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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. I am almost 6 weeks out from my surgery. I had a birthday yesterday and had a wonderful time. I did not miss the birthday cake at all! On Friday, my mom had a dinner and she asked if there was anything special that I would like, like she always does. I sent her a recipe for a low-fat eggplant ricotta bake, and it was delicious! In fact, many family members who could have had much carbier/less healthful dishes also on the menu, opted to have my special dish as well. After dinner, we played a rousing game of Catchphrase--way better than fattening dessert! My mom also gave me an ice cream maker. I made my version of Eggface's chocolate Peanut Butter Protein "ice cream" today and it was sooo good. The ingredients were soy milk, chocolate Protein powder, white chocolate SF syrup, and powdered/defatted peanut butter (JustGreatStuff--an organic version of PB2). It was just as good, if not better, than traditional ice cream, and nutritionally, it was the same as a Protein shake (I ate 3.5 ounces as a meal and have another serving left over). I felt like I was eating a giant Reese's cup--but with 15 g of protein and about 125 calories. Today my husband got carryout Mexican food and I enjoyed some delicious refried Beans with fresh salsa, cheese and Greek yogurt (I am a vegetarian--they were lard-free). I have enough refried beans left over to get me thru several more meals. My husband usually works weekends but took yesterday and today off and we had a great time just spending time together. He bought me a huge bouquet of my favorite flowers, daffodils. Yesterday, we got a lot of shopping and a lot of walking in. Tomorrow I'm going to officially start back with my Water aerobics classes (I had to wait 6 weeks to restart any type of formal exercise class, though I have been walking). I truly did not miss anything this year--not even a fancy dinner out or birthday cake. I feel lucky to have had VSG and I really enjoyed my time with loved ones this weekend. Here's to new traditions and a new, healthier way of life! Note: here is a photo of the ice cream. It looks like a huge portion but it's 3.5 ounces in a teeny tiny dessert dish that I bought at an auction many years ago. I always wished I had a use for it and now I do!
  2. peach and raspberry--sounds tasty!
  3. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    I found a really good SF maple syrup that is low in carbs and calories. It's called Carey's. I'm going to try that, along with some chipotle as you recommend, in my next batch of vegetarian chili, PotterGirl! Thanks for the great ideas.
  4. The main reason you aren't supposed to drink after eating is because you won't feel full for as long--the Fluid washes the food thru your little stomach.
  5. TES

    I'm famous!

    Laura, that was the before...you should see him now!
  6. TES

    RIP livesaveremt

    This is truly heart-breaking. Wishing comfort to his friends and family. One thing we don't know is if the blood clot was a result of the surgery or something that could have happened regardless. A lot of times if someone has atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), this can happen spontaeously. At the same time, I wonder if his doctor had him on Lovenox shots after surgery. My surgeon requires them for 2 weeks for anyone with a BMI of 50 or greater. Again, so very said for this terrible loss, especially at such a young age. I applaud his courage for doing something that was meant to improve his health. Dying from obesity-related complications would be tragic as well.
  7. TES

    I'm famous!

    It was a great article!
  8. I found this out by accident (by googling things like average weight lost first month, slow loser, metabolically efficient, hypothyroid, etc + VSG), but I found something that is really motivating when the scale is moving slowly or not at all. Go to a forum from a year or two ago and look at people's posts about how slowly the scale is moving or how they feel like they will never lose or they are a slow loser. If they have a dynamic ticker that updates all of their posts as it changes (rather than a static weight record in text), you will see how much weight they have lost since they made the post! So someone might say, "I think something is wrong with me--I only lost 10 lbs my first month post op," or, "The scale hasn't moved in 4 weeks--I wish I hadn't gotten this surgery"--you can see in their ticker 10 months or 18 months later that they have lost 80 pounds, 100 pounds, 120 pounds--etc. It is very motivating because you realize that you aren't the only one encountering those issues or having these thoughts, but eventually the weight DOES come off if you are doing the right things. Note: I'm not sure if this happens with the posts on this site..I happened to see it on a subsite of OH.
  9. TES

    Hot Yoga kicked my butt!

    Good for you, Bunny! that's awesome!!
  10. My surgeon doesn't place limitations on stairs when you get home. You just have to be very careful and take the stairs slowly of course, because a fall at this point would not be good (not good anytime, but you don't want to rip out any stitches, etc.).
  11. TES

    Popsicles ?!

