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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. That's true, JerseyGirl! I told my cat he needs to lose a few pounds so I can lift him! (he's about 13 lbs and just a little chunky). Lifting the 40-lb dog isn't an option right now, which is sad when my husband is already in bed and she wants to come up too (the animals rule the roost in our house it seems!).
  2. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    Pottergirl, do you buy the soybeans in a bag from Trader Joe's, or canned soybeans--etc.? I've only eaten edamame or soybeans that are oven-roasted--never in a chili context before. That sounds good with the protein content. Thanks!
  3. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    yes...texturized vegetable Protein (TVP), made from soy. The only thing I'm wondering about that is that you soak it/reconstitute it before using (like in chili) and I wonder if it could expand in our tiny tummies (sort of like pasta). I read on a thread here somewhere that someone was eating seitan Jerky. Sounds good. I found one online but it had mushrooms and I don't do mushrooms. I'm on thin purees so no vegetarian jerky for a while.
  4. TES

    Tummy tuck scars.

    If I lose enough weight that I need a TT or any kind of nip or tuck, I'm going to be $%^&*#@ happy! LOL I have seen YouTube videos where people have the TT scars below the bikini line (women) and they don't look too bad. Also, the arm lifts can be done so you can't see the scar unless you're sort of under the person's arm (and in that case you probably know him or her pretty well already).
  5. Thanks, I just ordered some! And caramel calcium chews too, and a shaker bottle.
  6. unjury is considered "medical grade" Protein Powder, which means that doctors prescribe it for patients with endocrine diseases and such who need therapeutic protein. I've had it before and it has a very neutral taste. I did just order some of the Celebrate protein powder as recommended above. Their quality looks good too.
  7. Wonderful job--you can really see a difference! Congratulations!!
  8. Could you try chocolate protein powder in warm water, like a hot chocolate? Or add vanilla PP to diet hot chocolate. Just don't make it too hot or it will clump. Make with milk or soy milk for more protein. Also, I like Muscle Milk lite thinned out with some almond mil--more palatable when thinner. Sometimes I shake it up in a shaker even though it's ready-made. Tastes like chocolate milk. I have Isopure in my fridge and it's taunting me--just doesn't strike my fancy. I'm thinking of diluting with some water and adding Mio or CL with some ice.
  9. so sorry this happened to you! Try burying your phone in some (uncooked) rice to dry it out.
  10. TES

