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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by alli_dino

  1. Hey guys. So I am about 4 weeks post op on my puréed diet… the biggest challenge for me has been to remember not to eat and drink at the same time… well I have caught myself doing it here and there and I feel really bloated as a result. Has this happened to anyone, and how did you reverse it? Or de-bloat? Or any other suggestions.

    Thanks for listening. Good luck all!! :)

  2. Hi guys! So I'm looking for some reassurance or advice. I am PO day 3, surgery was on Tuesday April, 23rd. I feel really good, yesterday was my first full day home from the hospital. I struggled with getting the right amount of fluids and Protein in (I'll be on Clear Liquids for a week), but I'm already doing a lot better today with that. I weighed myself for the first time PO this morning and I haven't lost a single pound!! Did anyone else experience this? I know its only been 3 days, its just kinda depressing, ya know?

  3. There's a really good documentary (on Netflix if ya have it) about juicing called "fat sick and nearly dead." it's really motivating, and has really good information about juicing.

    Bottom line juicing is amazing for you, organic is best!

  4. I have had all of my preop testing done and am ready to schedule a surgery date. I actually had one schedule but needed to cancel an reschedule. But I keep putting it off. I'm so scared. I wish I could just do it on my own but I know I can't and this is the tool to help my. But for some reason I can't get past the "surgery" part. Just freaks me out I wish I could just say ok let's do it today and my surgeon would Being on the preop makes me think too much hahahah I want this and I need this. Now I just have to do this.

    Right, well you (and me lol) have every reason to be apprehensive because it is so drastic!

    But this would be like the last weight loss attempt though, which, of course, sounds AMAZING to me lol

    That fact seems to trump my fears by a long shot too, ya know

  5. I feel exactly the same way. It can be so frustrating. I am supposed to schedule a date today but am so hesitant to make the right decision. Where are you in the process?

    I've had my initial consultation, my psych eval and sleep study, so now I'm just kinda playing the waiting game to see what's next. It's nerve racking!

    How about you?

  6. Hey y'all:

    I have been wrestling with conflicting feelings about the surgery. I have begun the process to have the sleeve procedure done, and I'm really excited. At least I think I'm excited?

    I still wonder: Why can't I just eat as if I had already had the procedure done? Will I feel less gratified with the weight loss than I would have felt had I done it by sheer will power?

    I have been failing at this for so long that I think this is my best option, at this point. They do say, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, right? And I'm tired of failing, ya know? So why can't I just be happy?? Bah.

    Sorry for the rant, but you're kinda supposed to do that in a forum right?

    Anyways, I'm just reaching out because I know I can't be the only one that feels this way.

    Is anyone going through this right now? Or - if you've been there, how did you get past it?

  7. It's so funny you started this thread! Today during my four hour nutritional class (right about hour three when I was bored and nodding off anyway) the presenter got to the part about taking Vitamin supplements for life and how Vitamin deficiency could lead to death' date=' yadda yadda, I thought to myself well I am screwed if we have a Zombie Apocalypse. Being the class clown I am I almost said it aloud but I looked around and realized I was probably the only one who knew what a Zombie Apocalypse was. I am glad I can now have other people who know why I chuckled to myself over it.[/quote']

    Amen, sister. I forgot about the supplements lol Ugh.

  8. So, I have just begun the insurance process to have my sleeve surgery! And I'm very very anxious and excited to have it done :)

    But… what if in the future there's a zombie apocalypse?? Right? Please tell me I'm not the only one that had this run though their mind :)

    Like what if you have a limited supply of food and when you have to eat you need to be able to eat a lot and store your food sort of? I'm just sayin…

    I guess at least I'll be in better shape to run away from them though!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
