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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. I believe that is true about the BMR if the extra weight is due to lean muscle mass. Not sure about having more weight due to adipose tissue (aka fat). It's bc muscle burns more calories even when at rest, so when a muscular person exercises, they burn even more than someone with less lean muscle mass.
  2. TES

    Tad bit perplexed

    Do you mean when people talk about slider foods, drinking with meals, etc.? Sometimes I think that info is shared to tell people *not* to do it if they want to be successful...but I could see it being used for self-sabotage in some cases.
  3. SpaceDust, thanks for sharing. Curious: what are you basing that statement on--your own experience, clinical studies that you have read, something your surgeon or PCP said, etc.? I do hear it said so much, but was surprised when my RD said that it is not true in the patients she sees (except for the men with lots of muscle mass who have a higher BMR). I am just wondering if it's one of those things that is repeated so often that we start to believe that it's true when the data aren't necessarily there to back it up....
  4. I feel like I could have written so much of your post! It helps to know we are not alone. And congratulations on your 46 pounds, gone forever! Hopefully it helps to think about how that is 30lbs more than pre-surgery in the same time frame, and you will keep it off forever! But I feel you on the slow rate of loss and how it's so difficult to lose and easy to gain. Sometimes when others say that they lose really easily but gain really easily, I think--I would take that! lol. It's better than losing slowly and gaining easily!
  5. Maybe the weather will be good enough for a nice walk! :-)
  6. I'm glad that you've come to a decision that brings you peace. That is all you really can ask for. You have to do what is right for you. Wishing you the best of luck.
  7. TES

    highmark bcbs

    What is your BMI, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. Who here has enjoyed the NSV of closet-shopping? I tried on some coats and suits that I had purchased on clearance a while back as "mini-goal" clothes and they fit great! They all still had the tags on them. They were great deals (like an Anne Klein suit coat and a pretty winter coat that makes me glad we still have snow here, actually). When I bought them, it seemed like just a dream that I might be able to wear them someday. I lost 20 lbs during a 6-month pre-op period and 20 lbs (as of today) since my VSG in early Feb. I am thinking for a couple of the better pieces, when I lose more I might actually get them tailored so I can wear a while longer. Has anyone else done this? What fun outfits have you found lately in your own closet?
  9. Hurray! Congratulations, Bunny!
  10. So inspirational--congratulations !!
  11. TES

    Today is the DAY!

    Sending positive thoughts! I'm sure that everything will go great! The anticipation is the worst part. Soon that will be behind you and you will be on your journey to a new, healthier life.
  12. Love all the lace inlay stuff this season--great find in your closet...and the price was right! The white pants sound great too!
  13. Definitely...that is a very good problem to have! congratulations!!
  14. Try different temperatures of water--warm drinks may go down more easily than cold ones. or even room temp water. Try for at least 40 oz of water but get more if you can--68 ounces or more. You might want to try little disposable shot glasses and drink 1 ounce as frequently as you can. I also never really liked G2 or Propel before my surgery but came to like them during clear liquids. Sometimes better if you dilute them. Does your doctor want you to get in protein, too, like Isopure clear?
  15. TES

    highmark bcbs

    Like Brandy, I was approved quickly too once I finished the requirements--1 day! Some people don't have the 6-month requirement but it seems like their approval process takes forever. I liked how it worked out for me with this process.
  16. TES

    highmark bcbs

    I have Highmark BCBS and had to do the 6-month pre-op medical appt's and supervised diet. At first I was a little disappointed to learn of the requirement, but in the end it really ended up being a good thing. I felt really prepared and mentally ready once my surgery date arrived. I also lost close to 20 lbs on the pre-op diet so got a good jump start. Even though I feel like I lose a lot more slowly than others with the sleeve, looking at the rate of loss pre-op on a supervised diet and exercise plan vs post-op, it makes me very happy about having the sleeve as a tool. Hang in there--the time will go quickly! Just don't miss any appt's in a given calendar month, or you will have to start over! So I always tried to make my appt's at the beginning of the month, so if I or my dr or RD needed to reschedule, there would be some more time to get on the schedule books before the month was over. Good luck!
  17. Actually getting in protein as early on as you can after surgery is very important, according to my surgeon. He says that the biggest reason for hair loss later on is not getting enough protein the first 2 weeks. Protein is essential to the healing process. Also, protein shakes/powders are very bio-available, so your body does not need to do much to break it down (that's actually why Protein shakes are discouraged vs solid food protein sources later on, according to my medical team). My surgeon does encourage Fluid first and then protein during the first couple of weeks bc fluid is so essential, but protein is important too. This is just my experience based on my surgeon's advice--everyone is different! But I wanted to share another perspective.
  18. The most important things I did were increasing my water and protein. I am a vegetarian and was eating plenty of healthful fruits and veggies but some days I was probably getting 20-30 go of protein. I started logging my food and getting 60-80 g of protein, which naturally made me eat fewer carbs too. I would say getting in the habit of logging your food intake is really important too.
  19. I was just thinking how some people I know have questioned my going on vacation to Mexico! To resort towns like Cancun and Cabo, which are totally safe. They aren't border towns known for drug violence, and I am always safe/smart when I travel. I think there are a lot of misperceptions both about Mexico (which is a lovely country with lovely people) and this surgery.
  20. TES

    6 months since surgery

    You look great! Is your BMI in normal range now? How do you feel?
  21. Well, that was some great aversion therapy, but I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this! Hope you feel better very soon.
  22. How much have you lost so far?
  23. PS--do you have an incentive spirometer or pickle to do breathing exercises? Definitely use that 10x/hour (not all at once--as my surgeon says, "that's hyperventilating"). It definitely will help. The breathing issues were one of my major discomforts after surgery. Felt like I couldn't take a full breath, and made it harder to walk, but I forced myself. The respiratory therapist and nurse told me to concentrate on taking deep breaths from my abdomen even when not using the breathing devices. Also, make sure your bed isn't reclined too much when you are in bed, bc that can affect your breathing too.

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