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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carriek

  1. carriek

    What was your post-op diet like?

    i agree with u on what u said about it seeming strange....and it was hard the first week. The doctor is only lap band not gastric. he is suppose to have the highest success rate. i resurched him and it seems to be true maybe it has to do with the diet he has us on. i weighed in today and lost 16 lbs this week, it was a struggle but deff worth it!!!
  2. carriek

    What was your post-op diet like?

    wow, everyones is so different.... week 1: just water and crystal lite week 2-3: just water , crystal lite and protein skakes (2 times a day) week 4-5: mushy foods wek 6 : regular food. (no carbs and no sugar at all till you reach goal)
  3. carriek

    !!!Help Post-Op Diet!!!

    hello, i was also banded on the 23 of may and new to this site. I must say that iam a little jelious. i live in NY and i have only had water(plain) and crystal lite for 6 days.nothing else and iam starving. My doctor told me no carbs...no sugar....no nothing. iam ready to start the shake fase today and that last for 2 weeks. then i get mushies. i have no idea about if u are doing is right.....but ask your doctor before u try anything. btw the mashed pots soup sounded soooooo good.! thanks your band buddie Care

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