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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About SuperblyInsane

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  1. SuperblyInsane

    My Sleeve experience in Mexico :)

    I am so glad you are continuing to post for us pending sleevers! What doctor released you to life weights? Just wondering if you mean the surgeon from Cancun or a local doctor that is doing follow-up treatment? I have chosen my doctor in Cancun as well and am counting the days until I can have a story like yours!! 2 other questions - did your doctor use compression stockings? Did they give any blood-thinning therapy? I have tried to find as much info from my doctor, but there isn't a whole lot about his post-op out there.
  2. Thank goodness I"m not the only one! I just got off a week long cruise and I think i tried at least one bite of every single thing that i saw! It's like I am stuck in the mindset that I will never be able to eat again! I am aware of it and am getting myself back on track with one month left until surgery. I feel like the fat is trying to steal me from my decision. The other day I found myself wondering what I am going to replace food with. Every weekend, every trip, every day has been an obsession over what I'm going to eat for so long that I'm not sure what I can enjoy as much as I have enjoyed eating all these years. I need to get a new hobby or interest - and quick!!!!
  3. Ugh... great... I was really counting on that place being good And so the search continues...
  4. Before you settle on a surgery, please do your research. Coming from Miami (AKA the land of plastic) Colombia, Venezuela and Bolivia are known for their amazing plastic surgery. Mexico is known for Bariatrics. Most of the packages I have seen in Mexico only keep you for a day or two after the surgery. The other countries keep you a minimum of 10 days in a resort. Nothing against Mexico, that's where I'm having my Sleeve done, but a makeover is really a toll on your body with so many things healing at once. Check out makeovertravel, they have 6 different packages. In Miami, the majority of people travel to Colombia for their surgery and the work I've seen is incredible (just check out the Real Housewives of Miami, lol)
  5. SuperblyInsane

    For My April Sleevers

    And duh.... just read the message about PM...lol
  6. SuperblyInsane

    For My April Sleevers

    For whatever reason, this link doesn't seem to work for me
  7. SuperblyInsane

    Self Pay - time frame start to finish

    In Florida, it takes around 6-8 weeks from Introductory Seminar to Surgery date.
  8. You can definitely mix it with Almond milk. I don't mind the water, it keeps the calories low and still tastes great,
  9. SuperblyInsane

    i am scared but determined

    If we weren't scared, we'd really be crazy!! I will say, the closer I get to surgery, the less nervous and more excited I get...maybe I'm beginning to get crazier
  10. SuperblyInsane

    I need a whoo hoo! :)

    Whoo Hoo \o/ <--- that's a cheerleader whoo-hooing, lol
  11. SuperblyInsane

    Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers

    It's your decision to make. Why is it that we let people dictate what we do or how we feel about our own bodies? So, we're too fat for most everything, but not fat enough for surgery??? I say screw 'em, lol. If you wait until you are "big" enough for them to think you need surgery, imagine what they would think then...and more importantly, how you would feel about yourself. You are making a decision to reclaim power over YOUR body, not theirs! Sometimes, we have to be our own cheerleader! And when you're feeling like you can't handle it, imagine those pom=poms cheering YAY just for you!

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