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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DonRodolfo

  1. DonRodolfo

    Panniculectomy/drains pics

    Panniculum (sp?) - it's the sagging belly some are left with after losing a significant amount of weight. Mine rocks when I jog and I'm sure it's only going to get worse.
  2. DonRodolfo


    Being on the two-week preop diet gives you license to whine, you don't need to apologize for it around here. How much Protein are you getting in each day and are you drinking your Water? Can't speak for the arthritis but I'm hoping someone will chime in that can.
  3. Forney - I do 20 to 175 to get downtown. Much less stress than 30! I dunno - I'd rather do 75 than the Tollway most days!
  4. I am SO happy I don't work in North Dallas! Driving back and forth from downtown is nothing compared to dealing with 635 during rush hour!
  5. :lol: You're gonna do great girl. Just get through those first 4 days without cheating and the rest will be cake. Write a list of the reasons this surgery means so much to you and keep referring to it as often as you need. Oh, and get yourself some liquid tylenol asap so you'll have something for the headaches you're gonna get the first few days. You'll be glad you did! And remember: you got sleeve brothers and sisters here to lend an ear!
  6. Oh yeah, that thing with its "how YOU doin' " stare and pointy horn - I puckered every time I saw that thing.
  7. Probably freaked out over that damned unicorn - that thing was creepy as f**k! Actually it sounds like a good idea but my concern is would there be moderators to move "what have I done" posts to the appropriate forum?
  8. DonRodolfo

    Building Muscle!

  9. DonRodolfo

    Starving from this liquid diet!

    Not gonna lie, the first four days of my two-week preop diet were the suck. On day 5 I woke up feeling great. Hang in there, you'll be glad they made you go through this.
  10. DonRodolfo

    Panniculectomy/drains pics

    Do any of you know how much this procedure would cost out of pocket?
  11. Don't forget the "how soon can I have alcohol" crowd!
  12. DonRodolfo

    2weeks pre - op

    Your doctor allowed you to have food on your two-week preop diet?
  13. My surgeon and NUT disagree on the before part. NUT said okay to drink up until the last minute before you eat, surgeon wants us to wait 30 minutes. I'm just one week one day postop but I'll see when the time comes.
  14. See the "why you shouldn't drink with meals" link in my signature for a video.
  15. DonRodolfo

    Vitamins and meds

    Only about 30 seconds for me, but I have a big mouth.
  16. DonRodolfo

    Vitamins and meds

    I was not given all of my meds in the hospital, only the metoprolol which was injected into my IV. I was not given my metformin in the hospital and my discharge instructions said not to take them any more. My surgeon dropped one of my heart meds a week before surgery and made my lansoprazole "take as needed".
  17. DonRodolfo

    Vitamins and meds

    The bad news: most prescription meds don't come in a chewable form - two that I take I have to crush beforehand and as you can imagine they taste nasty! Vitamins, however, come in chewable form. Prepare yourself to take the following for the rest of your life: A chewable Multivitamin twice a day - avoid gummies. I use Centrum Silver chewables, but you might not be old enough for those. Calcium Citrate - 1500mg daily. This must be 3 tablets spread out across the day, can't take them all at once. I use Celebrate Calcium Plus 500 Chewable from Amazon.com. If your doctor says you need an Iron supplement, that will change how you take these. B12 sublingual - 500mcg daily. It MUST be in sublingual form which means you put it under your tongue until it dissolves. I use the Spring Valley brand from Wal-Mart. Your other two choices are B12 injections (I think these are once a week) or B12 administered as a nose spray.
  18. DonRodolfo

    Anyone feel amazing post op?

    I told the anesthesiologist before we went to the operating room that I cannot breathe when I am flat on my back. I expected to wake up in some sort of recovery room inclined enough that it wouldn't be an issue. Instead, I wake up on my back with my arms and torso still strapped down, me struggling to prop myself up, and the anesthesiologist yelling at me "STOP FIGHTING, STOP FIGHTING!!!" My memory goes fuzzy and next thing I remember is that I'm inclined, feeling groggy, with an intense gas pain in the front that won't go away, a slightly sore throat, and realizing I wasn't in as much pain as I expected. They offered me pain meds and after the first hour I started feeling better and better. My wife walked the first lap around the nurses station with me and I was able to do the rest later on my own. I had issues with oxygen and inability to urinate but the nurses kept working on me until I could. I didn't get much sleep the first night but I still felt better and better. I was discharged around 11am the next morning. Somewhere along the way the intense gas pain went away and turned into some soreness around my abdomen. The liquid hydrocodone helped immensely. I ran out yesterday and started taking liquid Tylenol and it's been all good. I never experienced nausea even once and I had absolutely no pain issues with my incision sites at all. Oddly, my sleeve doesn't allow me to drink Water too fast but I can get a Protein shake down as fast as I could preop.
  19. DonRodolfo


    Relax. 3lbs a day is a lot, your body probably needs time to catch up. It's called a stall and it will pass.
  20. Really? Perhaps you could explain to me what my larger issues would be? I'm a week postop and I have yet to ask "what the eff did I do". I don't have any regrets and I'm well aware it won't grow back.
  21. DonRodolfo

    pre admission testing

    3 to 4 hours. It could have been shorter had I got there at 7a when they opened, but no, I had to sleep in that day.
  22. DonRodolfo

    sparkling water

    shake it and let the gas escape. Keep doing it until it no longer hisses when you open the cap after shaking it.
  23. DonRodolfo

    2 week pre-op liquid diet!

    Ignore it, it'll come off. Don't fret.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
