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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from BurningButter! in Best and worst "compliments"   
    Lets all share our best and worst well meaning compliments about our weight loss.
    My best was after returning to work after summer break: where'd you go this summer?! I mean where'd you go? Half of you is gone!
    Oddest (considering it came from my mother in law): look at you! You're nothing but boobs!
    Rudest: wow you lost all that weight and it found me. (Yes I am now responsible for others weight gain)
    But the nicest compliments are the simple, you look great! I know they mean my weight loss and I appreciate the subtlety.
    What are yours?
  2. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Sugar addict and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) surgery?   
    I had the sleeve and it doesn't help with cravings. The reason I chose sleeve over bypass is because I didn't want to experience dumping. I knew there would be times I would want a bite of something sweet, and didn't want to deal with dumping. I have lost 140 pounds with the sleeve and am at goal.
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    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from vincereautmori in Best and worst "compliments"   
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    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from skinnygirlwithin in Best and worst "compliments"   
    My sister in law just tried to compliment me (I guess) by saying that when she used to be heavy she didn't look as pretty as me. And said even though I'm thick I still look nice. Ok, I've lost 78 pounds since January! And she doesn't know I've had this surgery so boy will she be shocked 6 months down the road when she can't say I'm pretty for being heavy.
  5. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Beni in Possible Ulcer?   
    Beni that's where my pain was, around the middle. I don't remember having bloating though. The ER goal is simply pain management they just want to throw pain killers at you and call it a day. Hope they figure out what's going on with you.
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    Healthier2day1227 reacted to annar562 in Possible Ulcer?   
    Thanks ladies...I woke up feeling a lil better today but I've noticed I am not eating as much as I should be for fear of pain. Not good ! I know....hopefully after I have ultrasound I can know for sure if it's gallstones or something else...so far I started taking Prilosec ...let's see how that helps. ..will keep you posted
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    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from HikeEveryMountain in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    New York and Company has tall sizes in store.
  8. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Sugar addict and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) surgery?   
    I had the sleeve and it doesn't help with cravings. The reason I chose sleeve over bypass is because I didn't want to experience dumping. I knew there would be times I would want a bite of something sweet, and didn't want to deal with dumping. I have lost 140 pounds with the sleeve and am at goal.
  9. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Chrystee in Best and worst "compliments"   
    Yes this surgery is definitely not the easy way. My surgeon emphasized that going in and boy do I believe him now! I have a friend who is obese and has been approached by her doctor twice to have this surgery. She told me she will never give up diet coke! And that's such a small factor, we give up so much more especially the first six weeks following surgery plus the Pre op. but I love my sleeve. I love that I eat one small serving, I love that I no longer think about getting my money's worth at buffets, I love that I finally have a tool that works.
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    Healthier2day1227 reacted to AshleyMidwife in Lots of hunger lately   
    Drink more water!!!!
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    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from FairySleeve in "I thought you did this yourself." ...?   
    I'm sorry you got that comment. My best friend has said a few things like that like you are so lucky you had this surgery and can just get full and not have to worry about overeating. I told her actually you can graze and overeat carny foods. To be honest I tell very few people about my surgery for this very reason. And maybe it's dishonest or misleading of me, but my mother in law for example is very judgemental and before I had this was talking about a friend that had lap band. She said she didn't even need this, she was just too lazy to lose it the real way. Ok mental note don't tell her about my surgery!!! And I haven't. And now she is going around saying I've become a snob since losing weight.
    Good for you for being honest and upfront and hopefully more have been supportive than not.
  12. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from TheWigster in Need Lunch Ideas. One more can of tuna or chicken and I am gonna puke!   
    Chili is a good lunch. One cup of chili fills me for hours. Also you could make ahead some turkey meatballs and heat them up with marinara. They even sell them at Ralph's premade, but from scratch tastes better. Buy a rotisserie chicken and use it for salads and you could also chop up the chicken for chicken salad instead of canned.
  13. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from TheWigster in Need Lunch Ideas. One more can of tuna or chicken and I am gonna puke!   
    Chili is a good lunch. One cup of chili fills me for hours. Also you could make ahead some turkey meatballs and heat them up with marinara. They even sell them at Ralph's premade, but from scratch tastes better. Buy a rotisserie chicken and use it for salads and you could also chop up the chicken for chicken salad instead of canned.
  14. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from TheWigster in Need Lunch Ideas. One more can of tuna or chicken and I am gonna puke!   
