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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    TES reacted to Imjustmee in how long after surgery did you feel "normal"?   
    I felt pretty normal afterward. I went through some depression issues and frustration, but I didn't have any real issues. Never needed pain or nausea medicine. I thought the surgery process was pretty easy.
  2. Like
    TES got a reaction from dgoerlitz in Tummy tuck scars.   
    If I lose enough weight that I need a TT or any kind of nip or tuck, I'm going to be $%^&*#@ happy! LOL
    I have seen YouTube videos where people have the TT scars below the bikini line (women) and they don't look too bad. Also, the arm lifts can be done so you can't see the scar unless you're sort of under the person's arm (and in that case you probably know him or her pretty well already).
  3. Like
    TES reacted to haragl in Vegetarians unite   
    Garden burger makes a vegetarian hamburger that is to die for--the chiken dishes are okay but the hamburger is fabulous!---also eating alot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese--90 calories for 13 gms of Protein
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    TES reacted to pottergirl in Vegetarians unite   
    dee...i started veg chili in my third week...i pureed it....was just fine..
  5. Like
    TES reacted to SuperGirl in and it is true! Protein   
    I hate to be the bearer of. As news but if I was In your shoes I'd want to know so here it goes.....
    I also started w the premier Protein shakes from Costcoi only had the vanilla and it was doable I had no complaints but thennnnm I noticed the label said it was made w whey Protein CONCENTRATE not whey protein isolate who j is what we need. Skipping to the chase I called Premier Protein and asked whAt grade pdcaaas score their shake was and I was surprised they admitted their score was only s ONE out of 100. What does that mean? In short it means that Ur not getting the. 30g of protein the can says you're getting. I researched and found that most if not all Protein Shakes r also concentrate. So I called injury who scores 100 out of 100 and I ordered that. It hasn't come yet do I can't comment on if it tastes good or not but at least I'll know I'm getting 21h per drink ...if anyone wants more inf google pdcaaas scores and feel free to call the co that makes Ur shake and ask w what their score is. I'm so upset I waisted 5 weeks getting duped w how much protein I was getting. I hope this helps someone xo
  6. Like
    TES reacted to kcinpa in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
    Wow just saw this post, you give guys like me high hopes! I just got sleeved on 1/28 and my weight at that time was 450. I originally started this journey in September of 2012 at 475. I go for my check up on 2/8 and I am excited to see if I've lost anything yet. It's very nice to see another big guy going through the same thing, good luck hope all is well!
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    TES reacted to steelergirl in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
    What an inspiration..you have no idea how much you inspired me!!! And everyone..what a difference! !!
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    TES reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
    That is so awesome and so encouraging for everyone.. Keep up your awesomeness!
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    TES reacted to cindybinner in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
    You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your journey.
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    TES reacted to dar1983 in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
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    TES reacted to Patrick Curl in Weight Loss pics from my highest 699 to 540! 4 Months Post-Op   
    These were taken 4 months Post Op, I started my journey in May @ 670, lost 20 pounds before surgery, and on July 2nd, I was 650. Today, I'm 535. Which means I've lost 135 pounds since Memorial day -- not too shabby!

