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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ramirelek

  1. Ok so today is 18 days post op and I notice I was able to eat a whole can of tuna. About 6 onz. Did not hurt at all. And I have not being hungry I did something I not sure if I could do but I went to starbucks and bough a decaf coffee with skim milk and not sugar. It was pretty good. I just can say I really enjoy my coffee.
  2. ramirelek

    Holy Heartburn

    Before surgery I have gerd and pyloric so four weeks before surgery I was taking 3000 mg of antibiotocs at day crazy but true. So far I am still taking my 40mg of omeoprazole and that really helps. You should call your doctor maybe he can prescribe you a higher dose. Wish you the best
  3. Yes Is being one of the best decisions I have ever made
  4. ramirelek

    In the beginning stages!

    Sugar, try stevia or truvia insted
  5. So I went to my two weeks post op today and I lost 23.6 pounds. It was a surprise since I decided not to weight until today. This including my pre op weight loss of 11 pounds.
  6. ramirelek

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    I feel the same way. I cannot find boots thag will fit my calts. Is crazy but I would like that too. Ohhhh and I dream to be a size 5.
  7. After two weeks last night I was able to sleep on my stomach ohhh slept so well. Nice did not hurt at all.
  8. ramirelek

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Best wishes and congratulations I hope you have a good revovery and remember no matter how much pain you feel walk walk walk that is the best remedy. The more you walk the faster the recovery. Congratulations
  9. Oh yes I remember not being able to pee even when you wanted to. I pee same day but I was seeting in the bathroom for a while and I let the water run and that actually help me. By the way I was sleeve on may 6 and I do want too eat some solids for example yesterday I made scramble eggs for my daughter and ohhhh god I felt the temtation to eat some and I did, and it hurt like crazy so I stop I only try I bite but thay was more than enought for me. I will continue to follow my diet. I am in full luquids as well.
  10. ramirelek

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    I feel the same way sometimes, but I have realize that I can actually enjoy looking a my family eating. Likr for example I went out with my husband and daughter to dine out and my husband want it to eat some mexican food so we went. I did not eat anything but I order for him something healthy and he actually enjoy it. I told him that if I see him eating something no so healthy I will feel hunger and with desire to eat. So I order him a salad steak. He actually enjoy and I felt so good. While my daughter enjoy her chicken. After that he invited me a tea. Before surgery my husband used to say now we are not going to be able to go dine out, now I just proove that yes we can. I want him to be healthy too.
  11. ramirelek

    I'm at my goal size!

    Completely agree jejeje
  12. ramirelek

    Wife is Upset

    I have a similar situation I was always involving and telling my husband about the surgery and my apointments , but he never paid attention to anything. Until two weeks before surgery when I told him my surgery is in two weeks. He got mad and told me that I have being hidding things and that I did not share with him wich was not true. He even told me so now that you get skinny your are going to leave me right. I told him no I am doing this for me, but at the same time I am doing it because I want to meet my grandchildrens I want to be there for my kids. I told him that this was going to be good for both of us and that I was going to change our life style and eating habits so he will benefit too. I would not leave my family or my husband because I loss some pounds. He then reply I was just kidding and I am only want it to hear you say something like that. From that moment I have his 100% support.
  13. ramirelek

    Length of Hospital Stay

    I have no staples I just have like a white tape over them and three of them felt off already and I actually justnput a bind aid on it thats it. Call my doctor he saod is ok. How is it that some people have staples?
  14. I am understand you it gets boring is not about being so much hungry, but about feeling your are actually eating something. Dont get frustrated I guess thats why we are hear sharing because we are not perfect and we need support from someone who is going thru the same dilema. This is good thats why joing this forum because if I talk to my husband about it he always says well you want it this. Dont mind me he is very supportive but I guess he gets bored of me talking about not being able to eat like before.
  15. ramirelek

    I'm at my goal size!

    I search for the lotion reviews and most of them are good besides their complaining about the smell, but I would not care about the smell if it work. I am going to try it.
  16. Oh yes and you know what I think too is a positive thing about beinf alow looser that less sagy skin.
  17. My full liquid diet is for two weeks. So I am starting my 3 stage on may 21. I believe some doctors suggest 3 weeks but it depents on how you are doing and feeling. Your body will tell you if is time or not. Trust yourself. And if you can call your nut and let her know.
  18. ramirelek

    I'm at my goal size!

  19. Since last friday, is being six days.
  20. And I cannot waith to get stage 3. Even though I am not feeling hungre I gues I would like some consistency.
  21. I am still in full liquid but yesterday I made mash potato and eat a tiny piece and went down well. I want it to eat more but I was afraid so I stop. I am not hungry at all I am pretty much eating because I know I have to.
  22. ramirelek

    Length of Hospital Stay

    My insurence approove one night stay, but I went home same day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
