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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ElyQuint

  1. ElyQuint

    Soft food

    I made a frozen drink with skinned cukes, watermelon, basil and ice. So refreshing!
  2. ElyQuint

    Bi-Polar Sleevers

    ... and crash. Time to call my doc. But at least the garage ceiling is clean. Sigh.
  3. I am four weeks out today and had to take the day off to pass a steele zeppelin through my rear end. This took 5 hours, one quarter bottle of milk of magnesia, a laxative tea and an enema. I thought I was going to have a stroke! I think I now have post traumatic stress disorder. I went to the dr and they took me off the shakes and put me on whole foods. Thanks for the vent! Who else was I going tell?
  4. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

    You may need both. This is a different kind of constipation. Round peg. Square hole sort of thing. Dig?
  5. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

    I get aloelax at the health food store. I don't know if its anywhere like walmart . I know they cell aloe juice for drinking. Watch the sugar in the yogurt. Any one with active cultures should help but once you get backed up yogurt ain't gonna do it.
  6. ElyQuint

    Bi-Polar Sleevers

    You know the drill. If your feeling hopeless call the doctor. Take no chances! I can say that while hopeless never happened, helpless lasted about 5 weeks and then this mania started. I felt for a bit as though I would never feel better and now that has lifted. Sounds like you have taken on a lot! How is your support system?
  7. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

    Aloelax is a combination of natural stimulants and softeners. I had pre-surgical poop issues which also came with hemorrhoids but had not anticipated a worsening. Don't let it go. If you haven't gone for three days take something. Prune juice was hard for me post surgery.
  8. I tried to do some body hair removal last night and thought about this thread. I'm certain I don't need to elaborate. Lol
  9. ElyQuint

    Bi-Polar Sleevers

    Thanks all for sharing. I often wonder how much food served as sedation pre-surgery. Binge behavior often occurred when I felt more angst ridden. Perhaps I could have achieved more had pizza delivery not existed. I did see my shrink, my therapist and the surgeon's shrink prior to and post surgery. I will certainly get my therapist's opinion next week. She keeps me honest and never let's me negotiate. Thanks also for the advice. Happy to share with anyone pre or post op!
  10. So many: 1. Adding up the weight of everyone in the elevator to make sure I don't push its capacity above limit; 2. Pretending I want to stand up because I can't possibly fit in your plastic lawn chair; 3. Not eating at a function because my dress won't fit post meal; 4. Feeling the fold above my elbow hit the back of my forearm; 5. Underwear rolling down below my belly; 6. Apologizeing for my very existence at the grocery store; 7. Not being sure I am "clean" everywhere; 8. Being the person that by my presence gives everyone else permission to order dessert; 9. Being a non-threat to insecure women!
  11. Yup. Prilosec since the day of surgery. There is no heartburn like sensation but I do feel like I make some unexplained weird noises from the inside. Swallowing doesn't seem to be an issue.
  12. ElyQuint

    im freaking out

    I settled on a copper iud. I also have pcos. I wanted something non hormonal.
  13. ElyQuint

    im freaking out

    That's it. No more sex for my man! Good luck girl, whatever you do!
  14. ElyQuint

    When will this pass?

    Wow! I can hear your inner dialogue gnawing away at you! Sounds like panic poetry. Slow down (take some magnesium) and cultivate calm. Yoga, meditation, read a book that isn't about food or wls, breathe deep and remember, nothing is forever, not even protein shakes which I still have to drink in order to meet my needs.
  15. Brilliant gamergirl! I think I sabotaged a lot of prior relationships as a result of my weight related perceptions of myself. I settled on the man who refused to allow me to use my weight as an excuse to push him away.
  16. ElyQuint

    Time to eat

    I micro managed the crap out of my consumption. Sounds like time and access-ability are a big deal for you. Hard boil some eggs for a quick grab. Get some polly-o, dannon light and fit 2x protein Greek style. They also make water with electrolytes now which might be a good idea until you reach 64oz daily.
  17. ElyQuint

    totally math baffled!

    Just a few pounds in the last week.
  18. ElyQuint

    totally math baffled!

    I'm gaining weight. I know, I know. I'm not sweatin it. I'm 6 weeks out and averaging 600-800 calories a day. It could be hormonal or it could be I'm not eating enough calories to burn calories. Yoga and rigorous physical activity are my exercise at the moment. My question is do I add routine cardio? If I'm not getting enough calories already will cardio help or hurt? I hate math.
  19. ElyQuint

    totally math baffled!

    Hitting my protein and water amounts. I'm a fitness pal fanatic! Not craving the cardio but "I'm already in calorie deficit" sounds like an excuse. I want to make sure I'm not negotiating my way out of healthy weight loss.
  20. ElyQuint

    Best and worst "compliments"

    My friend told me she admired the courage I showed by taking such a serious step toward my own health. She then listed all of the steps she has watched me take in the past: quitting smoking, going vegetarian, taking yoga, meditation, going to the doctor.... that was my favorite compliment.
  21. ElyQuint

    high protein dessert

    I use miracle fiber from vitamin shoppe but you can get a version of flavorless fiber powder at most health food stores or pharmacies. I use it for its regulating properties but it has no effect on the recipe.
  22. Silken tofu pie: 1 pound silken tofu, 1 ripe banana, 1 cup chunky peanut butter, one scoop powdered fiber and 2 scoops vanilla protein powder. Throw it in the blender pour it into a wax paper lined pie bowl and stick in the freezer for two hours. I crushed peanuts and sea salt and sprinkled on top.
  23. ElyQuint

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Oh man. I just said this a few months ago to someone intending to compliment her. Sigh.
  24. ElyQuint

    New to gastric sleeve

    I'm 6 weeks today. I'm on my second stall and have lost about 32 pounds. Par for the course I'm afraid. I'm doing everything I am supposed to. Patience is all. Basic math. It will happen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
