Hi! I joined this online community this evening, and I got this welcome message. it asked me to come here to introduce myself... So, here I am!
I am pre-op, and I only began my journey toward surgery in December. I was not over weight growing up, but I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter. Surprisingly, I did NOT deliver a 70 pound baby. I struggled through diet and exercise programs that never seemed to work for long, and I added a little extra each go around. Atkins? Yep. Weight Watchers? You know it! Curves? Have all the gear. Gym Membership? Paid every month Jenny Craig? Her friendship is too expensive Phentermine? Cray Cray pills and I have had many a long night together!.... And the list goes on...
As my daughter is 13 years old now, I don't think I can call this "baby weight" any longer. I am currently 100 pounds heavier than I was the day I got married. Wow, 100 pounds. I think just writing that made it real... After meeting with my primary care doctor in December, my husband and I finally decided the gastric sleeve was our best option. I went to a seminar and had my first appointment in early January. I met with my patient advocate several weeks later. I have attended several of the required classes and I am going to monthly weight appointments with my primary doctor. My patient advocate tells me that they are in communication with my insurance and that I should be slated for surgery late June or early July. So, here I am, telling a bunch of strangers (or no one may even read this) about how I hope to spend my summer vacation....