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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DonRodolfo

  1. Congrats! This might be worth your time to read it: The pre-op diet is NOT a punishment ... it's an opportunity.
  2. You might want to call your doctor on this one. There are people here that were discharged from the hospital on Clear Liquids but I was released on full. If it were me, I'd have several Syntrax packets that I could mix with Water.
  3. DonRodolfo

    Im getting COLD FEET --nervous

    I haven't taken metformin since surgery on 5/28 and my blood sugar has been consistently lower than 106 (and usually double digits). You should read this: The pre-op diet is NOT a punishment ... it's an opportunity.
  4. DonRodolfo

    Training and sick (mild cold)

    While I'm hardly any sort of medical professional or fitness expert, I've always felt our bodies tell us when it needs something (like rest) - I feel that's what a cold tells us. You seem to me like the kind of person here who is working their body hard to get fit, take a break today and see how you feel tomorrow. Yesterday I was finally able to get to 30 minutes on the treadmill, I was actually moving at a good clip (for me ) and I didn't feel like dying afterwards. I want to do it again today but my body is resisting (feeling like I have a cold coming on myself).
  5. DonRodolfo

    In serious need

    100 Reasons You Should Work Out Today
  6. Tonight I overdid it with lentil Soup. 1 serving (1 cup?), measured, couldn't finish it. Was VERY uncomfortable for about half an hour. No nausea, no foamies, just a lot of pressure.
  7. DonRodolfo

    Wowzers! Grits!

    Congrats, you owe me a new keyboard. Mine now has drool all over it.
  8. DonRodolfo

    New Orleans eating out

    I grew up in New Orleans - I do not envy you. I'm only two weeks postop and I'd hurt myself if I went there anytime soon! Stay away from Cafe du Monde. You may say you'll just have the coffee but no human in the history of man has made it out of there without having a beignet!
  9. DonRodolfo

    Does your sleeve have a name?

    We're NOT bringing Pedro into this conversation!
  10. DonRodolfo

    Does your sleeve have a name?

    I got dibs on "Sleevie Ray Vaughn"!
  11. DonRodolfo

    Protein powder

    You may want to consider getting something called PB2 which is mixed into chocolate protein shakes. I'm told it makes them taste like a Reese's Peanut Butter cup.
  12. DonRodolfo

    Happiness is ...

    Returning to work after short-term disability, going through the emails sent to you while you were out, and finding the one that says your approved return to work date is not today but a week later. :D :D
  13. DonRodolfo

    YES Whey or NO Whey!?

    According to my NUT, you only get about about 11g with the New Whey so in actuality they're the ones that are most expensive. So there.
  14. DonRodolfo

    YES Whey or NO Whey!?

    I'll throw in my endorsement for Yes Whey - not only are they better than New Whey nutritionally I personally think they taste a lot better.
  15. DonRodolfo

    Help! Diabetes and Pre-op diet!

    Just wanted to mention that my doctor took me off of actoplus/metformin while I was in the hospital. My blood glucose has been less than 105 (usually double-digits) since my surgery. Your mileage may vary but I'm not the first person that has experienced this.
  16. "Matthew 18:8 If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell." Gluttony is a sin, is it not? Seems to me a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy addresses it quite nicely.
  17. DonRodolfo

    Help! Diabetes and Pre-op diet!

    You should read this: The pre-op diet is NOT a punishment ... it's an opportunity. All of us who went through the two-week preop diet experienced this. Thankfully, it only lasts about 4 days. After that you'll be amazed at how well you feel considering how little you're eating. Don't cheat - it will either prolong how long you have to deal with it or bring the headaches, weakness, and hunger pangs back. Hang in there - this is a good thing!
  18. DonRodolfo

    Ignore user?

    Deep-Fried Twinkie Recipe
  19. What is the difference in time between the pic that is tilted and the two you posted above?
  20. DonRodolfo

    Synytrx nectar?

    Same here, followed closely by the Fuzzy Navel
  21. DonRodolfo

    Lifting restrictions

    Nothing over 15lbs for the first two weeks, nothing over 30lbs for the next two.
  22. DonRodolfo

    Post op!

    Well done - keep up the good work!
  23. I was prescribed a bottle of liquid hydrocodone to take every 6 hours as needed and I did. By the time I ran out I was able to take liquid Tylenol and that worked fine for a couple days until I needed nothing. Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for a refill on pain meds. Everyone experiences pain differently.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