    PB2...dry peanut butter

    I bought Vitamin Shoppe's version of PB2 yesterday...8.99 for just under 7 ounces (the brand is JustGoodStuff and it's organic...which is a good thing when it comes to peanuts). However, that is a little pricey so I ordered 4 jars on GNC, same size, of PB2, and they were 4.99 each (on sale for $1 off). I used a shipping coupon from RetailMeNot so shipping was only $1. I tried some in Greek Yogurt and it was delish! thanks for the great info and resources!!
  11. I'm 2 weeks post op and can sleep on my right side (where the bigger incision is/was). I have been able to sleep on my left side since about 1 week post op. I hear you on back sleeping being uncomfortable! Sometimes if I sleep too long on the right side, I have a little incisional pain in the morning. It usually goes away after about half an hour--if not, I talk half a dose of liquid Tylenol.
  12. Very informative, thanks for posting. I think it's very easy to get dehydrated your first week. In my case, I was drinking a lot but also had constant diarrhea, which is how I lost most of the 18-19 lbs of fluid that I gained in the hospital. That's a lot to lose in a few days, even if it is fluid (a lot to gain in a few days too!). Even though I was drinking over 64 oz of water/day, I wasn't urinating that much b/c so much of the fluid was used up from the GI issues. I am drinking more than ever before at 2 weeks post op but notice if I don't drink for a couple of hours, my pee immediately turns dark (would have take a day or two post-op). I think it's bc we aren't getting much fluid from food and our bodies are working OT to heal and (hopefully) lose weight. Glad you are feeling better!!!
  13. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    What about soy milk, soy cheese, almond milk (not a lot of protein but low calorie), etc.? Vegan Proteins like pea and hemp? Since you've been sleeved a while, I think that would help in getting in plant sources of protein (higher capacity for things like beans). I found a recipe online from RD Ellie Krieger for hummus made from pureed edamame and tofu. What about seitan? TVP? and tofu? You could add tofu to smoothies (veggie and fruit smoothies).
  14. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    Great thread--thanks PotterGirl! Some things I will be trying for the puree stage: * pureed ricotta or cottage cheese mixed with yogurt with some SF flavoring and maybe fresh lemon/lemon rind * Pureed black Beans or fat-free refried beans with lime juice, enchilada sauce, and other seasonings. Potentially mixed with cottage cheese or ricotta cheese and topped with FF cheese or low-fat laughing cow cheese * Pureed oatmeal or cream of wheat with Protein powder (prepared with soy milk and thinned with almond milk) * Greek yogurt with PB2 powder and Protein Powder, thinned with some soy milk and/or almond milk * Greek yogurt with canned pumpkin, protein powder, and some SF sweetener * Ricotta bake from The World According to Eggface * Cream of wheat cooked in chocolate Protein shake * Small amount of mashed potatoes made with protein powder, greek yogurt, soy milk--topped with pureed beans or pureed Morningstar chili * Pureed thinned lentil Soup with Morningstar Breakfast pattie added (and possibly protein powder)--topped with Greek yogurt * Pureed vegan bean soup that my mom made--thinned out with soy milk and protein powder added. Topped with Greek yogurt * Morningstar faux "meat" balls pureed with spaghetti sauce * Morningstar veggie burgers pureed with something--low-sugar bbq sauce?
  15. I started thin purees yesterday and feel much better! I've never felt actual hunger pangs, but starting the thin purees has helped that weak/low blood sugar/can't concentrate feeling (maybe a little bit of being on liquid only, maybe a little bit of ketosis). I had 1/3 cup of pureed oatmeal and no-added-sugar peaches cooked with soy milk and thinned out with almond milk and added 1 scoop of Protein powder this morning and I'm really full and satisfied. I love my VitaMix for this stage of the plan. My PA told me to think of thin purees as Soups and to decide what I wanted to combine. For lunch I think I will have thin pureed lentil Soup with vegetarian Morningstar patties and some low-fat soft cheese (maybe a little extra Protein Powder if needed). Maybe with a little thinned out Greek yogurt. The PA wants me to get all of my protein from food and to give up the Protein drinks completely. And to also eliminate protein powder in the solid foods. I'm not sure this is realistic as a vegetarian if I also need to keep carbs down. I asked her about keeping a Protein Drink as Breakfast only and she was insistent that I couldn't. I want to talk to the RD next week and get her take on it (PA isn't very informed about vegetarian diets). The PA also told me that I need to give up the 20 calories/pack diet hot chocolate that I've been drinking once or twice a day with protein powder (even if I made it with Water and no protein powder--they only allow drinks that are 10 calories or fewer for 8 ounces). She told me that one drink like that per day could result in 15 fewer pounds lost per year, but I figured it out and it's actually 2 lbs. Plus you could modulate something else to make up for it. Right now I am taking in all of my protein and fluids (60 grams or more and 72 ounces or more) and calories are very low. I want to be--and will be--compliant but feel a little overwhelmed right now. My RD is vegetarian and I think I will feel a lot better after I meet with her!
  16. I would definitely complain, too, but HIPAA doesn't cover health information privacy at work. It extends only to healthcare providers keeping the information private. (I just learned that recently.) But it definitely is an awful situation and maybe there's something in your employee handbook that covers it. Or just plain professionalism and human decency.
  17. Wow, that's really uprofessional--of your supervisor, HR, and the insurance company. So sorry you are going through this. What you are doing for yourself and your health will hopefully all make it worth it in the end!!
  18. TES


    i found a recipe online for edamame hummus made with silken tofu--sounds tasty and could work even for puree. I will report back if it's good!
  19. Thanks so much for the great advice, everyone! I am seeing the dietitian and PA today so I will ask about the liquids. Our guidelines don't limit the rate at which you consume liquids, but I try to use common sense and listen to my body. I can drink Water a lot more quickly than a Protein drink, for example (and right now, I thin my Protein drinks with almond mild bc I think it's easier on my sleeve). I am a vegetarian so won't be eating meat--but hopefully I'll feel that type of restriction with vegetarian protein sources that others feel with meat. I think it will make a difference even when I get to regular purees. My thin puree of oatmeal and peaches was about the same consistency as a Protein shake. But it did seem to fill me up a little more, maybe because it's just something different. I probably thinned it a little more than I needed to (we have to go to applesauce consistency) but I just wanted to be cautious the first time out. I pureed it in the Vitamix so it was more like cream of wheat. Thanks again--hearing everyone else's experiences really helps!! This forum is a great support and source of helpful information. I appreciate everyone taking the time to share.
  20. Sorry to hear this! I am 14 days post-op and am getting in all of my Vitamins, fluids, and Protein plus walking (not at the gym yet--hoping to start that after my post-op appt today). I gained 18 lbs of Fluid in the hospital and took it off within a few days, and within a few more days I lost about 10 lbs. Now for at least 5 days, the scale hasn't moved. I am being patient with my body because I figure it's trying to get to an equilibrium. If I recall correctly, I think you lost a lot immediately post-op, so maybe your body is catching up, too? When you were in the hospital (sorry to hear this--glad you are okay), did they give you IV fluids by any chance? That could cause some temporary fluid gain. Also, anytime your body has an inflammatory response, it can cause some temporary weight gain too. I am quickly learning that patience is a virtue but it's so much easier said than done! Good luck!! Let's stay in touch since our surgery dates are so similar. Sending you good thoughts!!
  21. TES

