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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by missesshepherd

  1. missesshepherd

    Abdominal Pain

    I'm new to this group. This is my first post. I had my VSG done end of October last year and have lost a ton of weight. I started at 244 with the 2 week pre-op diet and I am now at 189. My problem is I've been having abdominal pain and diarrhea. The abdominal pain can be as bad a labor pains at times and can make me almost pass out. I'm not sure if this is the result of what I'm eating (or not eating since I feel like I'm not able to eat as much as I was a couple months ago, protein that is), or is it something else? I was at the ER a few weeks ago and they did a CT scan which said intestinal wall thickening, so they put me on Flagyl antibiotic. I'm a nurse so I know this is not normal. Any ideas on what might be going on? Melissa
  2. missesshepherd

    Abdominal Pain

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