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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DonRodolfo

  1. Did you do a liquid diet before surgery?
  2. DonRodolfo

    poop question tmi

    I was told fiber was too hard on our new stomachs. This worries me as I depended on my psyllium fiber pre op. :-(
  3. DonRodolfo

    Laughing problem

    I'm 5 days out as well - it hurts only a little, but it's worth it. I love laughing!
  4. So far I've tolerated cream of chicken and tomato Soup without issues. I'm getting most of my Protein from Protein shakes and I'm okay with that as long as I never have to touch another Bariatric Advantage shake ever again lol! You just reminded me I had issues with low oxygen in the hospital for a few hours as well. They put me on oxygen for awhile and it seemed to help. Also, even after 2 and a half bags of IV Fluid I had nothing in my bladder. They put some drug in my IV and it seemed to help.
  5. DonRodolfo

    pre op diet

    What you're feeling right now, the headaches, weakness, hunger, all that will be gone in about a day or 2 more. You'll be surprised how good you feel despite you not having eaten in several days. Whatever you do, don't cheat or you'll have to start over. Consider yourself lucky. There are people who are allowed to eat anything they want until the last minute before they have surgery. They get to deal what you're dealing with on top of having to deal with recovery. I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that. You will be too!
  6. DonRodolfo

    Scared & Confused

    Hi Martha! Welcome to normal, Martha. This very thing had me freaked out for weeks before my surgery. I reminded myself of the many people around me who were wildly successful with this surgery. I also reminded myself of all the times I tried to lose weight on my own and failed. Glad you stayed. You will be too! The last time I had surgery was when I was about 6 years old to get my tonsils removed. I woke up from surgery this past Tuesday expecting to be in excruciating pain but instead felt an intense gas cramp that would not go away. They offered me pain meds and I took them. By the time they wheeled me to my room I was laughing and joking with people along the way. The gas sensation turned into a feeling like the day after trying to do 1000 situps. A little uncomfortable to laugh or cough and move sometimes, but not a fraction as bad as I was expecting. The liquid hydrocodone they gave me has been an immense help. You're in a good place here. Keep coming back!
  7. DonRodolfo

    Fear of the gym.....

    Despite my size, I've been going to the gym off and on since 2005. I've been a member of three different gyms in that time. Not once, not one single solitary time has anyone ever harassed me about my weight. What has happened is I've had people tell me things like "you're doing great" or "keep up the good work". When I joined the first gym, I asked if the equipment could handle my weight and I was told it could handle much more (as in > 500lbs) so don't fret about that. What you might find is some machines won't be as comfortable to use as others. I can't stand stationary bicycles because I don't fit on them. Someday I will and I'll try again.
  8. DonRodolfo

    my bf broke up with me..

    I'm so sorry, but don't fret. I'm thinkin' the boys will be standing in line for your attention sooner than you realize!
  9. DonRodolfo

    San marcos, Tx

    Your post caught my eye because my daughter is a senior at Texas State. Completely normal to have all those emotions and more. I kept trying to find excuses to not have to do it. In the end I reminded myself why I did it. I had to do it because living the way I had been living at my weight was no longer acceptable to me. FWIW, I didn't experience pain near what I expected. The laproscopic incisions never bothered me except for the occasional itch (I was told yesterday that itching means it's healing well). When I woke up from surgery all I felt was an intense gas crap that was easily relieved with pain meds. A couple days later the pain was no worse than how sure you would feel after doing 1000 situps the day before. They gave me liquid hydrocodone to take when I got home and life is good. I feel better and better every day.
  10. You poor thing - you were so hungry you ate the container as well?
  11. I started with a BMI > 60 and I had to wait 3 months because of my insurance. Do I get to pretend to be a victim of some imaginary injustice?
  12. My surgeon's office said depression is quite common after surgery. Don't be afraid to get help, no reason for you to suffer in silence.
  13. The first four days were the worst for me. But now that I've gotten the hunger, headaches, weakness and all that behind me, life after getting sleeved is a lot better for me. I'm glad they made me do a two-week pre-op diet.
  14. DonRodolfo

    Does the pre op diet get any easier?

    For me, it got better after the 4th day. The headaches were gone and so was the hunger for the most part. I'd occasionally get a hunger pang but it wasn't so bad. I don't prefer sweets and having 5 shakes a day got old quicker than I thought it would. My surgeon said it was okay to have chicken broth - I'd mix it with a scoop of unjury unflavored and that helped me a few times.
  15. DonRodolfo

    opinions please...

    I like the enthusiasm! I'm not sure you would benefit from starting early at all though, just my opinion.
  16. DonRodolfo

    How do you know if you have Sleep Apnea?

    2007ish I went to my doctor complaining of bad quality sleep and low energy during the day. He referred me to a sleep center where they did a sleep test that confirmed I had it. If you have it and sleep with a properly adjusted CPAP machine, you'll be amazed at how you feel the next morning when you wake.
  17. DonRodolfo

    frustrated as hell

    I am doing well, thank you both! Just like many people have said, my abs feel sore like I've done 1000 situps and I occasionally get some back pain. They gave me a prescription for liquid hydrocodone to take twice a day and it helps immensely. It seems I woke up from anesthesia in a panic because they had laid me flat and I can't breathe when I'm flat because of my weight. I remember the anesthesiologist yelling at me to calm down and stop fighting. Once they elevated me it was a lot better. The only pain I felt immediately after surgery was a gas pain that would not go away. They offered me pain meds and I took them. Two hours later when they were rolling me out of the recovery room to my room I was in a great mood and laughing and joking with everyone.
  18. DonRodolfo

    I was sleeved on 5/28/2013

    I was sleeved on 5/28/2013 at Methodist Dallas Medical Center. My surgeon was Dr. Manuel Castro.
  19. DonRodolfo

    frustrated as hell

    I'm happy to hear it was a false alarm! I got sleeved a couple days ago - I was nervous beforehand myself but things are good right now. You'll do great!
  20. DonRodolfo

    frustrated as hell

    You may not be in the June club anymore, but I'm sure the July club will be happy to have you! Hang in there, it's just a delay. It's not an outright denial. Get that sleep apnea under control, it really is that important.
  21. DonRodolfo

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    I got sleeved two days ago (Tuesday 5/28). I lost 50 pounds preop (it would have been more had I not stalled twice the second week of my 2 week liquid diet Since surgery, I've gained 6 pounds. :angry: I realize it's only temporary but still, it's a little frustrating.
  22. I feel pretty good. I'm having to take liquid hydrocodone every 6 hours for abdominal and back discomfort (not sure that it's bad enough to call pain). The reason I asked is that I have a theory about 2-week preop diets. I was on one and the day before surgery on Clear liquids. I got over the starving feeling after about 4 days on the first week. The headaches and weakness went away too. I would get the occasional hunger pang but it went away quickly. After surgery I've only felt an occasional hunger pang. My poor wife worries about eating in front of me so I have to keep reminder her it's okay. The worst part of the surgery was the 1st hour in recovery. I woke up fighting the anesthesiologist because I was totally flat and wanted to have my upper elevated because it's hard for me to breathe. Once they elevated me, all I felt was this intense gas cramp. They offered me, and I took, some pain medication and I started feeling better by the minute. Hang in there - you'll start feeling better soon!
  23. I got sleeved on 5/28 as well - congrats! I'm just curious, were you allowed to eat regular food up until your surgery date?
  24. I've seen people that look like what you're talking about - I'll take it if it means I'll be able to sleep in a bed again after not being able to for over 12 years.

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