    Lovenox Shots

    I only have a couple more Lovenox shots to go (2-week post-op regimen) and I'm so happy. I find for me they sting a little but I just don't like doing it, and to top it off, the drug is made from porcine intestines and I'm a vegetarian. I tried to see if there was an alternate and there wasn't anything FDA-approved that could be substituted. I needed to follow doctor's orders and I didn't want a blood clot. Difficult decision after being a vegetarian most of my adult life. The nurse who showed me how to do the shots said to do them in your "love handles." Below the belly button and in fatty tissue in that lower abdominal area (I think it would hurt directly in the stomach). She had me squeeze a pinch of fat gently and put the shot in there. Make sure that you aren't doing the safety part of the needle until you pull the needle out (where the needle retracts again before disposal). My husband retracted the needle once while it was still in my belly and that was the only time I would say it really "hurt." Hang in there...this too shall pass! And it's a lot better than getting a blood clot! Take care.
  22. Any ideas for vegetarian (true vegetarian, no fish) puree foods? I have a few saved from eggface's site--looking for some others. Thanks!
  23. This is my first post but I have been reading the forum for a few weeks and it has been very helpful! Many thanks to everyone who has shared their stories and advice. I had VSG on Feb. 5th. I didn't have to do a formal liquid pre-op diet but was on a calorie-controlled diet for 6 months beforehand. I lost about 16 pounds during that time (partly from Fluid loss from a steroid regimen right before I started). While in the hospital, I gained 18 lbs (!!) in fluid. That came off within a few days post op and I've lost another 10 pounds since then. So my 12-day post op loss is 10 pounds, which seems a little slower than others I have seen (even though I shouldn't compare, it's difficult not to), especially because I have a higher BMI. But honestly, I'm very happy with that rate given how long it took to lose pre-surgery. I also am hypothyroid, which can affect the rate of weight loss. My surgeon requires 2 weeks post op of full liquids (Protein shakes, broth and liquids only--no refried Beans or yogurt like some other full liquid diets), then four days of "thin puree" (thinned out/blenderized oatmeal with peaches--consistency of applesauce, for example), and then purees. So I will be on purees in a week and am looking forward to that. The full liquid stage hasn't been bad though. I've been getting in most of my protein with Protein powder mixed into diet hot chocolate bc it is a bit easier to drink warmer temp beverages. I've been doing Water, diluted G2, hot tea, diluted crystal lite, an occasional SF popsicle, and veggie broth for liquids. I haven't had any issues with severe nausea or vomiting. Once I got through the very uncomfortable second day after surgery (my surgeon doesn't allow any liquid until after the leak test, so you feel pretty awful and dehydrated that day--I understand why he does it though), my pain/discomfort has been pretty manageable. I started taking pain meds at night only after about day 4, and then I was completely off of them within 6 or 7 days. I had incisional pain around days four to six, but it quickly passed. Haven't been bending over a lot, but I noticed today that's a little easier. I started working (I have a desk job) within about five days of my surgery. I found that I was fine to sit at my computer and type, but I just didn't have the mental focus for complex mental tasks. Although I haven't had physical hunger, I had that weak/difficult to concentrate/easily frustrated feeling you get when you skip meals or have low blood sugar. I seem to have overcome that as of yesterday and feel as if I can handle close to my normal workload. I'm assuming this is normal? Maybe this is why surgeons usually recommend you wait at least 2 to 3 weeks to go back to work even for sedentary jobs (plus getting used to the supplement/fluid routine--etc.). I have a few questions and would appreciate any insights that anyone has: * I have been a vegetarian most of my adult life (20+ years) and plan to continue with that now. Are there any resources for ideas for pureed food, mushies, or any other stages? I have been thinking about pureeing bean or lentil Soups and adding some unflavored protein powder, pureeing homemade or Morninstar veggie chili, maybe the insides of a tofu pot pie? I have eggface's ricotta bake on my list too. I relied a lot on Morningstar "patties" (vegetarian Breakfast sausage-like patties) for low-carb protein pre-op, and I had just discovered the veggie hot dogs too. I don't want to eat a ton of processed foods but these two seem to do well with my body. Do I have to wait until I'm on a full diet (6 weeks) to eat these? * At what stage can you usually start eating string cheese and Laughing Cow type soft cheese? (I will double-check with my nutritionist but curious about others). * Will check with PA/exercise physiologist, but when did others go back to swimming or water aerobics? What about the exercise bike? (I use the regular, not the recumbent). * If you had an abdominal binder, how long did you wear it? I am still wearing mine. Not sure if I still need it, but I think it's giving me a psychological sense of security. * My surgeon says that the amount of protein that you take in during the first 2 weeks affects whether you will have a lot of hair loss a few months later. Has anyone else heard this before? I've been doing pretty well, getting 40 to 60 g of protein a day plus about 64 oz of fluid. One day when I was catching up on rest I didn't get in enough fluid, and I paid for it that day and night with severe foot cramps. Learned my lesson quickly. Apologies that this intro post ended up being so long, and thank you if you have read this far! Many thanks, -TES
  24. I would say take it as a personal challenge to prove to yourself that you can do it! After the surgery, you don't have the option to cheat because you could experience serious medical consequences. I would think of it that way even though you aren't sleeved yet. Good luck!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
