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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by laziepandabear

  1. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    The problem is i have to physically fed it to him. And i work 12 hours on overnight so i hqve no way to divert myself. I can do everything needing done in a shift and im back sitting in the kitchen bored feeding him by midnight. I have junk food at home but i dont want it there. I make the kids mac and cheese and i eat a piece of meat. But watching him eat all my trigger foods
  2. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    I am needing some advice from fellow sleevers. I have gone back to work taking care of a gentleman. This man has so much junk food in his house all of which i would have binged on till i was sick. Cookies chips and pop and the list just goes from there. Not only does he have all this food he eats all the time. Watching him makes me physicologically want to stuff my face. Im not even hungry but i wanna munch munch munch. Ive quit losing weight still losing inches but no weight. Is this situation one that i need to leave or conquer.
  3. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    What did u weigh when u got the surgery? Start there because those who r smaller will lose slower and r gonna lose less than someone my size who started at 308. Also ur working out which translates to muscle building thus smaller number cause muscle outweighs fat and so u may lose less on the number side but gain more muscle. Look at ur body tone and measurements before u feel bad.
  4. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    Track ur weight on a graph that way when u stall u will see the pattern and know its nothing u r doing just ur body adjusting so that weight lose can continue. Good luck
  5. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    I just want to say great job to everyone. Today i am feeling so depressed. The scale hasnt moved, its not been long but already i am worried. I need smaller clothes but am afraid to buy them. What if i gain the weight back and now my clothes dont fit again. I can hear my mother in the back of my mjnd telling me 8 weeks out and only 37 lbs, i told this wasnt going to do anything for u and next ur just gonna gain it back everyone does. I am waiting to fail just like always. I needed to vent these feelings cause getting rid of them helps and i hope by not being afraid to put it out there and ask if anyone else fears these things or for some helpful words, i cant get my heade straight and not sabatoge myself
  6. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    The best thing i can tell everyone is, the scale will move again. I stalled for two weeks and i uped my calories and quite worrying so much and that helped me get moving. I found a great article that discribes the physiology behind the stall and its prerectly normal. So good luck to everyone and doing a dance im finally down 37
  7. laziepandabear

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    Good luck and remember urbody has to learn its new normal
  8. I am having this problem too and after a while as u can eat more foods ur cravings well get better. I have hit a stall and havent done anything for a week and a half. Im exercising drinking and getting my protien in but still no weight lose. I feel like crying and very lost cause i dont understand what i am doing wrong. Hopefully we can find an answer. But i do know the food cravings get better
  9. laziepandabear

    Surgery Tommorow

    Samethacone is ur best friend for the gas. Its what u give babies for gassiness. after my sleeve it was my saving grace made the burps easier and then the gas bloated feeling went away. Also walk it will help the gas move. So gas drop or chewables
  10. laziepandabear

    I am seriously struggling

    I had the runs when i went on my pre op diet too no matter what i drank. I think it the increase Fluid combined with nothing to really work at to digest so it just cleans u out
  11. laziepandabear

    I am seriously struggling

    It taste pretty good i cant taste the powder. The top has a little foam from blending it but i wanted to be sure it mixed so u could avoid that probably. For much cheaper than premade i have jello with five grams per half cup. Im going to try increasing it to a full scoop so ten g per half cup. I recommend this

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