    Chili is a good lunch. One cup of chili fills me for hours. Also you could make ahead some turkey meatballs and heat them up with marinara. They even sell them at Ralph's premade, but from scratch tastes better. Buy a rotisserie chicken and use it for salads and you could also chop up the chicken for chicken salad instead of canned.
  15. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from feedyoureye in Gastric Sleeve Experts... Please Chime In!   
    I lost 100% of excess weight, but I was very vigilant and tracked everything. I didn't just let my sleeve be my guide. I have to tell you maintenance is no different than losing. I do everything the same. I eat 1200 cal a day and exercise every day. When I first went into maintenance I thought oh good I can take in more cals but that wasn't the case. When I did that I gained. And my hunger is back and I can eat more so I combat that with fruits high on Fiber because they are filling or Snacks of string cheese and deli meat. Everyone's different, just find what works for you.
  16. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Kindle in Celebrations...what do you do?   
    I'm bad, I shop! But I am at goal and have such a tiny wardrobe that I actually need to shop. Now I can justify spending a little money because I'm not gonna donate the clothes to goodwill in a month. Other ways I Celebrate is with a pedicure or brag to my boyfriend! He is the only one I will brag to because he is so supportive and loving and won't get jealous. Or take a selfie lol! I'm loving the new me, I am in my college size. Now the long road of maintenance.
  17. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Kindle in Celebrations...what do you do?   
    I'm bad, I shop! But I am at goal and have such a tiny wardrobe that I actually need to shop. Now I can justify spending a little money because I'm not gonna donate the clothes to goodwill in a month. Other ways I Celebrate is with a pedicure or brag to my boyfriend! He is the only one I will brag to because he is so supportive and loving and won't get jealous. Or take a selfie lol! I'm loving the new me, I am in my college size. Now the long road of maintenance.
  18. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from mistysj in Going to the doctor as a "normal"   
    I also saw a new doctor at about 10 months out. She looked at my chart and said well it says here you are obese but your BMI is 24! I explained to her about my surgery and congratulated me and clicked obesity off the list of health concerns on my chart. It felt great!
  19. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from mistysj in Going to the doctor as a "normal"   
    I also saw a new doctor at about 10 months out. She looked at my chart and said well it says here you are obese but your BMI is 24! I explained to her about my surgery and congratulated me and clicked obesity off the list of health concerns on my chart. It felt great!
  20. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Momof2inIowa in Still hungry between meals?   
    I, like you, still get hungry. Check if it's not acid. Acid can feel like hunger. Keep up with Water and I eat fruit as a snack because it fills me up. Watermelon, strawberries and oranges are good low cal fruits. Or string cheese and deli meat. I just try to find a filling low cal snack to stave off hunger, and some days are a easier than others.
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    Healthier2day1227 reacted to Alex Brecher in My 11th Year Surgiversary!   
    Today is the 11-year anniversary of my ‪LAP-BAND‬ surgery! I have lost and kept off over 100 pounds, and I'm loving life! It has been a wonderful journey, and I am so grateful. I'm so proud of our weight loss surgery community!
  22. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from balboa908 in will Medical cover the sleeve?   
    I had a bmi of 41 but no comorbidities. I'm not sure what their requirement was. It was a very easy process and I had no out of pocket. I'm very grateful because this surgery changed my life and I never would've been able to afford it on my own.
  23. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Kindle in Gallbladder attack - OUCH !   
    I went to the ER three weeks ago with that horrible pain and found out I had multiple stones. It always got worse after I ate. They admitted me and removed it the following day. They said it was very large. I felt well enough to work 2-3 days later but my boss wanted me to wait a week. I resumed my walking regime one week later. Similar soreness to sleeve surgery also similar incisions. Since surgery I have noticed certain foods I have to avoid. I bought my kids ice cream (full fat) and had some. It gave me horrible diarrhea. Also spicy foods don't sit well with me but my doctor said this might resolve itself in a year. At least avoiding fatty foods will keep me on track.
  24. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in 4th of July Challenge   
    165! I think that was my challenge goal. It is my personal goal so now I need to maintain.
  25. Like
    Healthier2day1227 got a reaction from Texasmeg in How do you treat Obese People?   
    I feel sad when I see obese people because it makes me remember the struggle. I don't think I treat them any differently but I do notice it more and feel sympathetic towards them.

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