am to have the round the clock support from the team at loughlinstown i literally owe them my life! mol:thumbup:
  9. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Gilly so glad it went so well. I realise i'm very lucky to have gotton a place in their clinic and greatful that it will be Mr Geoghan doing the surgery. Hopefully you can push on now and reach your goals it has been an awful few weeks for you...mol
  10. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Ailbhe, you poor thing but TOU HAVE MADE THE RIGHT DECISION!!! He doesn't deserve your love but unfortunately you can help but still love him. You are feeling really raw at the moment but deep down you know you are doing the right thing by getting out of that relationship. You have every reason to be angry but your anger and disappointmnet should be aimed at him not yourself or your family or indeed man in general...! There are some really good guys out there and you owe it to yourself to move on and start living the pain will ease eventually...allow yourself to grieve though it is like a death when someone you love betrays you like he did which results in the end of a relationship. Give your self time and be strong he doesn't seem to want to work at making things right and in this situation I'm sorry but i wouldn't trust his word either. thinking of you and if you feel like ranting just log on !! MOL
  11. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Gilly. Mr geoghan is really lovely, he works with Donal O'shea as part of the weight managment programme. Presume he does other surgeries too but I only know him through the clinic. Good luck Tues let us know how you get on, mol
  12. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Gerri, glad you got sorted take iteasy over next few days and hopefully things will settle down. Loughlinstown is where i attend and they're antastic and a lot of their patients are acs patients who've had complications it makes Donal o Shea (consultant endocronologist/ weight management) turn green when you mention their name! If you need to attend they'll be very supportive.Did you know that jerome's liscense to practise medicine in France was suspended for 5 years which is why he was under investigation in Ireland, hence the reason why he started operating in Belguim?! I think this is prob why it's taking them so long to appoint someone the Irish medical board have come under a lot of publicity over ACS.anyway keep the chin up hope band settles down and you can continue with it and acheive your goals..god knows you deserve it. Ailbhe...sorry to hear about your split. You have amazing strenght and that will get you through this. You have the right attitude and that along with your weight loss will boost your confidence...as you said this could be the start of something fantastic...good luck
  13. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    hi Gilly...you've been having a terrible time.really sorry about your dad. With everything going on you must be exhausted. This on it's own plays havoc with your stomach and i'm sure it's contributing to your symptoms even if you feel you're coping. Your gp should be able to get you an appointment for barium at any hospital you don't have to be in the area especially if there's none available locally. Not sure how much it costs in the beacon. I really think you should stay on tablets and it could take 2 weeks o your symptoms to improve . Watch out you don't get dehydrated though and if you're symptoms disimprove loughlinstown hospital has an A+E and a banding surgeon who might be able to help...just not sure where you live. Hope you feel better ....will be thinking about you at this difficult time..mol
  14. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi all, thanks elsie and coco for your advise,I've decided to wait till after holiday for band with two small kids and everything else i think i would just be looking for trouble! I've a new date for 15 th SEpt which is only 2 weeks after holiday s think it's the sfaer option. Only problem is i'm now looking on this as a final fling!!may have another stone to lose after hols!!! well done ailbhe on the weight loss feels good to get smaller clothes!! Hi Gerri , i was originally booked to have my band with acs last year but wasn't impressed by them at all and i'm not great with anaesthetics but they said that didn't concern them!!? As a nurse a few alarm bells went off regarding their pre op care .I know a lot here have had there bands with them and are doing well but glad i didn't as i am always unfortunate when it comes to medical issues..u name i've got it!! This is why i now attend the weight mansgement clinic at loughlinstown and i've managed to lose 32lb in 7 months but still have over 100 to go so think now's the time for band. Well done to all those post op...keep up the good work
  15. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Elsi thanks for that...one of my main concerns is diet...it will be difficult to get soft / liquidised diet without raising too many eyebrows..will i still need to liquidise food also I'm a little worried about dehydration it's always very hot will i be able to drink plenty? These are only minor things and i really don't want to say much about holiday to hospital in case they move date again...do I need to decide holiday...or band.? ( I know what i'd choose unfortunately my family have other ideas!!)any advice??
  16. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi all, I've gotton a def date for surgery,even if it is later then i thought! My problem is i will be flying to portugal for holiday 10 days post op....will this be a problem? don't want to defer surgery as having big knee op in Sept! I usually do really well after surgery and i'm not sure of complications which could happen after first week and before first fill....any advice? Also couldn't believe ACS have sold out..that's a real pain . The beacon do fills ...don't they??
  17. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi Ailbhe, Thanks that's really helpful ,I just hate the thought of surgery but if it gets the weight down it will be worth it!!
  18. mol

    Hi from Ireland!

    Hi all, it's good to know there's a few Irish out there going through the same thing. I'm having my band fitted in loughlinstown at the end of the month. I've been attending their weight management clinic for 7 months and have managed to loose 2.5 stone through diet etc, but slowed down now to 2lb a month....still have 6 stone to loose so could be at it for a while so they've offered the band as an extra support.I hope I've made the right decision ....any advice
  19. mol

    Melissa's 1 year anniversary

    Wow , you look fantastic, well done !! From someone at the start of this journey your pictures will give me the encouragement I need to look as good and indeed feel as good this time next year !! congratulations
  20. mol


    Hi everone , it's so good to read all your posts it's like a mirror to my own life! Terrane, what you said is soo true i have always been outgoing and loved to socialise but now i'm the complete opposite I spend most of my time doing for others because I think somehow they will see past the fat and think of me as a good person. This has led to many conflicts! Now I have so much trouble saying no that i've put everyone before me . By having this procedure I feel I'm making a stand but a surprise outcome is the amount of support from family and friends and I know it's not just because at some stage they've depended on me, but because they love me and the fat has never been an issue it's me that made it one. This really sounds like a rant but if nothing else comes of this except talking to loved ones about how my weight has made me feel ...that has to be good? My last concern is thta my surgeon does not recommend a pre op diet ...is this normal??
  21. mol


    Hi , I am being banded on June 14 th and like you i'm getting more nervous, I fear the surgery and my will power afterwards! I am also a nurse and definately sometimes too much knowledge is a bad thing?? Thankfully i have read alot of very positive things on this website which finally convinced me to go ahead, with a BMI of 48 i really don't think i've anything to lose except the weight!
  22. Hi , Just joined and I'm hoping to get banded next month. Reading your post is like reading my life story! My main concern is also that I will continue to crave food and my old habits (i.e. I don't eat because i'm hungry!) will not be overcome. It's good to read that so many of you have the same fears and indeed have overcome them. I am having this surgery in Ireland and it's relatively new here so there's not much of a choice when it comes to surgeons , not sure if thats a good thing or not! Anyone else had surgery in Dublin??

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