    My surgeon likes to hear bowel sounds before you are discharged (well it's not like he really enjoys the sounds personally, but you know what I mean--he wants the nurses to confirm that your bowels are starting to do what they are supposed to do). But you don't necessarily have to go beforehand.
  12. TES

    Popsicles ?!

    congrats on your surgery! itching is a common side effect of narcotics--I had it too.
  13. Sharon, I love chocolate splendor! I bought a whole container of their other chocolate formula and a sample pack of chocolate splendor and so glad that I did. My next full container will be of that flavor. It tastes so decadent.
  14. TES


    Laura, I'm very sorry to hear about your parathyroid diagnosis. sending you positive thoughts. I'm not sure where you live, but Cleveland Clinic has a specialty in treating PTH issues if you need a second opinion, etc.
  15. TES

    they want me to what?!

    Make sure you are taking deep breaths (from deep in your abdomen) even when you aren't using the breathing thingy. It helps a lot. You definitely don't want pneumonia, so I would try to comply with your directions if you can. Even gentle coughing.
  16. TES

    "Head Hunger"

    Eventually you can use Flat-out lites and make little mini pizzas! although I know that's not really what you were asking....
  17. The Morningstar products are good (vegetarian protein). I like the breakfast patties (like sausage patties) for 10 g of protein and 80 calories, plus they are tasty--and the "meal starters" (also Morningstar) vegetarian meatballs. Also, fat-free crumbled feta cheese is a good source of protein, though it's a bit high in sodium so I don't eat it every day (same with fat-free cheese). I like greek yogurt with chocolate protein powder and splenda mixed into it. Or PB2, the dry peanut butter. Tastes like peanut butter or chocolate mousse....
  18. Do you have desk jobs or physical jobs? I think that makes a big difference. Also, for at least the first few weeks, you may find you don't have a lot of stamina--so I think working two jobs might be a bit of a challenge. I only took about 4 days off (and was answering work emails within a couple of hours of surgery)--because I have a desk job and work at home. However, I was sort of wishing I had taken at least a week off and more like two. I was really sleepy and stamina was low. Part of it is the liquid diet and just recuperating from the surgery. And you need time for yourself to walk, get in your fluids, etc. I am now 5 weeks out and just started feeling more like myself. The PA at my surgeon's office always says you really won't feel normal for at least 6 weeks. But if you don't have complications, I would think 2 to 3 weeks from both jobs would be plenty, if you have desk type jobs.
  19. Paul, congrats on your sleeve! I feel your pain. I gained 18 lbs from IV fluid and swelling in the hospital. That came off within about 6 or 7 days. Then in the following days, I lost several more pounds of real weight, which was great. It was crazy when the fluid started coming off--I would weigh myself in the morning and again in the afternoon and lost a few pounds in between. If only that would happen with "real" weight! LOL. I did feel so much better getting that fluid out of my body. Not a good feeling. Don't worry it will start happening for you soon. Then just be prepared for the ubiquitous 3-week (or 2-week or 4-week) stall. Good luck!!!
  20. Cipro (broad-spectrum antibiotic) crushed up in light applesauce is perhaps the most vile thing that I have ever tasted. On the bright side, it caused me to drink about half a gallon of Water and Propel, though the taste is still there. I'm 5 weeks out and I'm supposed to crush my meds for 6 weeks, but I'm going to call my surgeon's office and ask if I can advance sooner. Cipro pills are huge, so maybe I can even cut it in half or quarters or something. I found out that I have a UTI (which I'm not prone to at all), probably caused by the cathether at the hospital. Since I've also been having kidney issues, which may or may not be related, I really want to knock this out.
  21. I cut the Cipro with a knife into three pieces tonight (they are huge--will get a pill splitter tomorrow) and it worked a lot better. Took it with some SF Hawaiian punch to hide the taste. Much, much better. Thanks for all of the great advice, everyone! Love VST and the helpful, supportive people here!
  22. TES

    spontaneous hurl.

    did you toast the sandwich thin really well? My surgeon's plan lets you try bread at 6 weeks but it needs to be thin and very, very well toasted. My RD told me that one lady kept trying to eat Flat-outs and was getting sick until she started cooking them first. I'm not really craving bread so I'm not going to go there, though I want to try it again eventually just to see if I can tolerate it. But it will definitely be toasted. Sorry this happened to you--that has to be a very yucky feeling!
  23. TES

    No sugar added popsicles

    I would treat yourself to the popsicles once you get your water in, or at least alternate--1 popsicle, 1 glass of water etc. I was going to ask how you have time to eat, not eat or drink for set amounts of time before/after meals, eat all those popsicles, AND get your Fluid in! Plus sleep....LOL. And walk. But they are liquid and they are low-cal, which is great. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