  12. Like
    TES got a reaction from MegN in Unexpected symptoms Post-Op...who would of thought, not this nurse   
    Very informative, thanks for posting. I think it's very easy to get dehydrated your first week. In my case, I was drinking a lot but also had constant diarrhea, which is how I lost most of the 18-19 lbs of Fluid that I gained in the hospital. That's a lot to lose in a few days, even if it is fluid (a lot to gain in a few days too!). Even though I was drinking over 64 oz of water/day, I wasn't urinating that much b/c so much of the fluid was used up from the GI issues. I am drinking more than ever before at 2 weeks post op but notice if I don't drink for a couple of hours, my pee immediately turns dark (would have take a day or two post-op). I think it's bc we aren't getting much fluid from food and our bodies are working OT to heal and (hopefully) lose weight. Glad you are feeling better!!!
  13. Like
    TES reacted to mom2five in I lost 4 more pounds!   
    I'm four weeks out too and have lost 30 pounds! It's an awesome feeling isn't it! Keep up the good work! :-)
  14. Like
    TES reacted to angelamarie79 in I lost 4 more pounds!   
    I know that may not seem like very much, but I was so nervous about getting weighed today. I kept thinking that I was gaining not losing. I am 4 weeks out now and have lost a total of 31 pounds!!! I'm so happy I want to tell everyone hahahaha!! I told my co-worker, my boyfriend and my mom like I was all proud. I love the positive feedback I'm getting. I'm starting to love my decision to get the sleeve. At first I was thinking to myself "why did I do this". Now I'm thinking "why didn't I do this sooner?" I don't want to jinx anything though so for now I will focus on what I'm supposed to and the weight should continue to come off. Ahhhhhh this is a good feeling
  15. Like
    TES reacted to pottergirl in Vegetarians unite   
    i think of you are having issues with dairy soybeans have a tremendous amount of protein....30 g cup. i am happy to post my vegan chili recipe...it's amazing!
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    TES reacted to kyllfalcon in Totally inappropriate question   
    sigh... to be young again...
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    TES reacted to jenniesue in 45lbs, 6 weeks, and HUMMUS! :)   
    Cannot believe it has taken me this long, but I think I'm finally getting over the nausea hump. It's still there and I still have a hard time stomaching my own saliva. Either have to swallow it with Water or spit it out. My sleeve is a little wuss right now. LOL. However, the nausea is only there half the time... Woohoo!!
    I feel that I can finally Celebrate my weight-loss.. 45 lbs in 6 weeks! I stayed the same for about a week, but that's likely because I was in starvation mode. Literally no food or Protein drinks since about 5 days post-op will do that to a person. That's 5 straight weeks no nutrients. I kept asking asking the doctors how I was alive. The 3 ER visits for IV fluids were basically keeping me afloat plus I got more fluids when they did another endoscope. (BTW, the official prognosis was that I'm fine, just a slow healer & my stomach is more swollen than most.)
    Now to the exciting part!! I ate actual food yesterday! On a whim I bought 3-olive hummus, and no nausea after eating! I was able to eat about a tablespoon. I basically just licked it off the wheat thin mostly. But, did get about 3 wheat thins in, too. I'm so energized! This is the push I needed.
    Here's to my new life finally beginning!
  18. Like
    TES reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in HR blabbed to my supervisor!   
  19. Like
    TES reacted to MegN in Unexpected symptoms Post-Op...who would of thought, not this nurse   
    I was sleeved 2/12, everything was going well...I was getting my Protein and fluids in, and felt better each day. On day 5 I noticed I started having palpitations (an irregular beat of the heart that happens every so often) and my heart would race at times. I thought, this is weird the last time I had experienced palpitations it was when I was doing extreme dieting and exercising. Post-op day 6 comes and I started getting ready for my first doctors appointment since surgery, as well as my first day of leaving the house, and wasn't feeling right. I had gone down the basement stairs and when I came back up I felt extremely short of breath and my heart was racing. I figured this was just fatigue from surgery and my body was feeling weak. By the time I got to the doctors office I felt horrible, I was sweaty, my heart was racing, and had that feeling of "not good". My heart rate was 120! My surgeon was immediately concerned that I had a leak, but I had no pain. After blood work, a Ekg, CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis the conclusion was...dehydration. I was shocked, I hadn't had any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or pain...I was getting in all of my fluids and Protein, how could this be?! I obviously was glad that it wasn't anything more serious, like a leak or my gallbladder, but it goes to show that everyone is different. Just because you are doing what you should be and meeting all the goals by your doctor, it doesn't necessarily mean that your body is satisified with that.
    Here is the shocker...I'm an ER nurse! I knew that tachycardia (fast heart rate) was a sign of dehydration, but I was reaching my Fluid goals and was urinating appropriately with light colored urine (yellow/dark urine is a sign of dehydration). But, my body wasn't satisfied with that...just goes to show everyone is different and you need to communicate with your doctor with all symptoms that you have. My surgeon had me stay over night at the hospital to receive some IV fluids and to watch my heart rate. The next day, today, I feel like a million bucks! So even if your doing everything right, keep any eye out for anything unusual, you know your body the best.
  20. Like
    TES reacted to Susie1226 in My breakfast   
    I managed about half the Soup, the Popsicle , and the Jello. Drank 3 bottle of Water yesterday. Slowly but surely.

  21. Like
    TES reacted to Dee in Vegetarians unite   
    I have problems with dairy after my sleeve. I have been looking into a Vegan food plan. Posted Vegan topic no replys. It is hard to get Protein without dairy. I am on a new journey of clean eating. Getting off the artifical sweeteners.I do not eat very much processed food and never eat fast food (never did). Keep us posted on your progress..
  22. Like
    TES reacted to pottergirl in Vegetarians unite   
    please share with me your game plan in getting in Protein. any recipes you care to share? two great finds ,friendship brand protein percent cot cheese...1/2cup 16 g p over the hill brand milk 11 g p per cup.
  23. Like
    TES got a reaction from Ms skinniness in HR blabbed to my supervisor!   
    Wow, that's really uprofessional--of your supervisor, HR, and the insurance company. So sorry you are going through this. What you are doing for yourself and your health will hopefully all make it worth it in the end!!
  24. Like
    TES got a reaction from Sadtosaygoodbye in HR blabbed to my supervisor!   
    I would definitely complain, too, but HIPAA doesn't cover health information privacy at work. It extends only to healthcare providers keeping the information private. (I just learned that recently.) But it definitely is an awful situation and maybe there's something in your employee handbook that covers it. Or just plain professionalism and human decency.
  25. Like
    TES reacted to TheGamer in Stricture questions   
    Nah, fixing it doesn't hurt at all. When mine was done (you're under when they do it), I got instant relief from weeks of pain.

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