LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by tumonbug
Dont feel bad about your decision, i have a very large family, friend, and co worker circle, but i only had the support of my hubby, two daughters and mom, because i didnt want anyone else to know, my own dad thought i was having gall bladder surgery, thats what everyone thought, i thought i was smooth sailing, in and out of hospital and i would go back to work after a two weeks vacation and no one would know anything, except i was starting a new diet, well, so much for my plan, i got infection at my main port site, bad, and after two weeks off and still going to have to wait another two weeks, finally, i decided to tell all, the infection was due to a four inch disolvable stitch inside me that my body rejected as a foreign object and it didnt surface till the 4th week and i was lucky, my incision was healing from inside out and it pushed it to surface and the doctor finally found it, at first, we just thought i had an simple infection and due to me being diabetic, i was healing very slow, but thank God we got it out and i am recovering now, but , after telling my friends and co workers, i was so relieved, and i couldnt believe the amount of support that i got from everyone, and i think that i should of known all along that everyone would of supported me, but when you are over weight for so long, we tend to forget about support from others, cause i know from my own experience, my support was always from food, so for me, i am glad for my short term struggle with infection, because it made me open up to everyone and now they are there to help me, sorry to ramble on for so long, but just wanted to let you know, you are not alone with your feelings and i think you will find that your friends are gonna understand, take care and God Bless us all, debbie
:help:has anyone else experienced this, my main opening isnt healing as fast as it should, i am three weeks out this wednesday and i still have two holes at my fill site, i have been back to the doctors office once and to er once per doctor because he was out of town, first time he put silver nitrate and antibotic on me and had me on antibotics, waited for a week and thats when i was back in er, yesterday, saw a doctor and surgeon, the surgeon call my regular doctor and says im healing from inside out, and even though i do have infection, its coming out, but i have like two 1/4-1/2 inch openings still, kinda scares me , they say the only difference is i will have a bigger scar, which that doesnt bother me, i would just like to heal shut, still have to change wound three times a day and keep antibotic on them, and still on another set of antibotics, just wondering if anyone else went through anything like this and if so, how long did it take you do finally close and heal, ..............congratulations on all of the new banders and good luck.:clap2:...............debbie
hi all banders banded on 23rd, when to post op visit with doctor yesterday, 20 pounds down:clap2:, yipee, also for those of you out there having trouble around your port, mine isnt infected, but bra rubbed against it and dr. said to put polyporin with gauze bandage when wearing bra, and when not, let it have air and keep clean and dry, hope this helps:), my biggest problem is still the unjury, makes everything i have taste terrible, i just cant get it, my taste buds picks it up over all other tastes, and it seems to thicken my soups and drinks, is that normal:confused:, but other than that i am doing great and dont regret anything, im not back to exercising really good yet, but i started this long journey because i needed to lose weight due to the fact i have a bad back with four deteriorating discs which prevented me from exercising, so hopefully after some of the weight loss, i can get going with a good exercise program, so as always, all banders , hang in there, things only get better:),and your all in my thoughts and prayers...........debbie
Victoriana hi, just wanted to let you know, i came from a home with my dad being a preacher, we had a little country church, one room, no bathroom, but full of the "spirit of the Lord", you sound like you are really grieving for your little doggy, im so sorry to hear about him/her, but i just want to share this with you, my dad prays for everything, everyone and anything, no matter how small or big it may seem, i have seen him pray for his animals, inparticular, one that should of been dead probally 5 years befor it did pass away, but he kept on going and going, we thought that dog turned into the energizer bunny, even the vet told dad there was nothing else he could do for the dog, also, my dad has also prayed for cars to run when they wouldnt, surprisingly, they would start, and my dad has no mechanically skills, i have seen him pray for the Lord to provide food because we was almost out and payday was severals days away, and what do you know, there at the door, (usually that day), was someone with either groceries or money to give my dad, and keep in mind, our one room church, we werent a rich church, mostly older people on fixed incomes or young couples just beginning out, and my dad didnt take money for housing, there was no parsonage, so what little bit of money our church had coming in, went out for utilities,(gas and electric), and my dad ususlly had to add to it to meet ends for the church, but it wasnt a problem, so praying for things that might seem out of the ordinary to some, are just normal to others, so we will keep your little doggy in prayer and hope for the best, sorry to ramble so long, but God's been good to me and my family, and i like to share things with others..........take care.............debbie
