I have been blessed to have support from my mother, father and sister. The people that really matter in my life understand my struggles and my decision to have this procedure done. I do have this one co-worker who says she has a relative who had WLS surgery and is now extremely unhappy and thinks that she's fat when she's skinny. I told her, "your relative needs to go back to the psychiatrist she went to before the procedure. I will never understand people who won't do something because it went bad for someone they know. I lead not follow. I would rather do something about my health before I get high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. Funny thing is my "co-worker", her husband and kids are all obese. Her smallest child is 7 and is very obese for her age. If WLS surgery is not for you.. fine, but don't discourage other people from doing what they need to do to live a happier life.