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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. TES

    10 week post op appointments

    Congratulations, LifetimeLoser! That's wonderful!
  2. btw at 5 foot 3, "only" being 30 lbs overweight isn't meaningless--it can actually put someone in the "obese" category based on the BMI tables.
  3. Might be a nice time for a moderator to jump in. I don't think it's appropriate for someone who hasn't even had VSG (and who isn't planning on it) who is in attack mode against people who had the surgery to be allowed to continue posting here. Since I started this thread--which did start as super positive and was meant for support--I felt it was appropriate that I report momto6ix when she started spewing her hatred and ignorance. However, that was about a week ago, and I have not received a response. It's one thing to disagree, but if someone wants to come here and take out her relationship problems on others, I really don't think that it's fair, nor is it the goal of a WLS support site. I would encourage others who are disturbed by these rants to report her as well. I'm sure the moderators are busy--and I appreciate that they offer this site. Perhaps that will get their attention.
  4. what don't you like about it? I've tried so many Protein powders and it's my fav so far. Plus it's medical grade--very bioavailable.
  5. I'm a vegetarian. Sleeved 9 weeks ago. doing great! no issues getting protein in. Lots of beans, tofu, soy products, whey protein, Greek yogurt, tempeh, low-fat cheese, etc.
  6. You might want to try it without the milk. I put it in hot water with diet hot chocolate mix and it's sooo good. It's also really good in Greek yogurt.
  7. If you drink mostly high protein low carb normally, the bars might have knocked you out of ketosis. If you do something like that Atkins induction phase, it will probably put you back in ketosis and knock out the hungries. Be sure to get in all of your protein and water.
  8. TES


    I've never had a restriction put on coffee drinking by my surgeon, and he's super conservative. I really rely on it to help keep things moving....
  9. TES

    Second Thoughts

    No issues for them to do the surgery when you are on your period. Many people get it immediately post op anyhow...
  10. TES

    10 week post op appointments

    How much have you lost in 10 weeks, if you don't mind me asking?
  11. TES

    10 week post op appointments

    I'll be interested to see how you do this week, b/c my RD actually recommends alternating higher and lower calorie days. Your body wants to be in homeostatis and the alternating calorie days can help shock it into weight loss. this is sort of the principle of the Mosley diet that is so popular right now.
  12. TES

    Vitamix blender

    yes. I think they have a knock-off model as well but I have seen the Vitamix demos there. I seriously bought like 3 different $100 blenders before I bought my Vitamix (I think it's around $400) and it was sooo worth it. Wish I would have just bought it to start and skipped the $100 ones. I've had it about 12 years and use it regularly--never had an issue. Really helped get me thru the puree stage and it's awesome for Protein shakes, or making a SF slushee, etc. It makes good Soup and salsa too.
  13. TES

    Vitamix blender

    love love love love love my Vitamix! It is not an extraction type juicer. The vitamix means you eat the good fiber (which we really need now). it pulverizes anything, especially ice. Best kitchen gadget investment I've ever made.
  14. TES

    Protein Pancakes

    I've done one with flax, egg whites, and cottage cheese--high protein, low carb. Very good.
  15. btw technically peanuts are a legume, but I'm considering them a nut for the purposes of my surgeon's rules on when to advance to specific foods.
  16. Nuts and seeds are the last thing that my surgeon allows--at 4 months out. He allows veggie seeds at 6 weeks, but not pumpkin, sunflower, etc. These foods can get caught in the staple line if not chewed adequately, and he's pretty conservative (low complication rate as a result). He does allow peanut butter at around 4 weeks, though my RD doesn't really recommend it because it's primarily fat, not protein. I use PB2 or JustGreatStuff, the powdered peanut butters. They taste really good in a protein shake or in Greek yogurt. You can get them online or at Vitamin Shoppe and some whole food type grocery stores (Whole Foods, Earth Fare, etc.). It has occurred to me what the difference is between chewing a whole nut thoroughly and eating a nut butter, but I am very rules-oriented...LOL.
  17. That's great! You should get in the protein however you can. have you tried adding unflavored to soup or yogurt?
  18. 36 pounds in 9 weeks is 4 pounds a week--so I would not say that is super slow! In fact, it is probably above average. Congrats!!!!!
  19. This is just on the OTC product--it has to do with FDA labeling. It has to be a prescription product to use for over 2 weeks, bc there's an expectation that you will be under a dr's care if you have an issue that requires ongoing therapy with a PPI. You have mentioned on other threads that you feel hungry a lot--sometimes stomach acid can cause this. My surgeon requires all pt's to be on a PPI for 4 months following surgery and then you do step-down therapy where they try to titrate you off. It's fine if you need to stay on, but they titrate you off if you don't need it at that point.
  20. TES

    But i dont wanna!

    Jumping in here...went to undergrad in Columbia, MO, and traveled to lots of other parts of MO...great state!
  21. TES

    Full liquids- an excerpt from my food diary

    This was a good idea--thanks for sharing! One caveat is that all surgeons define full liquids differently. Mine did not allow SF pudding, yogurt or cream of wheat during full liquids. We could only have the yogurt and thinned cream of wheat on purees. SF pudding was never allowed, though I'm sure since I'm on a full diet now, I could probably have it with some protein powder? I usually just do Greek yogurt instead though.
  22. TES

    24 hours after surgery

    I was so so miserable the 2nd day! I wouldn't have even been able to get on VST and post, so you are doing better than I was. You will feel exponentially better within a couple of days, and incredible in a couple of weeks. It's totally worth it! I had a problem urinating and knowing when to urinate after they took out my cathether but then the sensation came back. Took about a day. hang in there and get prepared for your wonderful new post-sleeve life!!
  23. TES

    Emotions of defeat?

    Are you still on liquids? You won't feel restriction from your sleeve until you are on solids or at least purees. hang in there...the first few weeks are tough, but totally worth it. Congratulations on 20 lbs gone forever!
  24. This is exactly what I was going to say!
  25. good to know, FeedyourEye--unfortunately, mushrooms are the one vegetable (or more aptly, fungus) I just can't eat. People think it's weird since so many vegetarians love mushrooms--but I just can't do it...not even the portabellos. However, this is super-interesting, and I am going to tell my husband, who loves mushrooms. Thanks!

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