<p>hi nume130</p> <p> </p> <p>just wanted to let you know, i have a wonderful doctor in west virginia, the cost for self pay is just under 17000.00, i know you would have to add air fare with that, but i just wanted to let you know about him, he originally came here from california, has been doing this for a long time, he does all of the by-pass surgeries and i searched for a long time, before i picked him, i live in ohio, and our state has very good surgeons also practicing this procedure, and i have alot of friends that have went to ohio state and other local hospitals that are also good, but after seminars and visits with my dr. and praying , i felt that god had lead me to him, and i have to tell you, i had a wonderful experience, even though some days after, i cried and thought i made the wrong decision, it was only me and my emotions, i am one week and one day out of surgery, and i would do it again, just wanted to share this with you, will keep you in my prayers.......debbie</p> <p> </p> <p>Banded 5/23/2007</p> <p>Dr. Nease, Huntington, WVA</p>
Hi all banders Today is a whole week since my surgery, and i made it,:clap2: and finally my pain in my shoulder and neck had decreased greatly, instead of pain now, just discomfort and not really that bad, i go friday for my first dr. appt. and wondering how my weight will be, hope i lost a couple of lbs.....im really having a problem with my protein though, i just cant stomach the powder, only thing i can tolerate is carnation instant with protein added and i have tried some trial packets of other powders, just cant do it, gives me hiccups and that reflux thingy, anyone out there hear anything about a liquid protein that is being sold now and you can buy them like 12 bottles of tubes to pack and each tube has 42 grams of protein in it, so possibly could get by with a tube a day with other protein foods, if so and you have used it, how does it do, im assuming all you would do is have to drink 1/2 of tube because your body would only absorbe that much, it sounds easy, of course, anything that sounds easy, usually isnt, just wondering.........good luck all new banders this week, your in our thoughts and prayers......... Banded: 5/23/2007 Dr. Nease, Huntington, WVA
happy memorial day to all banders im so excited, last night when i left my last posting, kinda depressed, thought like i just didnt know if i made the right choice or not, but Praise The Lord, i went to bed approx. 11:00, and last night was my first full night of sleeping, also, when i got up today, and only you banders will appreciate this, but i had a great BM, im just so happy, and yesterday my family was going to NOT have bbq today because they didnt want to have one with me being around all of my favorite foods and knowing that i couldnt have any of it, but i told them, its not all about me, i appreciate their thoughts and know they love me, but you know what, i love them too, and i will make it through the bbq and enjoy spending time with my family, so we are having that darn bbq, and i will just sip my drinks and think im having my burnt hotdogs with bbq beans and mac. salad, sounds good to me, i still have my lump in my throat/chest area, and little sore around some of my incisions, but today is a new day and WE ALL CAN MAKE IT, lets just all hang in there together, and when we get depressed, come to this site and read from our sisters and brother banders and know that we are not alone and we are getting stronger day by day, you are all in my prayers, deb
NimbleBean, im so sorry, must of been the drugs when i found this site and started posting, my date was the 23rd, when i was banded, also, along with R. Kidder, i am having a really bad time with the lump from my throat down through my chest, i am really trying hard with this, and its my biggest problem and the only time i feel good is when i am laying down and it seems to go away, but i cant lay all the time, im still just doing clear liquids, im afraid to try anything else, and i hear others that were banded on or after my date doing so good, (and i am so proud of all of us), but i just feel awful every day due to this clump in my chest and throat, anyone have any answers or has experienced this and if so, what to do for it, i want you all to know that i am keeping you all in my prayers everyday, and that even though some of us are slower than others, just think, in the end we are all going to be accomplishing the same thing, and then we can be here for the support of all are new banders in the future............
