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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DonRodolfo

  1. DonRodolfo

    ...and a diet coke

    You're in good company. I wasn't trying to restrict calories when I ordered, I just liked the taste of diet coke!
  2. DonRodolfo


    I learned a lot from her - I don't regret those sessions a bit.
  3. DonRodolfo


    Your NUT wasn't Katie at Forest Park, was she? (That's exactly what she told me and so far she's been right)
  4. DonRodolfo

    Diet coke

  5. DonRodolfo

    Considered a vet ?!

    It says it somewhere on VST, 6 months I think.
  6. DonRodolfo

    The BIG O!

    Okay not exactly the kind of candy I had in mind when i saw the thread title pop up!
  7. DonRodolfo


    and I was just like you. 50 years of habit to break! One of the first benefits i realized even before surgery is that i could taste much more depth in the food once i stopped drinking with meals.
  8. DonRodolfo

    Group NUT class

    Cool! I love support groups and I am so happy I had to go to those monthly NUT sessions. I learned so much during those.
  9. DonRodolfo

    Not sure about progress

    Please stop weighing yourself everyday - EVERYONE'S weight teeters up and down a few lbs daily. You're just torturing yourself. Pick a weigh day once a week and stick to it but only that day.
  10. DonRodolfo


    You can't let that go for a week! I let it go for two days recently and left the bathroom in tears when I finally went.
  11. DonRodolfo


    It's not heroin , you won't go into withdrawals It's just water and your habit of drinking with meals is no different than the one I had to break. Or you can deal with the cranky waiter.
  12. DonRodolfo

    Smoking !

    Props to you for trying to quit - keep up the good work. I smoked for 20 years so quitting can be done.
  13. DonRodolfo


    :lol: :lol: I have gotten the funniest reactions when I tell waiters i don't want anything to drink. What I found that works is ordering a glass of water but letting it sit there. it doesn't cost anything and they won't come by to try to refill it if they see it's full.
  14. DonRodolfo

    Not doing the liquid diet

    So many people here have successfully done their one or two week preop diet. without skirting it like you have. If you're looking for someone to tell you what you did is okay, i'm not that guy. Good lucking finding someone who is.
  15. DonRodolfo

    Protein Powder!

    Get yourself some unflavored Protein powder and unjury's chicken Soup flavor. Even after surgery I still love my sweet Protein drinks but they got old when it was all I could have. Chicken broth (with unjury mixed in) saved my sanity a few times.
  16. DonRodolfo

    do you ever?

  17. DonRodolfo

    do you ever?

    I've had the very same thoughts. I'm in Texas so everything is bigger (including the plates AND the asses) .
  18. DonRodolfo

    Not doing the liquid diet

    The first four days of the preop liquid diet are the suck. You can either do it now and get it over with or you can deal with it at the same time you're dealing with recovering from surgery which will be double-suck. If I had to do this surgery again I'd demand the two-week preop diet. </tough love>
  19. DonRodolfo

    Hate protein drinks

    Some people say their tastes change after surgery, I was just wondering if you were one of those people.
  20. Thank you for sharing this!
  21. DonRodolfo

    Could It Be?

    I love positive posts - keep up the good work!
  22. DonRodolfo

    Hate protein drinks

    I'm just curious - what did you think of Protein Drinks before surgery?
  23. DonRodolfo

    Anesthesia for the 1st Time

    At work! I could cure cancer myself if I could have this at work!
  24. DonRodolfo

    Lost 90 pound

    You. Look. Amazing! A few months ago I was at one of the support groups I belong to and the topic was "how much is enough". The jist was you may start this journey with a number in mind that you want to achieve, but it's completely possible you may hit a point before that where you are completely healthy, look great, and there is no need to try for lower. Unfortunately there's no magic formula for determining that so it's something you have to resolve for yourself.
  25. DonRodolfo

    Anesthesia for the 1st Time

    One of the best naps I ever had in my life was when I was put under for an endoscopy. I saw the anesthesiologist inject something into my IV and the next thing I knew I woke up in a recovery room feeling refreshed and ready to go. Years later i had the funniest experience with being put out. I went to an oral surgeon for a biopsy of my gum. i was laid back in a dental chair, there was a flurry of activity around me with the doctor and assistants, and then I realized that this was taking awhile. I asked "are we going to get started anytime soon" and one of the ladies laughed at me and said "we're done already" - just then i noticed a huge wad of cotton in my jaw. it was like a chunk of time had passed without me knowing! For my sleeve surgery, the anesthesiologist said he was going to give me something to relax. i didn't see him give me anything - I walked to the surgery room, laughed and talked with the nurses as they got me comfortable on the table, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room with this bad gas cramp and feeling groggy. They saw I was in discomfort, offered me pain meds, i said yes and it helped within minutes. By the time they wheeled me to my room I was laughing and joking with people on the way there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
