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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ribearty

  1. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I was going to ride today and the carrier had a flat tire so by the time it was fixed, it started to get dark. I did do two rides in yesterday and am up to 82.8. However the big news is I GOT VERBAL APPROVAL TODAY FROM THE INSURANCE CO. Now all I need is the written letter, then figure out when is the best time to leave work for a while. Butter and Laura, I told you both that when I got approved, I would be shouting it in the forum and everyone would know. I will get my miles in the before the month end and hope to pass 100.
  2. Approved verbally be ins. co. Now to get the written letter.

  3. ribearty

    Parathyroid tumor.

    Good luck. My sister had one of her parathyroid glands removed a long time ago. I have had elevated levels before and then normal ones. I had a test performed, but don't remember what it was called. I remember they injected something radio active into me and then check to see if it was glowing. Good luck with your surgery.
  4. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I got in 8.5 miles so far for a total of 76.1 miles. Going out again tonight and tomorrow. Should get in another 15 or 16 miles. It is much harder with the grand kids in the carrier to go for long distance and a better work out. The two of them together plus the carrier is about 80 extra pounds.
  5. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    New bikes are exciting. Get a good pair of riding shorts to go along with your new ride I keep adding things to my bike. Next year I plan on getting custom wheels.
  6. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    Come on Laura, we will do this together. I have 32 miles to go or about that. We're supposed to have great weather here this week, and I have no deployments scheduled in the evening. I have had my grandchildren from Friday through Sunday and Monday evening. I went out a bought a bike trailer so I could ride and take them along. You can do it too. I like your new profile picture also. Tonight sunset was at 7 p.m. so the days are getting shorter. After end of October I will only be able to ride on the weekend since I will be dark by the time I get home from work.
  7. The insurance criteria is determined by the contract your employer negotiates with the insurance company. I have UHC and my employer goes through Optima for bariatric services but another person I know has UHC and they do not use Optima and she had different criteria to meet than I do. Good luck with your journey.
  8. ribearty

    6 months doc diet.....start!

    My surgeon's office also conducts nutrition classes that qualify for the six month diet. If you are going to use Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, check with your insurance company first, some accept them and some don't. I have UHC and they have different criteria for different employers. Mine will accept Jenny or Weight Watchers as long as you can produce the booklet with the weekly stamps or proof that you attended during the required time period. My insurance also requires that the same method of diet is used for the entire six month period. Good luck. My doctor submitted my claim early to the insurance company due to lap band intolerance and I am waiting to hear if they will approve this request. I should know within the next two weeks. If not, I am using this time to examine my eating habits and work on making better choices the next time a trigger occurs.
  9. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    Laura, I am behind where I had hoped to be also. This "job" thing keeps getting in the way. I shouldn't have any more late night/early morning calls for the remainder of this month. Fiddle, I thought by now you would be at "150 or higher". LOL. Everyone is doing great, keep up the good work.
  10. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I got in 17.6 miles today for a total of 67.6 miles. I will be able to finish the month up riding.
  11. No bike ridng for 6 weeks or until 10/20. :-(

  12. I like to be informed about the choice I am making for my sleeve gastrectomy surgery. I wanted to start this thread to list videos that are of the actual surgery itself narrated by the surgeon or other medical professional. There are some surgeries videos on You Tube and also webcasts. I felt this was helpful to me and might also be to others. Some of the links listed are the entire surgery while others are portions of the surgery. http://www.lapsf.com/live-sleeve-gastrectomy-surgery/ http://www.orlive.com/halifaxhealth/videos/weighing-the-options-gastric-sleeve-surgery http://www.or-live.com/vanderbilt/2320/event/rnh.cfm? http://orlive.com/search?CRITERIA=sleeve%2520gastrectomy&SEARCHOPERATOR=any&SORTORDER=rank&LCOLLECTIONS='>http://orlive.com/search?CRITERIA=sleeve%2520gastrectomy&SEARCHOPERATOR=any&SORTORDER=rank&LCOLLECTIONS= http://videocenter.shawneemission.org/videos/weight-loss-surgery-gastric-sleeve This link will allow you to watch different types of surgery after you search for the criteria. http://orlive.com/ There are several other sites out there. Please feel free to add on to this list.
  13. ribearty

    Lap band removed to have sleeve

    My doc is planning on removing the band and performing the sleeve in one operation. My band was unfilled on 8/5. I worry about the amount of scar tissue present also. My case has been submitted to the ins. co. early due to band complications. If they deny me, I will finish up the 6 month med supervised diet on 12/2 and then be approved for surgery in December or early in 2014. Hoping for a December surgery since I have met all my deductibles for this year. Good luck to you with your upcoming surgery.
  14. Gamegirl too funny, we both posted the same thread. Great minds think alike.
  15. Here is another thread talking about people with lower BMIs http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/80717-lightweights-in-the-house-any-more-people-with-less-to-loseless-bmis/page__st__300#entry972227 I am starting this journey out with a BMI of 35. My insurance co. requires a six month med supervised diet.. My doctor has submitted my claims asking that they waive this criteria due to lap band complications. Good luck to both of you on your weight loss journey.
  16. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I rode 8.4 miles tonight which brings my total to exactly 50 miles. That "job" thing got in the way. I will need to wrap up my miles by Sunday. I just spoke to my doctor, and after my surgery on Monday I won't be able to ride for six weeks. If I do not finish my 100 miles riding, I will have to finish it by walking.
  17. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I rode 14.2 miles tonight, popped my chain off (put it back on) and saw 4 deer. I now have a total of 41.6 miles leaving 58.4 miles remaining. I am waiting to hear from my doctor to see how long I will be out after a surgical procedure on Monday. Not my sleeve :-( I may have to switch over to walking if I don't finish by Sunday. Now hope the weather holds it has made it so much more enjoyable. Thank you so much for starting this thread. Near the end of September, we will have to set up an October challenge.
  18. I want to ride my bicycle.

  19. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    I rode 14.8 miles tonight for a total of 27.4 leaving 73.6 miles left for my 100.
  20. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    Try cardio tracker it keeps track of distance walked, incline, calories burned. I know it is available for Android platform but nor sure if available for iPhone. It also will tracks cycling as well but I have never used it for spin class. Welcome to the forum and the 100 mile challenge. This will be a great challenge for me since I have not had my surgery yet and have not been as active as I used to be so this will force the issue.
  21. ribearty

    100 mile challenge

    So far for today I have in 12.6 miles. Not the 20 I was hoping for, but the day is still young.
  22. ribearty


    Laura, glad you're not hurt too bad. Wait until you switch to a road bike and start riding clipped in. There is a learning curve. I fell on day two and rolled in a ditch and didn't clip out. My ankle to this day still acts up sometimes. It was 101 yesterday and felt like 98 today. Shooting for 20 miles in the a.m. tomorrow.
  23. Talked to Saffi, she is doing well.

  24. Three day weekend. Enjoy.

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