gas is hurting me really bad, i was banded may 23, and i noticed alot of the banders have used gas-x, but my dr. never mentioned it, how often did you take it and i was wondering if it would hurt to go ahead and use it since my dr. is out of office till tuesday to ask, also, my incisions just over night swelled some, only three of them, but enough to scare me, any others out there ever have this happen, and i still cant get any protein, the shakes taste awful, and make me want to throw up, and if i put it into food, thats my frist taste, and makes me not want to eat. any suggestions, thanks, good luck all banders....................
pam, you are in our prayers and just believe that God will come through, and it might be in a manner that we dont even understand, but , all things are possible with God. so hang in there and know that we are praying for you, God Bless you.......
where do u get those tubes of protein and yogurt i remember reading about them a while back and there were lots of good reviews on it
Best Liquid Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes
tumonbug replied to Evilah's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
our nutritionist told us not boost or insure -- anyone know why we neglected to ask her -- im just 2 days out now and haaaving rough time with the ujury -- really nasty-- anything better than that -
i just got banded on the 23rd and i cant keep alot down, im not for sure if its good or bad, everytime i eat jello or have broth it seems like it goes down ok, but then, it seems to come back up and lay in my neck, i know, sounds crazy, but thats how it feels, any others had this, i also have a hard time getting the protein i need , any suggestions, thanks...............
thank you for this thread, i believe that this was my time and God's plan, other wise i would of had it done two years ago when my insurance approved it for gastric bypass, but i was also scared and i thought it was something i could do on my own, and i also have the biggest fear of surgery, more than anyone i know, (especially if it's something that isn't medically necessary), however, i prayed about this, in the last two years, my insurance company changed and after appeals with them, the new insurance company said no, it wasnt covered in their policy and i had no way around it, so my hubby took his retirement and said to go ahead with it, it took me some time to feel comfortable about this, but after praying with God and realizing that this is "medically" necessary, i went through with it, and may 23rd, i had it done, with God by my side, I wasnt as nervous as i was before and he brought me through safe and sound.
hi all, i just got banded on the 23rd, still kinda sore on a couple of spots, that glue is surprizing, does anyone have any fear of their belly pulling on the incisions, i have the bottom belly fat and i worry about it pulling, i wear my belly belt most of the time, im really excited about this site and i love hearing about everyones experiences, im not as energetic as some of you, i dont think i could of drove home today from anywhere, but i hope it all comes back, still dealing with some breathing, my deep inhales sometimes feel painful, but i hope its just from surgery, good luck to all of the may banders........ Banded: May 23, 2007 :clap2: Dr. Blain Nease, Cabell Huntington Hospital, WVA Highest Wt: 357 Join me in the Phentramin support group!
legster, i think you are right, i'm just new at all this and everything kinda scares me, even though i know that there isn't anything to be scared of, but i am glad to hear you are glued also, i am the type of person that i have to take my mom or someone else to listen because i forget so easy and i still haven't gotter the nerve to look at my incisions yet, my aunt just looked and she thinks they look good, one is kinda swelled, but i figure that is just from surgery, but thanks for your feedback, i appreciate it....
:help: hi, i just got banded the 25th, i'm soooooo happy:clap2: and looking forward to a new me, however, how about the pain and how long does it last, i'm afraid i'm going to rip apart while trying to get into and out of bed, (i'm glued back together, not stitched,) of course, i'm afraid of the whole thing, my family and friends had bets on me whether or not i would go through with it, only because they know that i fear surgeries, which is normal, but any thoughts on time healing and getting back to everyday life i would appreciate, and i do know that everyone is different, but just wanting some feedback, i have high hopes, also, on banding, i didnt think we had to have all of the protein that gastric has to had, did anyone else think that way, hope to hear from you all