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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ignats639

  1. ignats639

    Getting ready.. TODAY IS MY DAY!

    Good luck! Let us know when you are done!
  2. ignats639

    March sleevers anyone?

    Hi Rick. I'm march 20. I'm right there with everyone on the nervous thing BUT I also think I'm more excited than I'm nervous. My husband is diabetic so the dietary change for me will benefit him as well. If, through me, I can help get him off his meds, then this will be a double win for me. You and I and all of us will be strong through this and, we too, will soon be saying that this was the best decision we have made. Be strong, my brother!
  3. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    Hi! My date is march 20. I'm from Long Island NY and ready for a new life!!! My doctor is dr John angstadt from st Charles hospital. He was the head of bariatric surgery prior to coming to ny and I think he's fantastic!
  4. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    I've been spending some time looking at the before and after pictures. All I find myself doing when I look at them is SMILING!! everyone looks so happy! Whenever I start to get those butterflies, I think of those pictures and it takes away all my jitters. These pics are incredible!
  5. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    couldnt have said that one better!!!!
  6. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    Bang!! He's dead!! lol Look at it this way - this is for your health - what is better than being off the meds and finally getting healthy - we all know that some meds cause OTHER issues right? Besides, your kids need you there in a healthy way for the long haul. I have had similar thoughts - i think we all second guess ourselves -- and i believe its HEALTHY to second guess such a big step - you wouldn't want to be carelessly making decisions like this right!? But at the end of the day, you know this is the right decision. When i told my husband that i wanted to do this, he said "ok but i think its a little extreme". My response was "i think its more extreme to sit back and not do anything about this - i have been struggling since forever, my grandmother had diabetes...what am i waiting for? A life of living with a sleeve of pills every day and doctor visits"? Its time.......
  7. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

  8. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    Holy Cow! I am so proud of you for going right back at them! How terrible of them to be that way. Do they honestly think that people who seek out this surgery just do it because they have nothing better to do? Dont they think for one second that our doctors have our best interest in mind and that they would be the first ones to tell us we dont need the surgery if they truly felt that way? After going through all the hoops myself, i saw with my own eyes that there are guidelines and specifics that need to be met in order to have this surgery. Sure, some people will say that some doctors can be shady, but i honestly dont believe that - they dont want malpractice suites either! UHC really needs to re-think that the heck they are doing. My tentative date is the week after you (the 20th) - would love to hear how you are doing!! Laura
  9. this is what really makes me smile -- get off those meds! That's the best part of the journey! Getting healthier! So proud of you!!
  10. yeah!!!!!! amazing - i could only hope for the same for all of us!!! That's great!
  11. congrats - i am sooo excited for you!
  12. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    krissj - sooo happy for you!!!! keep us posted!
  13. ignats639

    Any March Sleevers?

    lol i can't stand liquid diets but, for this, i will make it happen. I already know i will be using MetRx, which i happen to LOVE the taste of. All i can say is c'mon March 6 for me too - i need to get it scheduled - we will be doing it together possibly!!?
  14. ignats639

    How to handle critics?

    believe me, there are so many people i want to tell because i just know this can help them, but i can tell they wont be supportive. They are very happy buying their meal supplements and entertaining their yo-yo diet - always posting on facebook that they are starting something new "again" - and nothing ever changes. They are the same size, just frustrated Like you said "betraying the overweight community"..... i think its a real thing, as funny as that first sounded to me. I dont criticize them for what they choose to do - its their decision. Mine is to just enjoy watching them all freak out as i start to evaporate!! lol
  15. Ardis - thats great! Congrats! I hope to be saying the same soon!!
  16. im setting my mind that it wont be as bad as i think - yeah, stomach soreness of course, but i really do have a high tolerance for pain and i do recouperate pretty quickly. I'll be sure to post when i get to that point. Mind set is everything!!

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